Chapter 6: Danny’s Fate

Chapter 6: Danny's Fate


Danny was the first to break.

After that night in the field, he stopped coming to school. Stopped answering our texts.

At first, we thought he just needed space.

But then, Amy got a call from his mom.

Danny was *missing*.

No note. No signs of forced entry. His bedroom window was wide open, curtains swaying in the cold night air.

Just *gone*.

Mike clenched his fists. "We need to find him."

I swallowed hard. "We already know where he is."

None of us wanted to say it.

But we all knew.

Danny had gone back to the field.


It was nearly midnight when we arrived.

The field loomed before us, taller than ever, the corn twisting in unnatural ways. The wind howled, but the stalks didn't move.

Like the whole place was *holding its breath*.

"Danny!" Amy shouted.



A voice.

A whisper.

*"Help me."*

Amy grabbed my arm. "That's him."

Mike gritted his teeth. "We have to hurry."

We pushed forward, the corn closing in around us. The deeper we went, the colder it got.

And then—

We found him.


Danny stood in the center of the field.

His back to us. Motionless.

Like a puppet with its strings cut.

Amy ran toward him. "Danny!"

No response.

She grabbed his shoulder—

And he *turned*.

My stomach *dropped*.

His eyes were *gone*.

Just two gaping, black voids.

His face twisted into a grin—*the Watcher's grin*.

Mike gagged. "What the—"

Danny's mouth opened—*too wide*.

*"He sees you now."*

And then—

He *lunged*.


We barely had time to react.

Danny tackled Amy, knocking her into the dirt. His fingers wrapped around her throat.

She *screamed*.

I grabbed him, yanking him back. His skin was *cold*. His body twitched unnaturally, like something was *inside* him, controlling him.

Mike swung his flashlight—smashing it into Danny's temple.

Danny *staggered*.

But he didn't fall.

He just turned his head, that empty, *hollow* grin stretching wider.

*"Too late."*

The corn *whispered*.

The ground *shook*.

And then—

Danny's body *collapsed*.

Like a puppet with its strings cut.


Amy gasped for breath, clutching her throat. "Is he…?"

Mike knelt beside him.

Checked his pulse.

His face went pale.

"He's gone."

A lump formed in my throat.


Not like this.

Not *Danny*.

I dropped to my knees, grabbing his shirt. "Danny! Wake up, man! Wake up!"


His body was still warm, but I knew—

He wasn't *in there* anymore.

A scream built in my chest. I clenched my fists, slamming them into the dirt.

"We need to go," Amy whispered. "*Now*."

I shook my head. "We can't just *leave him*."

Mike's jaw tightened. "He's not coming back, Jack."

I knew he was right.

But it didn't make it hurt any less.


We ran.

Bursting out of the field, gasping for breath.

I didn't look back.


The moment we hit the road, Amy collapsed to her knees, sobbing. Mike just stood there, fists clenched, breathing hard.

None of us spoke.

There was nothing to say.

Danny was gone.

And the Watcher was still out there.


