Chapter Three

The sight of the Royal Palace gates sent a chill down my spine, colder than the wind blowing. Four years ago, I stood in front of these gates utterly defeated and destroyed. Although I am now far from that person I was, the memories of that moment and many more experiences came like a fresh wound on my heart that refused to heal.

I tightened my grip on my bag, as my gaze fell to the large picture of Grandfather hanging on the entrance. Even in this picture, his warm smile still shone brightly, causing my eyes to sting as tears threatened to fall.

But I won't let them fall. Not here, not now.

"Miss, are you alright? Whose guest are you?" The guard asked sharply, and I jolted out of my thoughts to see his skeptical gaze on my long gown and veiled face.

"I'm a guest of the Sultan" I replied as firmly as I could, and the man beside him burst out in laughter.

I clenched my fist tightly, forcing myself to be calm. Of course they would not recognize me, even back then the people in this Palace did not as well. I was nothing more than a ghost here, someone they managed to erase.

"Please inform the Sultan that Miss Ana is here" I said, my voice unwavering and they only exchanged glances of disbelief with each other.

"Miss Ana or whatever you call yourself" the second guard began "If you're truly his guest, call him yourself. Otherwise stop wasting our time"

I swallowed the lump on my throat as I pulled out my phone, the sting of their dismissal hitting me. Ignoring the missed calls from Derek, I called Darian and he answered. 

"Ana, where are you? You said you'd come, and the funeral is about to start" he asked anxiously, and I glanced at guards who were now watching in amusement, as if waiting for my embarrassment.

"I've been here for a while Sultan" I replied coldly. "But your guards seem to think I am unfit to attend your Grandfather's funeral"

Before he could respond, I ended the call, unwilling to hear whatever apology or excuse he had to offer. None of this matters to me, I only needed to say my final goodbye to Grandfather Faizal. 

Everything else was noise.

Moments later, the gates opened to reveal Darian standing with a thunderous expression. The guards eyes widened in surprise, and they immediately straightened their posture as they trembled.

"What is this? Who denied her entry? Is this how you treat a guest?" Darian interrogated, each word laced with anger.

Before they could respond, Darian barked at his security team to throw them in the punishment cell and find replacements immediately. They were dragged away, and I stepped inside. At the sight of the beautifully decorated courtyard and Grandfather's favorite jasmine and marigold flowers, my stomach churned and I forced the tears back once again.


At my side, I could feel Darian's gaze boring into me and I turned to him. His face was drawn in sympathy which caused me to bristle as I did not need any sympathy from him.

"Sultan, please lead me to where Grandfather is" I said, keeping my voice even.

"But Zara, it's been a while since you left-"

"Ana, not Zara, Sultan" I cut off, his continuous disrespect grating on me.

That name 'Zara' is being buried with Grandfather today, as I am not that woman anymore. Besides, I am not keen on seeing anything or anyone that reminds me of my past.

"I only came for his funeral, Nothing else." I stated, my tone firm and Darian's jaw tightened.

He nodded, leading me to the funeral hall. The mood was subdued, but on entering with the Darian a few glances of confusion were thrown at me but they returned to normal. While he moved ahead to sit with his family, I stood at the back of the hall, folding my hands tightly into the smooth fabric of my gown.

Grandfather Faizal's body laid in the center of the room, draped in white and surrounded by flowers as the prayers began. He looked peaceful, and a part of me felt grateful that he got an escape from this family, as none of them deserved him. More than that, my heart tore into a million pieces at the realization that this is the last time I would see him. My whole body weighed me down, as even at this moment I could not go to him because of his family members.

"It is enough that I came here to see you, Grandfather. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you " I whispered, letting the tears fall freely now.

The prayers concluded, and mourners began emptying the hall as the body was to leave for cremation. I watched as the female members of Darian's family wailed uncontrollably, while the male members had to lead them out through a door by their side. Darian was the last to leave, holding his mother who shed no tears as I expected. She never liked Grandfather Faizal.

 Once the hall was empty I approached where he laid, and my knees gave out as I knelt by his body. 

"Goodbye Grandfather, I will never forget you " I whispered, lifting my veil to see him clearly as a lone tear fell.

As I grabbed his cold hand, my heart burned with regret. The weight of grief pressed on me, but I willed myself to be strong. Grandfather deserved my strength, not my weakness.

As I placed his hand back, I heard the sound of footsteps and it made me tense. I immediately knew it was.

"Ana, you should not be alone" Darian's voice echoed softly in the hall, and I immediately dried my tears and covered my face. It was time to leave.

As I stood up and brushed past him, he grabbed my hand. I turned to see something flicker in his dark eyes, something that looked dangerously close to regret.

"Ana-" he said softly, and I forced my hand out of his, glaring at him from beneath my veil.

"Sultan, I made myself quite clear before coming. I will only attend the funeral and leave"

"If this is a ploy to make me stay, then don't bother" I said, unwilling to continue the conversation.

"Yes I know, Ana" he said, "But I felt that you should meet my family and clarify some unresolved issues between us as well" 

I stared at him, my mind reeling at his statement. 

"Meet your family?" I laughed bitterly, trembling with anger. "You must be joking, Sultan."

"No I am not joking Ana." Darian responded quietly, looking in my eyes as if I should see his sincerity.

"Ana, I want to make things right between us. I am really sorry Ana" he said, looking at me earnestly moving closer to me.

"And your family, your fiancée Maya, do they share this sentiment with you?" I asked hotly. "Does the whole of Akhar share this sentiment with you, Sultan?"

"I was humiliated publicly for a crime I was wrongfully accused, and I was thrown out. Now, because you have mumbled a quiet apology in this hall you expect me to be happy with it?" I questioned, and he stood silently unable to speak.

I walked away from him, unwilling to be in his presence one more second. On getting to the door, I stopped once again.

"The only thing I want from you is a traditional separation ceremony, in front of your family, the court members and the whole nation. I want it to be publicly known that I have no relationship with you, your family and this land ever again."