Where am I? The place looks like the arena, but colder—empty, no audience, no guards, no opponents. Yet, Kai sees something in the center. He approaches... Suddenly, he throws himself to the ground, cradling Kirvan's lifeless head in his arms, tears streaming down his face. He has known him for less than an hour, knows nothing about him, yet his death feels like the greatest tragedy he has ever experienced.
He feels the ground give way beneath his feet. The dome collapses onto them, and the floor does the same. He falls, still holding Kirvan's body, into a bottomless abyss.
Kai's eyes snap open. The light blinds him, and even squinting, he can't make out where he is. Around him, voices murmur, mixed with the incessant beeping of machines. His arm hurts so much it feels like it's being torn from his body. He is confused. The last thing he remembers is the image of his long fall, rocked by his sorrow. His arm throbs, the pain unbearable, bringing tears to his eyes.
Where am I? What am I doing here?
His vision slowly clears, allowing him to make out a face.
"Kai... Kai? Can you hear me?"
The voice is anxious, fearful—he can feel it. It sounds familiar, but he can't quite recognize it. As his vision sharpens, he sees his mother, crying.
"What were you thinking, idiot?! Fighting in the arena against bloodthirsty colossi! You fainted as soon as you left the arena!"
Kai starts to understand, though he remains confused. Is that boy who intrigues me so much really dead?
"Mama, I needed money..."
"Enough to go fight gladiators? What could possibly cost you so much?"
"I have to take the Tram, to cross the planet and reach the other side of the city."
"But why?"
"It was Corvian's last wish..."
Naelis, who had been standing behind his mother, steps forward, moistening her lips as she searches for the right words. She throws a quick glance at Kai, filled with relief to see him alive, but also tension, as if unsure of what to say. After a moment, she gently places a hand on his mother's shoulder.
"My brother and I have family there, that's why Kai and I are going... for his funeral..."
She lowers her head. Even though what she just said isn't true, her tears are real.
They speak in hushed tones, so much so that Kai struggles to hear them. Naelis can't tell the truth. This place isn't safe. There are cameras and hidden microphones everywhere. His mother turns to Naelis and pulls her into a hug.
"Oh, my poor girl..."
Kai takes the opportunity to look around. It's a standard infirmary. The bright white LED panels on the ceiling illuminate a room filled with patient beds and an array of medical equipment. He sits up.
"Son, would you mind if Naelis and I go get some coffee?" his mother asks.
"No, don't worry."
"Do you want anything?" Naelis asks.
"Just a can of Omnicola, please."
"Okay, we'll get that for you."
They exit through the back door, leaving the infirmary silent, making it feel even smaller, more oppressive. Kai turns his head to the bed beside him and notices someone lying there. He slowly gets up, his limbs still unsteady, making it difficult to move. Using the wall for support, he manages to reach the bed.
The person lying there has a massive diagonal wound, stretching from the upper left of his torso to his right hip. He turns his head toward Kai, who can't stop a tear from falling. His gaze is locked onto Kirvan, lying in bed, his chest mutilated.
A long silence follows—too long. They stare into each other's eyes, neither knowing what to say. Kirvan finally breaks the silence with a smirk.
"Took you long enough."
Kai blinks, caught off guard. What does he mean by that? How so? Was he waiting for me?
"What do you mean?"
Kai can't help but blush slightly just from talking to him.
"Nothing, I was just wondering when you'd wake up."
A fresh wave of pain shoots through Kai's arm. His body convulses in an involuntary spasm, and he falls backward, landing at the foot of Kirvan's bed. Kirvan reacts.
"You sure you're okay? That bandage is huge, and during the fight... honestly, it was rough to watch."
Kirvan furrows his brows slightly. His tone, light at first, becomes more serious, almost protective.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It just hurts when I move it. What about you? Your torso looks pretty bad too."
Kai can't help but glance at Kirvan's abs, his eyes tracing the wound.
Kirvan blushes and quickly crosses his arms over his stomach.
"It's just a scratch. But don't worry, the arena provides synthetic reconstruction for the winners."
Kai is intrigued—he's never heard that term before.
"What's synthetic reconstruction?"
"You really entered the arena as a total tourist!" Kirvan chuckles.
Kai blushes even more, and Kirvan continues.
"Basically, they replace everything that got damaged in the fight—muscles, bones, tendons, anything functional. But they don't fix cosmetic things. They'll close your wound, but you'll have a big scar."
Kai is skeptical. Would the government really offer such an expensive operation?
"And the government just gives us this?"
"Yeah, it's part of the winner's reward—along with the possessions of the losers and physical restoration. Otherwise, why would people risk their lives fighting?"
"I needed money to go to Utawa. For my friend Corvian's funeral."
Kai wants to tell Kirvan the truth—the owl, the rebellion, Utawa, 19 Korga—but he doesn't know him well enough. And the place is monitored by the Golden Soldiers. It's too dangerous.
Kirvan's eyes light up as he struggles to sit up.
"I'm going to Utawa too. For Corvian as well! You knew him?"
Kai is more confused than ever. Kirvan knew Corvian? He can't believe it, but Kirvan's reaction seems completely natural.
"Yeah, he was my best friend."
"Well then, we'll go to Utawa together."
Both boys blush. Kai, intrigued, asks,
"But that's strange... He never mentioned you to me."
Kirvan leans in and whispers,
"That's normal. I'll explain everything in a safer place."
Then, the speakers crackle to life, announcing:
"Kirvan Uvuta, the medical team will now take you for synthetic reconstruction."
Kirvan looks at Kai with a bright smile, his teeth gleaming.
"See you outside, Kai."
Kai stands up as robots arrive to place Kirvan on a stretcher, carrying him away into another room.
He returns to his bed, careful not to move his injured arm too much, fearing another wave of unbearable pain. Now alone in the vast room, he is left with only his thoughts. What are my mother and Naelis doing? They've only been gone five minutes...
But Kirvan... I find him even more intriguing. How did Corvian know him? And why did Kirvan say he'd explain everything? Explain what? What's their secret?
He spends the next ten minutes thinking about Kirvan until his mother and Naelis return.
"So, my son, here's your soda," his mother says, handing him a purple can.
"Thanks, Mom."
Naelis glances at Kirvan's now-empty bed.
"He went for synthetic reconstruction?"
"Yeah, about ten minutes ago."
Kai blushes just thinking about him. Naelis notices and smirks—she has known for years that Kai saw boys... differently. But his mother doesn't notice anything.
Then, the speakers crackle again.
"Kai Cortanaa, the medical team will now take you for synthetic reconstruction."
That was fast.
"We have to go, my son. And I need to head home—so much laundry to do. Are you leaving tonight?"
Naelis answers yes as Kai is placed on a stretcher. His mother kisses his forehead.
"See you later, my child. I'll call you as soon as I can. I love you!"
Kai doesn't even have time to reply before he is taken into the operating room.