, I had the worst attention span and understanding them was the hardest thing ever. So candy crush was the only game I was good at. I completed one stage and before I could go to the next one I heard the door open, and it was the miss, I didn't even know her name, she had two sandwiches along with two classes of juice, on a tray of course. She placed them on the bed and asked me to eat with her, I couldn't even complain about eating a sandwich before bed since I ate cereal before bed at my place. We then ate in silence and as we were done she took the plates away as I got in bed. And by the time she returned I was already curled up with one of her pillows since I didn't have my teddy bear with me. She got in bed, took out her iPad and told me that she would be busy with a script before bed, well I was unemployed at the moment so I had the time in the whole world. I closed my eyes to sleep. And by the time I woke up, I found myself all alone in bed, there was a note near my pillow, I took it and read it and it said " I have to audition for a role today, see yourself out, " that's what the note said. She didn't even say good bye or morning. I was kinda annoyed but you can never expect a lot from one time stuff. So I got out off bed and wore my clothes, took my bag and saw my self out. I met up with a lady in the living room, she seemed like a maid, the uniform said a lot really, I greeted her and left the place. I requested an Uber and as soon as it arrived I went to my place. I was renting a flat, it wasn't that fancy but quite expensive. By the time I got back I found at ghost my door, not really a ghost, it was my best friend from highschool, the only girl I've never had a crush on. Well she was actually married and had a child, I believe it's a boy. I just don't do follow ups on other people's lives but the child sometimes looked like a boy and sometimes a girl so I couldn't tell. It wasn't even a year old so that's why. Back to my friend, her name is Becky by the way, she was just there for no reason, maybe she had a fight with her husband like she always did and I had to fix the issue as if I caused it. As I approached her I realised that she wasn't angry so she didn't have a fight with her husband. I opened the door for her and she went in my apartment before greeting me, she went straight to my refrigerator and took out some food, well she put them in there so she had every right to do so. She then invited me to my own living room, and there she turned on a series. I'm not a series person but she wanted me to watch it since she loved the cast blah blah,so I was forced to watch with her.As we were halfway through the episode I saw a very familiar face, yep, the face I was with last night. I forgot to breath for a while and Becky noticed. She asked me if I found the lady on the screen attractive but little did she know I was in bed with her.
At that moment
Angie- What's her name?
Becky - Naomi, she is my favourite in this series, she is good at acting, she's just not getting the recognition she deserves,
Angie-She is that good?
Becky - Yes, I've already watched every series she's been on, I'm a big fan of hers, why did you ask about her, did she captivate you too, I bet she did, I've heard she was kinda bi or something,I'm not sure,
Angie - Naomi, um I happened to meet her last night that's all,
Becky - You met her, impossible,
Said my friend as she laughed at me as if I was crazy. But I wasn't lying, I did spend the night with that Naomi she likes so much but it didn't really matter because she totally forgot about me already. We watched the episode till it ended, and then we watched another one till we were both tired. This lady seemed to forget that she had a child that needed her attention, maybe it's because her husband worked from home. So they both took turns when it came to taking care of the child. As we were done watching the series, we just sat on the couches, watching the ceiling and then Becky decided to disturb our quiet time by asking me if I wanted to go to Naomi's meet and greet, she said the cast were promoting the recent series and she wanted me to go with her because her husband wouldn't allow it if she was alone. It was at the end of the weak and I had no plans so I agreed to go with her. As the day went to an end she left and I went on to make something to eat, as I was done cooking I went to eat and that's when I got a call from mom, she is the one who always called me. I hardly call anyone at home. Being an only child I believe they expected me to be clingy but I was the opposite, I preferred being on my own. But my mom would always call me asking if I had something to eat, or money left for food. Even at my age, she still gave me money for food and stuff I needed. She understood me like no other, even my father did that sometimes but he wasn't that much of a spender on me since I refused to be the daughter he dreamed of having. Apart from achieving the no pregnancy in their house thing, I even refused to date the men he introduced me to saying they were of the same class as us, why would I when I loved women. He hated that idea about me and I would proudly say he cut me off. It's only my mom whom was still there for me, and like always,I told her I really didn't want to bother her, for heaven's sake and I could take care of myself just fine. Although I wasn't working I knew I would find a job very soon. After the call with my mom I went to take a shower and as I was done I went to sleep.