Chapter 2, The Defence of Achios.

Lili was born within the ruins of a war torn world in the outer colonies. She didn't know why the rebellion had started there, or what had happened, but by the time she was 4 the Empire had come with their battle fleets and began a 6 year bombardment of the planet.

She couldn't remember when it had happened exactly, but at some point food had become extremely scarce. Everyone was hungry and she did her best to crawl within the ruins of the city in search of something to eat within the collapsed buildings of the city.

But one day when she had gone to find food within an old store, and found it there. She had then quickly returned back to her parents only to find them not being there anymore.

For a long time she sat under the shadows of the ruined skyscrapers of the city, and there she called out to her mother and father time and time again. But nobody answered, she was abandoned and alone there within the darkness of the dead city.

However within the dark she did find a light then, not within the city or the cloud sky, but within herself. She was young then but she could feel it there next to her heart, a ball of pure white light, it was her core of being, or that's what it felt like.

It gave her warmth and kept her healthy, and the closer she became to it the more these effects increased. And eventually she could push it out of herself and even make seeds sprout and grow strong. She could even with some effort turn normal stones to pure white crystals of light.

The crystals broke easily at first, but with time and the more energy she poured within them, the stronger they got. And under the stones light she found that plants would grow, heat would come from them as well and her wounds would heal thanks to them.

And later she learned that she could control these stones to heal what she wanted, heat or cool what she wanted, and even the strength of their light could be controlled.

She could make many of them, strong or weak, and they acted like little suns, under which she created a small garden within the collapsed underground metro, and there she survived.

For a time she forgot the feeling of the sun upon her skin, or what it even looked like. The bombardment outside was going on and so she never went out there, besides everyone and everything was dead so there wasn't anything to see on the surface anyway.

Lili didn't know how much time passed for her in the underground, but eventually like everything it came to an end. The Imperial ground forces had finally come to clean out whatever resistance remained on the planet, which as far as she knew there was none.

That's when she was found by the Sargent, who after seeing her light stones didn't kill her, but took her with him instead. So she joined the Imperial army under the Sargent unofficially.

In the ruins they stayed for a time, searching the undergrounds for any other signs of life. But there was none and so her time finally came to an end there.

The Sargent made her keep her powers a secret and taught her many basic things about life, and the military. She was their little mascot and medic.

It wasn't easy, the Sargent wasn't kind, but he and his men were the only people she knew so she figured it was just how people were. Still she didn't complain and merely followed orders like a good girl.

Until then after only spending a year within the fleet she was dragged along the Sargent to the agricultural world of Achios. It was a world totally different from the one she knew.

On Achios there were fertile green fields for as far as the eye could see. Its farm lands fed countless billions around the Empire, but now the rebels had begun causing problems there. Oh if only they would have known that they were getting themselves into back then.


Now a year had passed, and the world of Achios just like her own home world was dead. The planet had been swept by an infection so virulent that it spread by merely hearing the whales of the dead, the Empire called it the Weeping Pox.

Manuals described the zombies that the sickness created as smiling zombies with horns and protrusions all around their bodies. But it did not do justice to the true horror of the plague.

Lili swore that if she ever got off of Achios, she would update the manuals. Even now she could hear their plague song within the distance passed the thundering of the gums behind her.

Right now the Capital city of Achios was surrounded by the hordes of the infected that were coming their way. 6 tall Citadel's of pure steel and filled with gun batteries overlooked the gray Wasteland that surrounded the city.

Before the Citadels were three lines of defences, one tall wall of stone was right under the high citadel, and from the wall ramps led to the second stone wall where Lili stood guard, and before her under the wall was a trench line. And every line of defences had lots of barbed wire, heavy guns, soldiers of whom most were conscripts like she basically was, and the wasteland was covered by mines.

Behind the citadels within the city were the heavy artillery batteries that's guns were thundering as they fired into the distant wasteland,. from where the infected were coming from.

Dusting off her gray coat, helmet and gas mask, Lili looked at her Harkon patterned Lazrifle that she barely knew how to use. Though the bayonet she did know how to use, and there within its reflection she could see her poor little figure.

Lili felt so lost, she couldn't understand why it had come to this. Why did she have to come to this place, why were they all quarantined on this planet now?

Oh, if only she could have stayed within the underground where it was peaceful. Instead now she stood side to side with these men all dressed in gray, as they faced their near certain deaths here.

Shaking her head Lili tried to distract herself from the plague song in the distance, and the thundering of the heavy artillery guns, by reviewing the course of the infection within her mind.

It always started with pustules, green, and extremely itchy. Sometimes due to people scratching them these burst and spread the sickness, and then later on confusion set in. The infected acted delirious not knowing where they were or how they got there. And soon came sepsis, the victim's body went into shock as the virus overwhelmed them.

Then came calcification, their very bones sprouted out from their skins in monstrous horns. Hands mutated into savage claws or mere spikes incapable of complex manipulation. About all they could do now was hold a blunt object and swing, if even that. 

Muscular degeneration was next, the infected's facial muscles permanently contracted into a permanent sickening smile, as their lips rotted away. Then a kind of rigor mortis set in, their bodies became stiffer and harder making their bodies hard enough to become more resilient to blunt force trauma.

Then finally as the near-dead victim rose, the only words that then came out from their desiccated throats, was the plague song. They used it to find other infected, drawing to the tune, as they formed massive hordes.

Lili shuddered as she remembered when those kids at the playground had turned. They attacked her savagely, all while chanting that damn song. She would not forget the terrified looks in their eyes, she swore that she could see them somewhere in there, begging for deliverance. But they merely smiled at her like some raving animals hungering for her flesh.

She would never forgive herself for not having been able to save them before the Sargent had put Lasbolts through their little skulls. Still the memory of them and all the others was enough to keep her sane. She would not let herself fall under this infection, never.

Though the same could not be said about the others, especially the regular conscripts of the regiment, that's sanity and will to live was questionable now. Everyone was starving and everyone knew that there was not much hope anymore.

The horde was in visual distance now, kicking up dust as they slowly ambled across the ash waste uncaring of the heavy explosions in their backlines.

Adjusting her Tactical Headset that made it a bit hard for her to hear, Lili shuddered as she suddenly heard the Commissars words, as he yelled loudly right behind her.

"Company ready!"

Lili frowned, she would have very much liked to take the damn uncomfortable thing off, however if she loosened her headset too much she feared becoming one of them, a gibbering, slathering, grotesque Zombies.

Even now through her Headset, she could hear them just a kilometer away in the distance. Their voices were a low raw of laughter, screams, coughs and wheezes, worst of all was the singing. Through rotten vocal cords and pus-filled lungs the horde sung the same toon, over, and over again, the song of the damned.

"Join our song, sing along, celebrate our sickness. Through our bile, we will smile. One and all bear witness, to our unifying sickness."

A few of the conscripts seeing and hearing the zombies now seemingly just couldn't take it anymore. They panicked, madness seemingly over took them as some of them ripped off their gas masks, put their side arms within their mouths and blew out their brains, while others hurled themselves off of the battlements to their deaths, while others fell to their knees in madden laughter and began chanting out that song.

Commissar Galdor and the company though were quick to cut them all down with their bayonets. In horror Lili watched this familiar sight that she had seen many times before, soldiers cutting, stabbing and tossing crazed men off of the battlements.

By now many of the men were so hardened by all the violence that they seemingly didn't even care that their bayonets were now stained with the blood of their former comrades.

Commissar Galdor also showed no remorse as he turned towards the hordes in the distance and cried out louder than Lili had ever heard any other man do.

"Praise the Emperor that he has delivered us to this place, so that we may slaughter these foul beasts in his name! We do the Emperor's work brother's? Even now he watches us, and by the manner of our deaths will we be judged! So let us be washed into his holy embrace by the blood of these Mutans!"

The horde was already in the 500 meter range from the first defence line, as the order then finally. 

"Company ready!"

All took up firing positions. The horde as if sensing the coming danger, then broke into what could almost pass as a run. A tide of the Zombies came trampling over one another, laughing with Glee as they crushed their comrades underfoot.

Lili only stood stiffly in place watching this in fear as Commissar Galdor yelled out the final order.

"Company fire!"

Then line after line of heavy guns and Lasrifles opened up with a loud roar of fire. Smaller Lasrifle fire rounds tore small holes into the infected that fell in droves, artillery caused massive explosions rippled out amidst their vast numbers, while heavier stationary boltguns ripped zombies into shreds.

In a few moments thousands of the infected fell, but still the infected kept on coming like a never ending sea of flesh. Even when their bodies got torn apart they would continue to come as long as there heads weren't blown up or totally detached from there bodies. And within the infected there was no fear or care for their dead anyway.

Lili could see the infecteds body parts flying all around in the distance, bodies quickly piled up high enough so to form waist high walls of flesh, and yet they still kept on coming. No matter how many fell, there was seemingly always another one to take their place.

Lili just watched this all take place, until she felt Commissar Galdor's sharp eyes on the back of her head. His gaze sent shivers down her body causing her to hurriedly take out her rifle and try to begin shooting.

With shaky hands she lifted the heavy rifle up onto the battlements, and then took aim. But not only was the rifle heavy for her, but through her gas mask she couldn't really even see anything all that clearly.

She could only guess the location her shots were going to land as she then pulled the trigger and fired into the distance. Luckily shooting into the sea of zombies it was almost impossible to miss and so she kept on firing at a steady pase.

Slowly the horde grew closer and closer to the outer defense lines. Mines were already now blowing beneath their feats, ripping off their limbs and sending shrapmetal flying that cut some of the zombies hands, bodies and feet.

And as the last of the mines blew up, the horde like a wave slammed into the barbed wire and went over it with the sheer weight of numbers, until they crashed into the first trench line. Soldiers fought back in desperation with their bayonets as they were buried in the mass of rotting bodies. 

Lili could see men torn limb from limb as the zombies hacked them to pieces while laughing madly.

In their final acts of desperation, the soldiers pulled the pins on their grenades, sacrificing themselves to take out as many of the planet's former citizens as they could. Soon explosions dotted the line, as the first trench line fell. The Emperor have mercy on them, Lili thought.

Then through the loud sounds of the battle and screams she could just barely make out Commissar Galdors voice again.

"Flamers to the line! Puah them back! Don't let them get to the walls!"

The zombies had nearly slaughtered the entire first trench line, only a few pockets of resistance remained, while some zombies were already hitting the barbed wire under the second wall. Lili then saw the flamer teams rush onto the battlements, ready to burn back the zombies.

Some of the survivors of the first line desperately tried to pull back, and attempted to climb the wire and up the steep wall before the flamers unleashed their flames, but it was too late for them now. 

Zombies and the clouds of putrid gas that hung around them, along with the survivors all ignited in flames and were consumed by a roar of fire. Men and zombies flailed around wildly as they were quickly incinerated under the unbearable heat of the flames.

For a moment the horde was kept away from the wall. That was until the heavy bolt fire started. The first shot hit the promethium tank of a flamer on the wall. The soldier along with a few others who had stood too close to him all screamed as they were consumed in flames and slowly cooked alive.

Soon more rounds came flying in with loud roars, killing more flamers and all who were hit by the imprecise bolt fire, causing some to panic and falter.

The Infected weren't supposed to be able to shoot, what was happening? Who was this unseen enemy, Lili thought?

Then from amongst the horde, and out of the mist, arose a dreadful sight for Lilis sore eyes. Hulking green armoured marines, wielding a mix of old lasrifles, newer boltguns and melee weapons. Lili could immediately recognise them to be Spartans, they were the Empires finest, the elite super soldiers that were seemingly coming to answer their prayers.

Still it was hard to make out their forms as they advanced towards the defence lines. But they seemed like old Spartan ones and twos. Maybe they were remnants of the lost battle group, she thought? 

But the closer they came the more obvious it became that these were not the Spartans that she had heard about, they weren't on their side, not only were they firing at them, but there seemed to be something really off about them as well.

Still Commissar Galdor was quick to weep with joy as he said.

"Thank the throne." 

Then to her surprise she heard the Commissar tell the Spartans not to shoot at his men.

"Captain, signal the Spartans to stop their shooting! We can't have any more friendly fire Incidents! Just provide cover for them while they take up defensive positions!"

Far to her right Lili could see a captain nodding in acknowledgment until a bolt came and took off his head.The captain fell lifelessly to the ground with blood spurting out from where his head used to be.

Seeing it Lili felt her stomach turn, while Commissar Galdor seemed to turn to pure terror, seemingly having realized the true horror of the situation.

Still it was no good, soon along with the zombies the Spartans were at the wall, as they then began to climb up. Their beastly claws dug into the hard rock wall, as they began to slowly climb upwards like a swarm of ants. It seemed walls were no use here, now only the defenders gun fire could stop them.

On the right she could already see one Spartan having climbed close to the top. Turning her Lasrifle towards the infected creature Lili along with a few others tried to gun it down, but the Spartans mark one armour could not be pierced so easily. The infected Spartan merely flinched lightly under their fire, its armour merely being slowly chipped. Only to the back of its head Lili could cause a few deep enough holes to reach the creatures skull so that pus oozed out, but it wasn't enough to kill it.

Coming to the top of the wall, the Spartans claws shot out at a defender whose flak armour was easily pierced by its beastly claws that went straight through the soldiers chest. And as if the soldier weighed nothing, the Spartan tossed him off of the wall and into the mass of infected below.

Soon it pulled itself a top the wall, its own rusted Lasrifle being quick to gun down a few of the defenders mercilessly. Until finally Lili managed to fire a bolt round through the infected Spartans neck, cutting through its spine, causing the creature to stagger back and fall like a rock off of the wall.

Still more infected Spartans climbed up the wall, some using swords, knives and axes to cut down the defenders. Bodies were split in two, limbs cut off, armour was almost rendered useless before their close range weapons and physical power.

Some of the infected Spartans hands were so deformed that they couldn't even use blunt weapons to mash the defenders, instead they simply used their claws to slash at the Defenders like some beasts. Needless to say these were not the Empires finest soldiers, but true beasts.

Commissar Galdor having realised the hopelessness of the situation was quick to call upon more conscript reinforcements to the slaughter, but it was no use.

Soon whole sections of the defensive wall started to be overwhelmed by the infected. Firing his Boltpistol in desperation Commissar Galdor yelled out commands, his voice quivering in fear as the desperation of the situation set in him. 

"Damn it, don't let them onto the wall, that is an order! Hold, hold to the last, push them back damnit!"

Looking over the battlements Lili got a good look at one of the Infected Spartans as it scaled the wall with its madly laughing zombie cannon fodder climbing up behind it.

Seeing one of them up close now Lili could see just how disgusting these mutants caked in disease and flies truly were. Tentacles and horns had erupted from the Spartans once pristine armour.

It no longer even had its helmet intact, its head had bloated out of it, and now the Spartan had all too many eyes to be seen as if it were some insects. It's skin was green and rotten full of pus filled pimples, its teeth seen through its horrid smile was disgusting, while its nose was not something that resembled that of a humans nose.

Lili recoiled as one of its many eyes looked upon her, then it let out a horrendous laugh, its claws dug deep into the wall. As it then hissed out words at her as spit and slime flew out its drooling mouth where a tongue way too large for its deformed mouth could be seen. 

"I see you my little one! You can't hide from me! Come your fate awaits with Lord Pestis!"

Lili turned her Lasrifle towards it and fired, but the red energy bolt ricocheted harmlessly off its hardened skull, merely leaving a small burn mark behind. Unfaced the creature continued its ascent.

Lili shot again, this time hitting one of the creature's many eyes. The bolt went straight through its head and blew a clean hole there. Green and black blood spewed from the wound but the creature didn't stop, it merely smiled more horrendously at her.

It was almost upon her now, nonetheless, Lili didn't falter and stood her ground. Setting her Lasrifle on full auto she shot the creature several times blowing tentacles and two more eyes out. Her rifle started to glow hot, her standard issue Lasrifle was not meant for extended periods of rapid fire.

The creature was almost upon her now, and as Lili let loose another shot the creature grabbed a hold of her glowing hot Lasrifle. Its flesh made a sizzling sound as it uncaringly held onto it, and she could merely watch as it yanked her Lasrifle out of her hands, its touch seemingly rusting away her painstakingly maintained Lasrifle as it did so.

Lili shrieked and stepped back from the beast, as she looked to her sides for help. But the scene around her was mere carnage. From both sides the Zombies swarmed onto her squad mates that stabbed the zombies with their bayonets, gunned them down, as they scratched at their flack armour and tried to bite their necks off.

Behind her on the right, she could see Commissar Galdor get impaled by a Spartans hand that was but a spike, while it in return got its head blasted off by the Sargents heavy gun.

Further beyond her squad Lili could see everywhere the defenders being slaughtered, some died horrific bloody deaths, others cracked under the pressure of it all and transformed into madly laughing zombies themselves. With their respiratory masks pulled off she could see their eyes full of fear as their horrific looks of fear quickly turned to mad smiles.

No help was coming, her squad was about to be overrun, she could only face this creature that towered three heads above her by herself. It jumped off of the battlements to the hard stone floor of the wall, its weight lightly cracking the stone underneath as the creature's horrific voice spoke to her again. 

"Your tenacity is admirable, my pretty little one."

Looking up at the infected Spartans grotesque face before her, Lili saw its brains oozing out of the many holes that she had put through its head. The giant held her now rusted Lasrifle in hand as it then crushed it with horrific ease, as if it were but a plastic bottle, before then throwing it away down the battlements. Then it spoke to her again.

"Hahaha, Lord Pestis might still have use for you yet, my pretty little one. Yes your pretty little body will serve him well. Now join us, sing our song, there is no, other, choice."

Horrified by the words, Lili felt shivers run down her spine as she gritted her teeth and yelled to the creature in defiance.


"No, I will never join you! You ugly monster!"

Lili quickly jumped to the side and from there grasped a hold of a Boltpistol. Seeing the lion's head insignia on it that was encased in a shield, she could immediately recognize it as belonging to Commissar Galdor. Had he tossed the pistol there next to her on purpose, she wondered, as she turned to face the creature again.

The infected Spartan seeing her pistol immediately lunged at her, it intended to grab the pistol from her hands as it had done to her rifle, but she was quicker.

She put one bolt through its final remaining eye, as she then quickly rolled out of the creature's path. It's heavy body blindly slammed onto where she had just been at, as she while laying on the ground aimed and sent three more bolts straight into its neck, cutting the neck in two, and causing it to finally fall lifelessly to the ground. 

She wanted to cheer, but felt the Sargent suddenly yank her up, as he ordered.

"Our position is lost here! Run to the third level, run girl!"

A part of the horde as if enraged by her defiance changed their focus onto her. From her left and right a few mindless zombies came charging at her which the Sargent quickly started shooting at, as she did as the Sargent had said, and so she ran.

Running with all her might towards the barbed wire covered third wall, she then stopped finding herself unable to climb up from her current position. Turning around she found 6 zombies coming her way as the Sargent was bit and pushed to the ground in the background.

Without hesitation she lifted her Boltpistol and fired her into their number. Six of the zombies came and to her amazement were precisely gunned down by her, as she then turned her attention to the zombies attacking her squad, only to hear a clicking sound as her pistol ran dry. 

Dropping the heavy gun on the ground she started to run, to her right there was still an open ramp leading up onto the third wall, with the Citadel being after that looming over them in the background. A zombie tried to tackle her, but she expertly slid under its larger frame, as it flew over her.

To her surprise the Sargent had in his final moments instead of shooting at the zombies on top of himself, he had turned his gun on the zombies behind her as he then gunned two of them down, the zombies bodies being torn to shreds as their guts and blood painted the third wall green and black.

Climbing up the steep ramp, towards the next line of defense, she could hear the horde still right behind her. Her squad's guns had seemingly gone silent now. As their medic she should have according to the manuals stayed till her last breath, but she just couldn't do it, she, she, she just couldn't. She wasn't a soldier, she wasn't brave like they were, she was but a girl. And now she was merely an orphan again.

Her body was small, it was so weak compared to the men, and now her breathing was heavy, her vision inside the gas mask was becoming blurry as she ran up the ramp. 

She could hear the bombers flying overhead as their bombs fell onto the waste land blowing up in massive booms. Still they were nothing but small drops of water amidst the sea of the dead.

She was nearly at the top of the wall, she could see the defenders there. Their guns were ready to gun down the infected behind her, but then something powerful grabbed a hold of her head, and she was thrown back down the long slope. 

With a painful and heavy bang she fell down upon a pile of wooden ammunition crates. Her light weight surprisingly breaking them, letting their contents spill onto the ground.

Lili wheezed in pain and tried to catch her breath, the fall had knocked most of her air out of her lungs. That's when she realized the air she was breathing wasn't filtered anymore, her gas mask had been torn off by that creature that had thrown her.

In horror Lilis big deep blue eyes scanned the wall around her, only to see more of them closing in on her position and fast. From the top of the wall some defenders saw the desperate state of her new found position and tried to help by gunning down as many of the zombies as they could. They bought her a few seconds, but they couldn't save her now.

Taking off her helmet, Lili let her long blonde hair spill loose, as she basked in the comfort of finally letting her skin breathe a little. Still the infection was quick as ever, her body was already heating up. The light within her fought back against it, but if the infected got to her then the infection would surely spread.

All ready their incessant song was causing her to lightly sing along.

"Join our song, sing along. Celebrate our sickness. Through our bile, we will smile, one and all bare witness."

But no, she couldn't be turned so easily. Clenching at her chest where her pure core of light was hidden, she found strength to resist it all.

Knowing all too well the desperation of her predicament, Lili pulled the pins on the 2 grenades attached to her waist, and through her still intact full lips roared out.

"Yeah just try and turn me into one of you now! You meanies!"

Then as the horde closed in, the grenades exploded in bright flashes of light. There was but a light sting of pain, as the ammunition crates underneath her ignited as well and all were swallowed up in the massive explosion that shook the entire section of the wall like an earthquake. Lili didn't even have time to realise what she had just done before her world went dark.


But it wasn't the end. Lili knew not how, but the horrific laughter of those creatures still played within her head like a bad nightmare, even after she was sure that she should have been in a better place. The world was dark, but soon stars began to roll over her head.

Then light suddenly came into her eyes, she felt life coming back into her again. She felt her core of light there, and even a heart, then a body though smaller than what she remembered and then the world before her came clear.

She could hear loud car engine sounds, and as her eyes opened she found herself sitting on the right back seat of some car. Black leather seats, and in the two front seats were two people, on the right seemingly sat a large man, while on the left was a beautiful woman with blonde hair.

She was short, barely able to see out the window, but still she could make out the clear blue sky above, the sun shining high above, and the endless forest that they were passing by.

Then her attention was snapped to the man who seemingly asked her.

"So what do you think Lili, are you excited to go see the National guard base in Vermont. There going to be jets there, maybe you'll get to see one, or better yet, maybe we can get you enlisted in the military there, hahaha!"

Lili was confused, but as she looked to the woman who's cold blue eyes were looking right back at her, those eyes that were so similar to the Sargent's. Even that evil smile of hers seemed so familiar, and then the woman actually said.

"Yeah I bet you'd look great in a uniform, hihihi."

It sounded like a joke, but the implications of these twos words sent shivers through Lilis body. Even now she could hear that scary plague song, she could remember those corpses littering the ground, corpses that all smiled at her, those children at the playground, the Sargent, the city and everything.

No, there was no way that she could go back there. She didn't want to go to the front again. She didn't want to face those monsters again, no, never.

In a panic Lili looked to her right, saw a door handle there, grabbing it she opened the door, pulled off her seatbelt and leaped out the door.

"Ahhhhhhh, Lili no!"

Was all that she could hear the woman yell, as she flew off of the road and fell down a steep slope. Uncontrollably her little body slammed on the slope covered by leaves and began rolling down into the forest.

Rolling rolling and rolling down the slope Lili went until she slammed against a tree stopping her roll. Lilis back hurt and world was spinning as she tried to push herself up again, she would not be drafted into the military again, no way.

Pushing herself up, Lili took note of her strange pink outfit. An extremely comfortable pink hoodie with a human like cat in the front which was kind of cute, she had loose pink pants, and even pink shoes with little cat faces.

It was strange, but it also felt kind of comfortable, letting her run far down the slope as fast as she could until she came to a river. Hearing voices calling for her from where she had come, she didn't hesitate to run along the river that led far away from the road.

Jumping over little rocks, running around trees and through bushes Lili ran and stumbled a few times. It was strange, her center of balance felt so off, she had somehow shrunk from her already petite form from before. And her muscles felt smaller, bones weaker, and as she fell again and hit her knee it really hurt.


Now her nice pink pants had a little tare and were all dirty as she rubbed at her hurting knee. Her body felt so soft now, which was really strange. Even her hands were so small and cute.

Searching her body, she could not find anything on herself. She was unarmed, though her hair was still long and blonde, her face felt less developed, but the same. Looking at her reflection in the lake she could see a small button nose, full lips, her eyebrows were still intact, hair tied into pigtails, her eyes were big and deep blue in colour. Her face seemed quite cute and feminine without anything missing but small, which was so strange to her.

Didn't she just blow herself up? Or was it all just a bad dream? But then what did it all mean? What was real, what was not?

Thinking of it all Lili could not find any answers to these questions within her head. The Sargent had never told her about such a scenario taking place and she had never heard of it.

Still she was happy to be on a green world again that was clearly full of life. And where there was life and civilization, she had heard that there would be an library as well, and in a Library there was supposed to be knowledge. There possibly would be the knowledge that would answer her questions.

With this in mind and hearing those same voices in the distance calling for her again, she hurriedly ran. To the library, wherever that was.