Chapter 7

Jason was walking thru the hallway when he seen Mu and Natarle. Jason "Hey I got an idea why don't the two of you man the bridge while I try and get Murrue to relax some.

She is getting to stressed out and I am afraid it will start affecting the ship's crew. Mu "We was thinking the same thing but don't know how to get her to leave a take some time to relax." Jason "Leave that to me. I will think of something."

They was heading to the bridge. Jason "Murrue lets go eat. You need to take a little break from the bridge." Natarle "Mu and I have the bridge and will call if we need you go get some rest."

Mu "You getting to stressed out with everything going on so just use sometime to get some rest." Murrue "Fine the 8th fleet just contacted and we are heading to meet the advance force to escort us the rest of the way to the fleet just keep an eye out for Zaft."

Jason led Murrue away to the cafeterria to get a bite to eat. Jason activated his skill Seduction while they was walking. They got to the cafeterria and grab a quick bite to eat. The skill was doing what it was suppose to. I could til Murrue was getting arouse just being near me.

Her cheeks was getting a little red and she was rubbing her thighs together. Murrue thoughts "why am I getting so arouse. I must be really about to break. Jason looks so good right now." Its been about thirty minutes since we left the bridge. Murrue "Jason why are you still here should you not be doing something else?"

Jason "My job right now it to make sure you relax and not do much work." Murrue "I think I will go back to my room and lay down for a bit." Jason escort her to her room to make sure that she would relax. Murrue went in the room close the door behind her.

Jason just stood guard outside thinking she might try and bolt out when he leaves to resume working. His skill was still working on her as she was getting worst she tried different things to get her mind off of being so arouse.

She kept seeing Jason handsome face in her mind. She reach between her legs and felt her panties was soaked her juices was already starting to drip threw them. Murrue thoughts "dang we left in such a hurry I didn't get to get anything from my apartment.

I have no toys to help me deal with this." Her mind was in a total lost what to do. She finally thought I think there might be vegetable in the cafeterria I can get to help. She open the door to see Jason standing guard. Jason "And where are you going."

Murrue was dumbfounded thinking he already left and just couldn't think of a response to him. Murrue minds was in a total lust state right now. She quickly grab his arm pulling him into the room. She locked the door and begin to take her uniform off.

Her breathing was already heavy. Jason just stood there while she took off her uniform. When she was down to her undergarments. Jason notice the liquid dripping between her legs. He was already starting to get arouse seeing a female in her undies.

Murrue grab on to Jason and started to kiss his neck trying to seduce him. Her hands were roaming all over his body. Jason wrap his arm around her holding her tightly. Jason "If we do this you are mine and mine alone."

Murrue "Jason I don't care take me now. I need you." Murrue took his shirt off and slid down the the floor kissing her way downwards. She undid his pants and lower them and his boxers. His dick was already hard and smacked her in the face when she freed it from its restraints. 

She lick it up and down then took it in her mouth. She was sucking very strongly. It was like her life depend on getting what was in it out. Jason did not last long with her sucking his dick so strongly going down and up.

She took him all the way to the base choking herself on his massive dick. Murrue thoughts "This is the biggest dick I have ever seen. It will destroy me probably." Jason release in her mouth a few moments later. He pulled her up and finish undressing her.

He lay her down on the bed and was kissing her then move downward kissing her neck leaving a deep mark and then to her breast sucking on her nipples giving both equal attention.

Before moving down her slim stomach kissing every inch and finally to the place he was going towards. He nip at her clit and started licking her pussy and eating her out.

Murrue was moaning crazy above him. He had her right where he wanted her. She did not last a few minutes and was having a orgasm and Jason was taking it all in his mouth.

He enjoy the taste of her. He went back up kissing her giving her a little taste of herself while he line up his dick with her little entrance.

Murrue "Please be gentle you are very hugh." Jason just kept kissing her and easing himself into her. She was moaning into the kiss. Murrue thoughts "He is stretching me out a lot more then my ex ever did. I think I will not be able to live without him inside me.

I will get addicted to this for the rest of my life." When he bottom out in her she had a massive orgasm that she has never had before.

She was squirming like crazy while ever squirting her juices all over both of them soaking the bed badly with it. Jason stayed there while she came down from it letting her adjust to his size.

That was one of the things Jason change when he was able to he already had a above average size but he want it to be bigger than anyone.

Murrue looked at him after a few minutes telling him he can start to move while she was kissing him and down his neck while holding him tightly.

Jason went to town sending her to have even more orgasm before he finally push all the way and release his seed deep inside her. They went at in for a few more rounds.

The hours went by in no time. Natarle came across the comms "Level 1 Battle stations. Lt. Ramius to the bridge."