The early morning air was cold, but I was already awake before the first light touched the camp. Across the room, Andrew was stretching, rolling his shoulders like he did every morning.
"Didn't expect you to wake up this early," he said, cracking his neck.
I stood up, flexing my fingers slightly. "I don't sleep much."
Andrew smirked. "Yeah, I've noticed."
After finishing my daily morning routine and a few warm-ups stretches, we sat down at the small wooden table in our room, an old chessboard between us. The pieces were slightly mismatched; some had been lost over time; but it didn't matter.
Andrew made his move, shifting his knight forward. "So, how's the arm?"
I barely glanced at it. "It's fine."
He raised an eyebrow. "You say that, but did you even check it?"
I didn't answer.
Andrew sighed, leaning back. "That's what I thought. You should get it looked at before it gets worse. Don't leave it without attention, we no longer live in the forest"
I moved my queen across the board, my fingers light against the worn chess piece. "I'm going to see Sophia."
Andrew smirked, moving his bishop. "Ohh Perfect! She'll like that. She's been watching over you since the trade. She's really a caring person; she wasn't like that when we first met her."
I replied while planning an attack. "She's like that with us, I think she considers us very close to her."
A little smile was drawn in Andrew face. "Yeah, I noticed that".
I ignored his comment and focused on the board. He was close to cornering my king, but it wasn't enough. I slid my rook forward and let my fingers rest against the piece for a second before speaking.
Andrew blinked, then groaned, rubbing his face with one hand. "Damn it. I was so close."
I stood up, adjusting my coat. "Not close enough."
Andrew shook his head, still grinning. "One day, I'll win."
I walked toward the door, pausing slightly. "Are you coming?"
"Nop," he said, stretching his arms. "I need to fix my armor and sharpen my sword first. I'll catch up later."
Before I stepped out, he spoke again.
"By the way, we still need more members for our team."
I already knew that.
"And," he added, "we need a name."
I thought for a moment.
Andrew blinked, then laughed. "Ironveil? What does that even mean?"
"It sounds strong."
"It sounds weird." He smirked, shaking his head. "But hey, if that's what you want."
I glanced at him before stepping out. "I'll wait for you there."