fell in love ..

Sir, I have got hold of that file which has the names of all the people who had that video written on it.

And I will reach Dini in a few days

I will avenge my father, I know that he will definitely help me to avenge my father. Masooma ended the call while giving information.

Khizr came and told this to Don

Don was already regretting having one girl in his team and now having another girl with him So he asked the officer to kill her father's killer as soon as possible in front of the girl so that the girl can move forward in her life.

While not hearing any other girl, the lips of the stylish Laila, sitting on the couch near Dawn, smiled, "I know that no girl in this world can take my place," Khizr said in a slightly country voice.

said because it was not acceptable to say anything like that in front of Don After some time Laila also left

"What do you think about Laila?" Khizr said looking at her face

What do I think about Malili she is a girl working in my team if she was not a good worker I probably wouldn't have her with me.

Leila was a very good hacker as well as very beautiful.

Laila likes you she wants to marry you Khizr tries unsuccessfully to get her attention on Laila .

So Don said looking at that face

You get married and settle down, she understands your work and will have a good time with Leila

Khizr, you are my childhood friend, our childhood companion, I don't want to kill you with my hands

That's why one day, take time out, just half an hour, and kill yourself, because I won't feel good beating you with my hands.

He said brutally.

She loves you only for you she is here you should think about her she is loyal to you.

Mukhdir made another unsuccessful attempt, but this time the Devil's gaze shut his mouth

I am the don of the underworld, Khizr Ishq se Hussain is my world

He said and started going

And if you fell in love. ? Khizr was determined not to give up just like today

There is no girl in this world whose love is captured by Yaram's knowledge

He stared at her sternly and left

Every human being is connected in this world, you will definitely find someone, then I will ask you if love is Hussain or your world.


I had told you to get this girl out of the house when her father died

You didn't listen to me at that time, you wanted a free maid

There is nothing now, if her beauty did not ruin the lives of all your girls, then we should change it

Aksi Khala, who was Ammi's childhood friend, came to her house

So what should I do, you tell me, this girl will ruin the life of my daughters. Rania's relationship broke up for the second time.

She is 29 years old but still a virgin

Aqsa Khala said, joining both hands

He would sit his daughters on one side and quickly put her hands first to dissuade her that your daughters will have good relationships, aunt said.

Hey, where do you get married? I don't have any money, so I have collected dowry for my daughters with great difficulty.

Hey, who has been asking you for dowry? I know a woman, she does not have relationships

But it doesn't take anything but instead gives money

Aunt Aqsa said in a whisper

What do you mean, your mother's manner was also whispering.

Hey, he is living in some waq, a sheikh, the girl should be beautiful and young

They teach and take religious education, first the girl lives with this sheikh and later. Aunty used to speak

Became silent


Later, the sheikh sends the girl forward. After all, whoever gives the honor to the girl's ancestors has to receive it back. 100

What is the meaning of the girl's giving?

So this is an innocent girl, I will never do this to her, not for a few bucks

The children's mother immediately refused

Aqsa's friend, who was famous for a long time, taught girls about Nikah religion

He said, "Get my daughters married, but Aqsa Khala would always do it."

Hey, ok, as you wish, I'm just saying this, send it, I was just saying, get out of the way, I just gave an idea.

Now she is ruining your sons life, she is 25 years old and as long as she stays here, your daughters have no chance.

And to whom you are calling a few bucks, I am not worth a million

You can do it, aunty, just say this and pick up your bag and get up

I lakh Ami's mouth fell open on hearing the amount

Hey, it's nothing, the girl is beautiful and young, like the soul, in her back and in her thirties

Aunty left the house giving more temptation

It was about three o'clock in the night

She was holding him in her eyes.

Aqsa's words were echoing repeatedly in Jab's mind.

Just think that education will improve the life of your daughters and also get rid of this problem.

Do not forget that this is the result of your husband's deception, he used to claim to love you and not only married another girl secretly from you but also had a child from her.

Hey stepmother, where are you, but you not only kept her in the house, but also raised her.

How long will you keep thinking about him, your daughters are virgins because of him, Rania's relationship has broken up twice because of him.

Aqsa Khala's words were going on in Sargan Begum's mind, while her eyes were still looking at the soul's innocent face.

By the way, he gives 100,000 rupees to each girl, but I will ask for the full 300,000 rupees. Just think, the sheikh will give 300,000 rupees, and he will not take anyone like that. And it will be hard to think that someone's life has been ruined even after going to a foreign country.

And it is so fast that it will take care of everything by itself.

On this of Aqsa, the organization once again saw her innocent face, is she really fast enough to take care of herself?

No no. I will not do this to this girl, how can I even think of such a big sin, no, I will not do this to her unknowingly.

She sat up looking at his face

There are three daughters, your age is getting old, tomorrow who will take care of them, first get rid of this trouble.

Once again, Aqsa's words caught his attention.

On one hand she had three daughters whom she loved immensely and wanted to see endless happiness in their lives.

On the other hand, the soul of Masoom, Noor, who was only sitting on her support, who only knew her, trusted only her, who called her mother, was also her daughter, yes, but her step-daughter.