Chapter 3

Nathanael, from later generations, was a person of noble heart. Though he dared not help the old woman who had fallen to the ground, he always took care not to harm the flowers and plants, and was known for his willingness to assist his schoolmates. However, those days of apparent calm were long gone. Now, Nathanael's mind was dominated by the violence and brutality of war.

In times of peace, anyone can appear to be a good citizen, but in times of war, everything boils down to who is the most ruthless. With the memories of two lives fused in his mind, Alex acted without hesitation. Every move, every decision, seemed to spring from a primal and brutal instinct.

His recent actions had left Karl on the verge of collapse. As a member of the upper class, being humiliated in such a manner was an indelible stain on his honor. But Alex did not stop there: not only did he threaten Karl, but he also extended his warning to Karl's entire family.

What kind of men made up Hitler's stormtroopers? They were ruffians, thugs, and scoundrels, capable of any atrocity. There were no limits to their cruelty.


A sudden sound broke the silence, followed by a nauseating stench that flooded the room. Karl, the unfortunate target of Alex, had lost control of himself. Fear had completely paralyzed him.

Alex moved the weapon away from the trembling Karl and aimed it at Losov, who stood on the other side of the room. When their eyes met, Losov felt a chill run down his spine. At that moment, Alex was nothing but a demon straight out of hell.

"Enough, Alex, you've gone too far," Hitler's voice echoed through the room. As a cunning strategist, Hitler knew when to intervene to turn the situation to his advantage.

In this scenario, Alex was the villain, while Hitler assumed the role of mediator: "They are all our distinguished guests. How could you do such a thing?"

"I'm sorry," Alex replied coldly, with no trace of remorse in his voice. His fierce gaze locked onto Losov, who couldn't help but shudder again.

"Mr. Karl," Hitler crouched in front of the man lying on the floor, reduced to a puddle of misery, "Do you insist on maintaining your stance?"

Hitler's eyes gleamed with a disturbing fanaticism. One of his hands rested near his waist, where he concealed a weapon.

"Fine, I accept your request," Karl murmured, defeated.

"Mr. Karl, thank you for your support!" Hitler exclaimed, his heart pounding with excitement. He could already picture himself leading his rebel troops to Berlin, ready to seize power.

"Losov, Seisser, what about you?" Hitler turned to the other two men, who exchanged nervous glances.

"We have no objections," they replied in unison, aware that opposing him would mean facing the same fate as Karl.

"These men are insane!" Losov thought. If I don't agree, I'll end up like Karl. And Alex . . . that man is capable of killing without hesitation.

For now, the best course of action was to yield. But this wasn't over. As soon as they left that place, they would head to Berlin to mobilize troops and crush the rebellion.

"Excellent news! I can't wait to announce it to everyone outside," Hitler said, rising with enthusiasm.

"Boss, these three should accompany you," Alex interjected suddenly.

At that time, Hitler was not yet the leader of Germany, but merely the president of the Workers' Party. His followers called him "The Boss."

Göring couldn't help but stare at Alex. What was Hitler planning now? Was it Alex's turn to give orders?

However, Hitler nodded in approval and said, "Very well, Alex. Accompany me."

Hitler was so excited that he almost forgot a crucial detail: if he went out alone to make the announcement, it would lack weight. But if Karl, Losov, and Seisser accompanied him, the message would carry far more impact.

However, the stench emanating from Karl made Hitler cover his nose in disgust. "Mr. Karl, perhaps it would be better if you stayed here," he said disdainfully.

Karl breathed a sigh of relief. He had been unlucky, but now fortune was smiling upon him. If he went out and, under pressure, announced his support for Hitler's ideas, he would be betraying the Government. Moreover, he had no faith in Hitler. How could a mere agitator succeed?

Lossow, commander of the German Defense Forces in Bavaria, and Seisser, head of the state police, both held high positions of power. Now, face to face, they looked at each other and saw the same determination reflected in their eyes.

What should they do? If Hitler himself had announced his plans in advance, they could have avoided any responsibility. But now, if they went out to publicly support Hitler and verbally admitted their backing for an attack on Berlin, there would be no turning back. The stain on their names would be indelible!

"The only way is to loudly denounce Hitler's crimes when we go out!" Lossow murmured, his voice firm but restrained. "We will call on everyone to rise in resistance! If Hitler dares to start a massacre here, he will earn the enmity of the entire upper class of Munich."

"Do not try to deceive us, you two!" a cold, cutting voice interrupted their thoughts.

Both men turned sharply. Behind them, the barrels of MP-18s were already aimed at their backs, wielded by men with impassive faces.

"Otherwise, your fate will be a hundred times worse than Karl's!"

The two men held their breath. There was no escape. The time travelers had arrived to change the course of history, and now they were trapped in their game. In the historic Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler's first mistake had been failing to win the support of the Bavarian generals. But this time, things were different.

Alex, a ruthless and calculating man, had entered the scene. Unlike Hitler's followers, who at the time seemed almost naive in their methods, Alex did not hesitate to resort to the most extreme violence. Killing anyone who stood in his way! That was his philosophy! And now, following Karl's example, both Lossow and Seisser found themselves dragged down a path of no return.

"Alex is a monster!" Lossow thought, feeling a chill run down his spine. "If he betrays us, he will not only kill us but also our families."

At that moment, the doors of the hall swung open. Adolf Hitler entered with a firm step, his face lit with a mix of excitement and determination. Before him, the room was packed with Bavarian celebrities, expectant and nervous.

"Gentlemen!" Hitler shouted, raising his voice above the murmur. "Mr. von Karl, General Lossow, and Mr. Seisser have agreed to form a new German government with me! The Bavarian cabinet has resigned! From today, Bavaria will be governed by a regent and a chancellor with dictatorial powers."

He paused dramatically, letting his words resonate in the room.

"I propose that Herr von Karl be the regent, and I, the chancellor. The Criminal Government of November and the German President have been dismissed! Today, in Munich, a new National Government is born!"

Hitler's eyes shone with a mix of triumph and fanaticism.

"At this moment, Mr. von Karl is discussing the march to Berlin with General Ludendorff!" he continued, pointing toward Lossow and Seisser. "General Lossow, Mr. Seisser, join me in announcing this news to the world!"

Lossow and Seisser exchanged a fleeting glance. They knew they had no choice. Alex was behind them, watching their every move, and the consequences of disobedience would be catastrophic. With a knot in their throats, they nodded slowly.

"History will remember this day!" Seisser murmured, almost to himself, as he joined Hitler on the stage.
