
Chapter 4: Unreality Shouldn't be that Hard

When they finally reached the door, the reaper opened it, and Trad followed him.

They were in a different place now. It was still a white room, but this time, Trad could see properly. The door was at the beginning of a corridor, and straight ahead, the small corridor led to a larger square room. To the right side of the room, there was a gigantic cage, but it was completely black—Trad couldn't see anything inside. On top of the cage, there was something similar to a balcony, which seemed to have some natural lighting, even though Trad hadn't noticed where it came from.

Although the square room was large, there wasn't another door besides the one they had just passed through. So, the reaper walked straight to the center of the room, with Trad still following him.

"So... what do we do now?"

Trad was analyzing the room when he glanced at the infinite darkness beyond the cage. Somehow, it looked hypnotizing, but then, Trad recalled looking into two terrifying eyes behind the bars of the cage.

"Hey, don't look at the Biargas for too long."


The eyes staring at Trad weren't just figments of his imagination—there was something really there. Trad knew this because the reaper started talking to something while looking at the cell. His voice became eerie, but the other voice beyond the cage was horrifying. Still, Trad couldn't understand a single word from either of them.

Seconds later, they both stopped talking, and the reaper approached the cage. It was so large that they could easily pass through the bars.

"Hey, wha—" Trad started to speak, but seeing the unknown, he decided it was better to keep quiet for now.

Then, a giant red, ugly mass appeared inside the cage, near the bars. The reaper approached and jumped into it. Trad hesitated at first, but he didn't want to be left alone in that place, so he followed. When he placed his hands on the red mass to steady himself, he felt the texture—it was rough, damp, and similar to a tongue.

Then, the thing started moving, and they drifted further and further away from the light. Trad could hear a strange noise, something like an animal's breath, getting closer. But then, everything suddenly went dark, and the noise stopped.

In the blink of an eye, Trad didn't know what had just happened, but he found himself floating in the air.

"Aah!" Trad screamed, not knowing what was happening.

But then...

"I got you!"

A guy with blue skin and big arms caught him. He wasn't wearing a shirt and was a bit furry, with a curved spine and a broad torso. He gently placed Trad on the floor.

"Oh, thanks."

"Yeah, you should really thank me! By the way you were spit out into the air, you could've been crushed!"


"Why were you just spat out like that? Are you really that weak?"

"He's a human," the reaper said, standing behind the blue guy.

"Ah... so it was your idea, Uwnrien. What were you thinking, letting a human enter the Biarga's mouth? You wanted him to die?" The guy slowly realized, "Oh... I don't even know why I asked that question..."

When Trad turned to look at the place he had been "spat," the only thing he saw was a giant cubic block floating in the sky. The block had an upside-down river, with upside-down flowers and strange thin trees. There was a gigantic chain in the center of the upside-down river, but Trad couldn't see the end of it. He was standing on the edge of a precipice, and the view of the cliff was blocked by white clouds.

"No way..."

"Oh, this is your first time here, right? It's been ages since I've seen a human around here."

"Okay... I guess the LSD is hitting too hard..."


"Yeah... where are we?"

"Hmm," the blue guy smirked. "Welcome to The Sanitary Appliance!"