Since Trad had been taken out of the place he was by Uwnrien, he was never sure where he was now. But he had spent so much time walking around that forest that he was almost getting used to it, so he was slowly forgetting how lost he was.
However, he remembered that now, still with a surprised look on his face. He was at the edge of a cliff. He had never realized he was on a mountain, which is why he was so surprised.
The view was vast. It was a large, open green field, with a narrow river cutting through it vertically. Further ahead, there were some structures Trad couldn't quite make out, but it looked like a city. However, it would take a bit to reach there, even if he wasn't on a mountain.
"Hey, what does that mean, cat? Are we in the wrong place?"
"No." Doop said, his voice sleepy. "That's really the way out of the forest I told you about."
"How am I supposed to get out of the forest by following this way?"
"I don't know. I only said it was a way out of the forest, I didn't lie!"
"Your... damn cat..."
"Heh," Doop smirked. "I was just trying to make you walk unnecessarily, idiot human. I knew you wouldn't do something irrational. Now, walk back through the forest again," he mocked Trad.
"And if..."
"And if what?"
"What do you think is faster—running across flat land or falling into one?"
"What do you mean?" Doop was starting to get a bit scared. "You're not thinking of doing something crazy, right?"
Trad stepped closer to the edge of the cliff and then leaned back, taking some space.
"Right?" Doop repeated, now getting desperate.
Trad took a few steps back, preparing to run.
"Wait! At least let me go—" Doop tried to escape, but Trad pressed him against his head. "What!?"
"Enjoy the trip!"
Trad finally ran toward the edge and jumped.
"Aaaaaah!" Doop yelled as they jumped.
"Hold on!" Trad released Doop, who was using all his strength to not fall off Trad's head. Trad extended his arms forward, trying to gain more speed.
Trad was feeling it again—the beats of his heart increasing, getting louder, and his skin almost changing its shape from the pressure of the air.
Then, they dived into the river. As soon as they hit the water, Doop stopped screaming and released Trad's head, starting to float in the river without moving. Noticing this, Trad grabbed him and swam to the surface.
When Trad finally emerged, he climbed onto the riverbank and then placed Doop on the ground. Trad lay next to him, panting.
It only took a few seconds before Doop started to cough and then woke up.
When he remembered what just happened, he searched for Trad, finding him on the floor.
"You idiot!" he yelled, standing up angrily. "Why would you do something like that?"
"It was the best way!" Trad laughed.
"You're kidding me… Then why did you bring me with you?"
"Huh? Why would you ask that? You're only free to leave when I'm safe."
"What? Who decided that? And why should it be like that?"
"Because the last time I followed you, I almost died. This is a guarantee that you won't try to do something like that again."
"Heh, I noticed that! And we didn't even stay more than 10 seconds in the river. How could you suffer that much in only 10 seconds!?"
"I just... don't like water."
"Of course, you're a cat."
"Shut up!"
"Consider this a payment for the time you also tried to kill me."
"So you did it all just thinking about revenge?"
Finally, Trad got up. Both were completely wet, and Trad stared at Doop for a few seconds, then started laughing.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Why shouldn't I? You're completely soaked! " Doop had lost the fluffiness of his fur, looking thinner and stranger than usual.
"You're also wet! And... where's your bag?"
"Oh! I forgot it!" Trad looked around, trying to find it. He did, but only to realize it was being carried away by the weak current of the river. "I need to go!" Then Trad started to run.
"Wait!" Doop ran alongside him on all fours.
Trad couldn't run at full speed, but he wasn't too worried. The river's current wasn't strong, and the bag was a bit heavy. He knew he wouldn't lose it if he kept his eyes on it.
So, he slowed down his movements, not feeling the urge to run too fast. Then, he felt pressure on his back, and then on his head. It was Doop, who had returned to the same position as before Trad had jumped into the river.
"Are you going to do that again?" Trad said. "I thought the water and the fall would be enough to take away your laziness."
"Now it's your responsibility to make sure I'm safe. I'll stay here. Even though your wet hair is very uncomfortable..."
"Huh? Since when did you become my responsibility?"
"Thanks to you, I won't be able to go back home for a while..."
"It's not really my fault. You should've thought about that before agreeing to come with me."
"I didn't really agree with that... Anyway, we have a problem now."
"A problem? What is it?"
"The river leads toward a city nearby..."
"It's not that bad, is it?"
"Well... remember what I told you earlier? There was no human city around here?"
"This is not a human city."
"But that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it? It's not like humans are really better than many other beings..."
"You're right, but think about it. The Miltras didn't really treat you well, did they? There's no guarantee you'll even be allowed into that place, as it probably has some kind of controlled entry."
"Well..." Trad thought for a moment. "If something like that happens, you can still get in."
"So, let's go to the first city!"