Chapter 9: Negotiations and Revelations

The Boundary Pavilion stood at the edge of the Jade Lotus Sect's territory—a structure of white stone and green jade pillars, open on all sides to symbolize transparency in negotiations. Built centuries ago for diplomatic meetings, it had stood empty and forgotten while the mountain existed out of phase with the rest of the world.

Now it served its original purpose once more, as representatives from all major cultivation sects gathered for what promised to be the most significant meeting in three hundred years.

Lin Feng stood with the Jade Lotus delegation at the mountain entrance, preparing to make the short journey to the pavilion. Grand Elder Feng Tianhao led their group, flanked by Elder Lian, Elder Zhou, and Elder Ming. Lin Feng, his mother Ming Lihua, and Liu Mei formed the second row. Seven disciples in formal green robes followed, carrying the sect's banner and ceremonial items.

"Remember," the Grand Elder said quietly, "we seek recognition and peaceful coexistence, not confrontation. But neither will we apologize for who and what we are. The Jade Lotus Sect has as much right to exist as any other."

Lin Feng nodded, adjusting the formal robes he had been provided—emerald green with white trim, bearing the jade lotus emblem on the back and sleeves. Beside him, Liu Mei wore her Soaring Dragon Sect robes, a deliberate choice that positioned her as something of a neutral party despite her clear alignment with the Jade Lotus delegation.

"They will try to provoke us," Elder Zhou warned. "Especially the Crimson Phoenix representatives. Do not rise to their bait."

"Nor should you reveal the full extent of your abilities," Elder Ming added, looking specifically at Lin Feng. "Not until we determine whether these negotiations are in good faith."

At exactly noon, the great jade doors swung open, and the delegation proceeded down the stone path to the Boundary Pavilion. Lin Feng could feel the weight of dozens of eyes upon them, assessing, judging, perhaps even fearing what the return of the Jade Lotus Sect might mean for the cultivation world's balance of power.

The other delegations waited within and around the pavilion, arranged in a semicircle according to their status in the cultivation world hierarchy. The Crimson Phoenix Sect occupied the position of honor at the center, their flame-red robes vivid against the white stone. Ren Zhao sat at the front of their delegation, his expression a mask of perfect diplomatic neutrality.

To their right sat the Soaring Dragon Sect, led by a stern-faced elder Lin Feng didn't recognize, with Master Han positioned prominently in the second row. The old man's eyes fixed immediately on Liu Mei with an intensity that made Lin Feng instinctively step closer to her.

Five other major sects completed the semicircle, their banners and robes displaying the diversity of cultivation paths that had developed and flourished while the Jade Lotus Sect was absent from the world.

As the Jade Lotus delegation entered the pavilion, a subtle tension rippled through the assembled representatives. Some leaned forward with obvious curiosity, others drew back slightly as if fearing contamination, and a few—primarily from the Crimson Phoenix Sect—placed hands on weapons or cultivation tools in poorly disguised warning.

The Grand Elder took his position at the speaker's dais, facing the semicircle of delegations. His bearing was regal, his presence commanding despite the numerical disadvantage his sect faced.

"Honored representatives of the cultivation world," he began, his voice carrying effortlessly throughout the pavilion, "I am Feng Tianhao, Grand Elder of the Jade Lotus Sect. After three centuries of absence, we return to a world much changed, yet facing many of the same challenges that have always confronted cultivators—the pursuit of immortality, the protection of the mortal realm, the advancement of cultivation knowledge."

He paused, his gaze sweeping across the assembled delegations. "We come in peace, seeking to reestablish our place in the cultivation world—not as conquerors or disruptors, but as contributors to the greater harmony all true cultivators seek."

A white-bearded elder from the Azure Cloud Sect rose first in response. "Grand Elder Feng, while your words are welcome, they do not address the fundamental concern shared by many here today. The Jade Lotus Sect's manipulation of time itself is widely regarded as contrary to the natural order of cultivation. How can you assure us that your techniques will not destabilize the very foundations upon which our practices are built?"

Before the Grand Elder could respond, Ren Zhao stood, his amber eyes gleaming. "An excellent question, Elder Wei, but perhaps too diplomatic in its phrasing." He turned to face the Jade Lotus delegation directly. "Let us speak plainly. The Jade Lotus Sect was sealed away three hundred years ago because its practices were deemed dangerous and unnatural by a coalition of seven major sects. What guarantees can you offer that the same dangers do not persist today?"

Lin Feng felt a surge of anger at Ren Zhao's deliberate mischaracterization of history, but kept his expression neutral, as they had agreed. This was precisely the provocation Elder Zhou had warned about.

The Grand Elder remained unperturbed. "Young Master Ren presents a version of history from the perspective of the victors. The truth, as is often the case, is more complex." His tone remained measured, educational rather than confrontational. "The Jade Lotus Sect was indeed targeted by a coalition, but not because our techniques were proven dangerous. Rather, because they were feared and coveted in equal measure."

He gestured to Elder Ming, who rose and produced a jade tablet inscribed with ancient text. "These are the records of negotiations that preceded the conflict—negotiations your histories have conveniently omitted. They detail numerous attempts by the Crimson Phoenix Sect to acquire our temporal techniques before declaring them 'dangerous' when we refused to share them freely."

A murmur rippled through the delegations. Lin Feng noted that several sect representatives exchanged glances, suggesting this information was new to them as well.

Ren Zhao's expression hardened slightly. "Ancient records can be falsified."

"Indeed they can," the Grand Elder agreed smoothly. "Which is why we are prepared to demonstrate the true nature of our techniques—their benefits, their limitations, and their safeguards."

This announcement caused an even greater stir. Elder Zhou stiffened slightly beside Lin Feng, this deviation from their agreed strategy clearly taking him by surprise.

"A demonstration of temporal manipulation?" the Azure Cloud elder asked, his skepticism evident. "Here? Now?"

"A controlled, limited demonstration," the Grand Elder clarified. "To dispel misconceptions and address legitimate concerns." He gestured to Lin Feng. "My grandson will perform a basic temporal technique, one that illustrates the principles of our cultivation path without risking any disturbance to the natural order."

Lin Feng stepped forward at his grandfather's signal, fighting to maintain a composed exterior despite his internal panic. This had not been part of the plan. The Grand Elder had taken a calculated risk, adapting their strategy in response to the hostility they faced.

"The technique known as Time Mirror allows the practitioner to briefly manifest an echo of recent events," the Grand Elder explained as Lin Feng took position at the center of the pavilion. "It creates no actual change to the timeline, merely a visual representation of what has occurred—much like the memory projection techniques used in sect trials throughout the cultivation world."

Lin Feng centered himself, drawing on the knowledge that had flowed into him from the jade lotus mark. The Time Mirror was indeed a basic technique, one that even junior disciples of the Jade Lotus Sect had once learned. Its principles were similar to the Time Flow Disruption he had already mastered, but applied outwardly rather than to one's own body.

He formed the hand seals as if he had known them all his life, jade energy gathering between his palms. "Jade Lotus Art: Time Mirror," he intoned, completing the formation.

The energy expanded outward in a controlled wave, covering the central area of the pavilion. Within that field, translucent images began to form—perfect recreations of the representatives entering the pavilion minutes earlier, taking their seats, the Grand Elder's opening address. The images moved with fluid precision, exact duplicates of what had transpired, down to the smallest gesture.

The assembled representatives watched in fascination and trepidation as the recent past played out before them. When the demonstration concluded, the images faded naturally, leaving no residual energy or distortion.

"As you can see," the Grand Elder said into the silence that followed, "a technique of limited scope, with specific practical applications. Hardly the reality-shattering power that myths have attributed to us."

He turned to address the entire assembly. "The Jade Lotus Sect practices temporal cultivation with rigorous safeguards and ethical boundaries. We understand better than anyone the responsibility that comes with such techniques. Indeed, it was our own choice to enact the time lock when faced with destruction—preferring self-imposed exile to using our abilities as weapons of mass destruction."

Lin Feng returned to his position beside his mother, who gave him a slight nod of approval. He had performed the technique flawlessly, revealing skill but not power—exactly as needed for this delicate negotiation.

The leader of the Soaring Dragon delegation, whom Lin Feng now recognized as Grand Elder Wei, rose to speak. "An impressive demonstration, certainly. But it raises as many questions as it answers. If these techniques are truly as limited and controlled as you claim, why has the Crimson Phoenix Sect maintained such vigilance against their resurgence for three centuries?"

All eyes turned to Ren Zhao, who stood once more. "Because what you have witnessed is merely the surface of their capabilities." His voice carried a certainty that sent a chill through Lin Feng. "The Jade Lotus Sect has deliberately shown you their most benign technique. Their advanced methods can alter the flow of time itself, creating distortions that ripple outward to affect all cultivation practices. We have documented evidence of such effects."

"And yet you have not shared this evidence with your allies," Elder Lian observed, speaking for the first time. "How convenient."

"The evidence was deemed too sensitive for general distribution," Ren Zhao replied smoothly. "But in light of current events, perhaps that was an error." He made a subtle gesture, and a Crimson Phoenix disciple approached bearing a lacquered box. "With the assembly's permission, I would like to present exhibits that demonstrate the true nature of temporal manipulation."

The Azure Cloud elder, who appeared to be moderating the proceedings, nodded his assent. "Proceed, Young Master Ren."

Ren Zhao opened the box and removed what appeared to be a withered plant—a lotus flower, its petals desiccated and brown, yet somehow still intact. "This specimen was recovered from the site of a temporal distortion created by a Jade Lotus cultivator two hundred years ago. Observe its condition."

He channeled a thread of his crimson qi into the flower. To the shock of many present, including Lin Feng, the withered lotus began to cycle rapidly between states—blooming into fresh vitality, then decaying to dust, then reforming again, trapped in an endless loop of growth and death.

"The plant exists in multiple timestreams simultaneously," Ren Zhao explained. "Unable to settle into a single state of being. This is the residual effect of uncontrolled temporal manipulation. Now imagine such an effect occurring in living beings, in cultivation foundations, in the very fabric of reality."

A disturbed murmur swept through the pavilion. Lin Feng exchanged a troubled glance with Elder Lian. The demonstration was effective—and troubling. Could temporal techniques truly create such distortions? Or was this some elaborate Crimson Phoenix deception?

The Grand Elder's voice cut through the growing unease. "An interesting artifact, Young Master Ren. May I examine it more closely?"

Ren Zhao hesitated fractionally before inclining his head. "Of course, Grand Elder."

A Crimson Phoenix disciple brought the cycling lotus to the Grand Elder, who studied it carefully, his expression revealing nothing of his thoughts. After a moment, he looked up, addressing not Ren Zhao but the assembly as a whole.

"This is indeed a temporal anomaly," he confirmed, causing another ripple of concern. "However, it is not evidence of uncontrolled manipulation, but rather of deliberate sabotage."

He gestured, and jade energy briefly illuminated the withered lotus, revealing a complex pattern etched into its stem—a pattern that had been invisible to normal perception. "This is a Crimson Phoenix binding array, modified to create the very distortion being presented as evidence against us. The temporal cycling was induced artificially, after the flower was already dead."

Ren Zhao's expression darkened. "A convenient explanation, but—"

"But one easily verified by any neutral party with sufficient cultivation to perceive energy signatures," the Grand Elder interrupted. He turned to the Azure Cloud elder. "Would you care to confirm my assessment, Elder Wei? Your sect's Clarity Perception technique should be more than adequate for the task."

Put on the spot, Elder Wei approached and performed a brief examination of the lotus. His bushy eyebrows rose in surprise. "There is indeed an array carved into the stem," he confirmed reluctantly. "Its energy signature is... not consistent with what I understand of Jade Lotus techniques."

A subtle shift occurred in the pavilion—a rebalancing of sentiment as representatives from neutral sects began to reassess the claims being made by both sides.

"A clever counter," Ren Zhao acknowledged, his perfect composure showing the first cracks of frustration. "But one anomaly does not disprove the broader pattern. The Crimson Phoenix Sect has catalogued dozens of temporal distortions linked to Jade Lotus cultivation over the centuries."

"Distortions you created to justify your persecution," Elder Lian said, her voice carrying an edge of ancient anger. "Just as you created detection pendants from corrupted Jade Lotus communication talismans." She turned to Liu Mei. "As the young woman who wore such a pendant can attest."

All eyes turned to Liu Mei, who stood straighter under the sudden scrutiny. Master Han's gaze in particular burned into her with an intensity that promised future reckoning.

"Is this true, Disciple Liu?" Grand Elder Wei of the Soaring Dragon Sect demanded. "What involvement do you have in these matters?"

Liu Mei stepped forward, her composure remarkable given the pressure focused upon her. "I was given a pendant as part of my betrothal to Young Master Ren," she stated clearly. "I was told it was a token of the alliance between our sects. I later discovered it was designed to detect jade energy signatures—and that Young Master Ren's bloodline gives him the ability to sense such energy directly."

"A fact we have never hidden," Ren Zhao countered. "The Crimson Phoenix bloodline developed natural defenses against temporal manipulation, just as certain cultivators develop resistance to poison or fire."

"Defenses, or weapons?" Ming Lihua spoke for the first time, her voice soft but carrying. "The pendant my son's friend wore burned her when she attempted to warn him of Young Master Ren's approach. It was designed not merely to detect, but to harm those with jade energy."

"Your son?" Master Han interrupted, his gaze darting between Ming Lihua and Lin Feng. "Are we to understand that Lin Feng, formerly a disciple of the Soaring Dragon Sect, is your son? A Jade Lotus bloodline descendant?"

A tense silence fell over the pavilion. This was the revelation they had been trying to avoid—Lin Feng's true heritage exposed before the entire cultivation world.

The Grand Elder met Master Han's gaze directly. "Lin Feng is my grandson. His father, my son Feng Wuying, escaped the time lock and lived in your mortal world, concealing his abilities to protect his family from exactly the kind of persecution we are discussing today."

"And the bloodline manifested in the son," Ren Zhao said, his amber eyes fixed on Lin Feng with renewed intensity. "As we suspected."

Lin Feng returned his gaze steadily. "Yes. It manifested despite my father's precautions. Despite growing up without any knowledge of my heritage. Despite your sect's best efforts to eradicate it from existence."

"Which brings us to the heart of these negotiations," the Grand Elder said, redirecting attention to himself. "The Jade Lotus Sect has returned after three centuries of absence. We seek recognition of our right to exist—not approval of our methods, not adoption of our techniques, simply acknowledgment that we have as much claim to our cultivation path as any here have to theirs."

He looked around the pavilion, meeting the eyes of each delegation leader in turn. "We are willing to establish limitations, to create safeguards, to ensure our practices do not infringe upon those of other sects. But we will not apologize for who and what we are, nor will we submit to destruction or exile again."

The Azure Cloud elder stroked his beard thoughtfully. "A reasonable position, yet one that does not fully address the concerns raised. Perhaps what is needed is a period of observation and verification—a probationary time during which the Jade Lotus Sect can demonstrate the safety of its techniques under controlled conditions."

"A sensible compromise," Grand Elder Wei of the Soaring Dragon Sect agreed. "With appropriate monitoring by neutral parties."

"Monitoring is insufficient," Ren Zhao objected. "History has shown that temporal manipulation, once begun, cannot be reliably controlled. The only safe approach is prohibition of the techniques entirely."

"You propose we abandon our entire cultivation path?" Elder Zhou demanded incredulously. "Would you suggest the Azure Cloud Sect abandon their air manipulation? Or the Soaring Dragon Sect their water techniques?"

"False equivalence," Ren Zhao replied. "No other cultivation path directly manipulates the fundamental laws that govern all others."

The debate continued, growing increasingly technical as representatives argued the finer points of cultivation theory. Lin Feng watched the back-and-forth, noting the shifting alliances and positions. The Crimson Phoenix Sect stood firmly against any accommodation. The Soaring Dragon Sect, despite their alliance with Crimson Phoenix, seemed more amenable to compromise. The remaining sects were divided, some leaning toward caution, others toward acceptance.

Finally, after nearly an hour of spirited argumentation, the Azure Cloud elder raised a hand for silence.

"It seems we have reached an impasse that will not be resolved in a single meeting," he observed. "I propose the following interim arrangement: The Jade Lotus Sect will be granted provisional recognition, with limitations on the practice of temporal techniques outside their mountain. A monitoring committee comprised of representatives from neutral sects will observe and document any effects of their cultivation. After one year, we will reconvene to assess the situation and make a final determination."

Murmurs of consideration spread through the delegations. It was far from perfect, but it would allow the Jade Lotus Sect to exist while addressing the concerns of the broader cultivation world.

"The Crimson Phoenix Sect cannot accept such an arrangement," Ren Zhao stated flatly. "It places all cultivators at risk of temporal contamination."

"Your objection is noted," the Azure Cloud elder replied, "but you stand increasingly alone in your absolute position, Young Master Ren. The majority appears to favor a measured approach rather than outright rejection."

The Grand Elder inclined his head. "The Jade Lotus Sect accepts these terms, with one additional provision: mutual non-aggression. No sect may take hostile action against another during this probationary period."

"Agreed," the Azure Cloud elder said. "Does any delegation leader object to these terms?"

Ren Zhao's expression had gone coldly furious, but even he recognized the shifting tide of opinion. "The Crimson Phoenix Sect will abide by the consensus, under protest. But we will maintain our right to defend ourselves should any temporal disturbance threaten our practitioners."

"A right all sects retain," the Grand Elder acknowledged. "We ask only that verified evidence precede any such defensive action."

With these terms established, the formal negotiations concluded. Representatives began to gather in smaller groups, some approaching the Jade Lotus delegation with questions or expressions of cautious welcome. Others, primarily the Crimson Phoenix contingent, withdrew to the edges of the pavilion, their displeasure evident.

Lin Feng found himself approached by Master Han, who had separated from the main Soaring Dragon group.

"Disciple Lin," the old master said, his tone deceptively mild. "Or perhaps that title no longer applies, given your... heritage."

"Master Han," Lin Feng replied with a formal bow. "I meant no deception. I did not know my own bloodline until recently."

"A convenient ignorance." Master Han's gaze shifted to Liu Mei, who stood a short distance away, deep in conversation with her sect's Grand Elder. "And what of Disciple Liu? Did she also stumble unknowingly into this situation? Or was her involvement more... deliberate?"

Lin Feng recognized the threat implicit in the question. "Liu Mei acted honorably throughout. When Ren Zhao attempted to kill me using the Blood Phoenix Binding, she chose to help me escape rather than stand by and watch a murder."

"The Blood Phoenix Binding?" Master Han's eyebrows rose. "Young Master Ren employed a lethal technique against a fellow disciple? This was not mentioned in his report."

"I imagine many things were omitted from his report," Lin Feng said, seizing the opening. "Just as many things have been omitted from the historical record regarding the Jade Lotus Sect."

Master Han studied him thoughtfully. "You have changed, Lin Feng. Not just in cultivation level, though that transformation is remarkable in itself. There is a certainty in you now, a purpose."

"I found my path," Lin Feng replied simply. "As all cultivators hope to do."

"Indeed." Master Han's gaze drifted back to Liu Mei. "And what of her path? Does it now diverge from the Soaring Dragon Sect? From the arrangements made on her behalf?"

"That is for Liu Mei to decide," Lin Feng said carefully. "But I believe her betrothal was effectively dissolved when her intended tried to kill her... and her friend."

Master Han's eyes narrowed slightly. "Friend? Is that what you consider yourself to her?"

Lin Feng met the old master's gaze directly. "What I consider myself is irrelevant. What matters is what Liu Mei considers me—and what she considers herself. The Jade Lotus Sect does not dictate the hearts of others, even allies."

A hint of grudging respect flickered in Master Han's expression. "Well spoken, though perhaps unwisely direct. You should know that Young Master Ren is unlikely to accept this outcome. The Crimson Phoenix Sect has invested centuries in the eradication of temporal cultivation. They will not be deterred by a single diplomatic setback."

"We are prepared for continued opposition," Lin Feng assured him. "But we hope for gradual acceptance as we demonstrate the true nature of our techniques."

Master Han made a noncommittal sound, then glanced over as Liu Mei approached them. "Ah, Disciple Liu. I was just discussing your situation with your... friend."

Liu Mei bowed formally. "Master Han. I hope you understand the difficult position I found myself in."

"Caught between sects, between bloodlines, between duties," the old master mused. "A precarious position indeed. Grand Elder Wei wishes to speak with you privately before we depart. I suggest you prepare your explanations carefully."

With that parting advice—or warning—Master Han moved away to rejoin the Soaring Dragon delegation.

"How bad is it?" Lin Feng asked quietly once the master was out of earshot.

"Not as dire as I feared," Liu Mei admitted. "Grand Elder Wei seems more concerned with the Crimson Phoenix Sect's deception regarding the betrothal pendant than with my actions. The alliance is valuable to our sect, but not at the cost of being treated as pawns."

She glanced toward Ren Zhao, who was engaged in intense conversation with his own sect representatives. "He won't give up, you know. This diplomatic defeat will only drive him to more extreme measures."

"I know," Lin Feng agreed grimly. "But we've bought time, and official recognition, however provisional. It's more than we had yesterday."

Liu Mei's hand found his, briefly, hidden from view by the folds of their robes. "One step at a time, then."

"One step at a time," he echoed, drawing strength from her touch.

Across the pavilion, Ren Zhao looked up, his amber eyes meeting Lin Feng's. No words were exchanged, no gestures made, but the message was clear nonetheless: This was not over. It had barely begun.

In that moment of silent confrontation, Lin Feng finally understood the true scope of the conflict he had inherited—not merely a personal rivalry or a sect dispute, but a fundamental clash of worldviews that had persisted for centuries and would likely continue for centuries more.

Time itself was the battlefield, and he had just taken his place on the front lines.