With just two days until the tournament, Axel woke up in a daze; the reality that in 48 hours he would lose Mara as he knew her, that she would become a zombie in every sense of the word — losing all of her memories and instincts, and instead abused as a drone like every other soldier hoping to win this tournament. Axel was flooded with emotions; confusion, rage, remorse—but one, above all, resonated above the others and he made himself a promise—he would never rest until he liberated Mara, until he freed her memories, made them available to her once again. Axel prepared himself for the task to come, trudging toward the familiar hall where miners gathered, feet walking toward another day of backbreaking work, determination in his heart.
Only two days were left before the tournament; his heart ached when he woke up, realizing that Mara would soon be too; in just 48 hours, she would forget everything and become a soldier without thoughts, a mere pawn in this land. As a storm of emotions crashed and stirred inside him, Axel vowed within himself that he would search for Mara, whatever it cost him, and return her lost memories. With all the conviction he could muster, Axel marched towards the same hall as before where the miners met — another day of grueling work awaited, but he would keep the promise he made to himself.
He first worked with the other prisoners smashing all the rocks and collecting the energy stones. He recognized his team waving at him from a distance with a smile on their face. He approached them, "So you were also a miner in this place, huh? Axel gate his words a smile, "Of course we don't have any other choices. "Where's Ava and Lila?" Kaid asked. Axel asked them, "Oh them? They were at the laundry. They're girls, of course, they don't have to work in this shit," Eli said with something like fury on his face. "What's your plan now? In two days the tournament is happening,"Axel asks Kaid, his tone tinged with curiosity. "I don't know either," Axel replied, "but I want to win. You have some idea how to fight,"Kaise suggested "Maybe we could help you on that problem" Kaid said to him to let him join on their training session. "Sounds interesting." Axel accepted his offer. "Best to get away with something," Eli said with a note of mock in his voice.
Axel - as the man was called - ached from a hard day's work, but nonetheless was happy to be done and was now going to count what he'd earned, and while he had earned only 5g6s, that still a very decent haul, enough to last him through two meals, and for> However, Axel did not have the chance to brood on these thoughts too long as he was soon reminded of his training session with Kaid and with a sense of purpose, he made way to the training room, through the dimly lit corridors, where guards made their rounds with some mixture of indifference and suspicion, but only stopped those that had stepped out of line. Axel found himself at the entrance of the training room, a large area made to resemble an arena with all sorts of deadly weapons, the weapons were not particularly left laying about as all were monitored and restricted, the guards had to give you permission to use one and you were not to remove them from the room. Axel took a deep breath, opened the door, and entered, a brooding Kaid receiving him with bubbly eyes.
"You came," Kaid smiled at him. "Should we start already?" "Oh, seems to be motivated, huh?" Axel responded. Kaid said, laughing. "Ok, we're gonna start grabbing some weapons," Kaid said. And Axel take a look for a weapon that suits him; gun, dagger, sword, bow. But he picks up the sword. "Sounds like you have already made your choice." Kaid was prepared to meet him there; he was, as well, wielding a sword. Kaid bolted forward, sprinting rapidly to Axel but he was able to lift his sword to block in the nick of time, the sound of metal clashing ringing out. Axel gasped as he pressed with all his might against the Devil-Jaw Blade, but the weight of all of the power and history of the single blade was simply too much, the stone pressed into his chest as he stepped back and stammered to draw breath. Axel fired back to his feet and charged, their swords meeting in a storm of strikes, each blow landing expertly and with power. He had no formal training — but somewhere within Axel, his instincts kicked in, wires crossed, and moved his body in ways he didn't know he could. The fight continued, the two warriors trading blow for blow and, as their breaths became increasingly labored, and at long last Kaid stopped, panting, and turned an approving nod towards the man. "I'm the best in the world with a sword," Kaid said, to which Axel shrugged, "I don't know, it just seems natural. Axel flew at Kaid, screaming, their blades sparks raining down on the ground, their blows echoing like a thunderstorm in the air. Speaking through the reestablished calm, Kaid grinned, "That's enough for today; you've obviously done combat before, even if you don't remember it."
Now that Kaid's grueling training is behind you, "You earn your keep in a fight, kid. Kaid gives him a huge thumbs-up, and Axel nods to him on his way out. Axel is up against his hands still quaking from that fight, but he manages to nga hands him one-on-one. Humor in his eyes, he gives a chuckle. He went back into his cell room and sat on a chair in front of his table and he looked at the book and camera. Something red caught his attention on the camera, so it opened it and it was the blood with a description but he didn't know how to read. He looked at it curiously, exited his room, and walked down to his teammates' room.
What might that red, mysterious vial of blood be? What would Axel be able to learn about it? Does that help him on the road to the tournament, or does it hurt him and his teammates...?