There was a sudden voice in the room where it was hidden.
"Doctor… she won't survive the next experiment… I don't think this is the best way to do…" The voice was from a person wearing a long white cloak; it seemed he was like a scientist. His tone appears to be full of tremble.
Then a sudden clang on a table…
"I don't care if she won't survive!We will continue the experiment. She is the only person in all of the patients who can handle the best vial we had!. If she won't survive, remove her memories!…" The other person responded; his voice was full of rage, willing to do anything just for his selfish experiment.
"But, doctor…" The person hesitates to respond.
Then the doctor took a long gaze at the person in front of him.
"Do your job, or else…" the doctor calmly responds, but his eyes seem to have a death gaze.
Then the person left speechless.
"You're so strong, little girl… I hope you can survive your last experiment, HA... HAHA... HAHAHA." The doctor laughed spontaneously, looking at the glass window of the room he was facing; inside was a bed and beside it tools and machines. There was a girl lying helplessly; she was full of cuts, wounds, and injuries.
It was Mara…
"Ahh… it…. Hurts…" She was gasping for her breath, suffering from wounds and injuries.
Every side of her body had wounds from an inserted needle; her arms were full of open wounds; she couldn't move; she was tied up in her own bed.
"It hurts… w…hy… why should it be me…. Father…" she thought to herself, gasping for air, suffering from pain.
But before she could make another thought, the door opened. And a man step into the room of Mara, Mara is slowly looking at him. It was that assigned to her. As the man slowly approach, his eyes was feel sorry foor her, and the man arrived in the side of Mara ready to enject sleep drug, to make her sleep.
"I'm sorry little one… I can't do anything… please don't hate me.." the man said a word while looking at her pale face.
Mara was no longer the girl with a purest smile… she is now full of pain..
As second have past the drug is slowly taking the effect, her vision started to fade, as her eyelids slowly to fall down. She thought to herself.
"A..xel…" for her last words, she is finally asleep.
(30 minutes have past)
The effect of the drug fade away, she started to gain her concousness, as she slowly opened her eyes, a voice sudden appear to her ears.
It was the doctor.
"Is everything wa ready?"the doctor ask.
In Mara's perspective,the voice was so low that she couldn't hear it.
"Yes doctor… everything was settled" the man on the doctor side respond.
Mara slowly took back her original vision, as she analyze the place, it was look like in a different place. Then a sudden light shine through her eyes, the room revealed itself. There was something that watching in every corner, it seem to be also a scientist and doctors.
The doctor look at her.
"I see, so your awake, i believe that the drug was not strong enough!?" He look at his assistant angerly, even though they hide there faces through mask the man could feel the emotion of the doctor.
Mara frightened by the doctors action, she seem to be traumatized by what happened to her.
"What your gonna do again!?" "Why there's a lot of guards and scientist all around!?" Mara ask, her voice was frightened.
The doctor wipe Mara's face, and he said.
"As you can see, this is your last test… if it successful nothing will happen, but… if it failed, there will be something might happen to you" the doctor say he's words while wiping Mara's face.
Mara left speechless. And the doctor turn around to make an announcement.
Second have past.
"Welcome my dear colleagues, this you will face to face to see a true sighting of the awakening of the best soldier we can make!. So just watch and see what masterpiece i will make!!" The doctor shouted to the crowd of scientist and soldiers.
As Mara watches the word out of the mouth of a selfish doctor, she was scared, she felt this is her last day.
And the doctor started to move, he took a syringe. Preparing it to enject the mysterious red vial. His assistant holding an advance suit case where the red vial could find, the doctor started take the red vial's blood to the syringe.
Ting.. ting.. ting
With a three tap of the syringe everything was ready, only to enject it on Mara's body.
The doctor started to Walk towards to Mara. Mara's expression was full of fear she was frightened she can't do anything even if she wanted to, struggling is pointless.
The doctor started to enject it on the arms of Mara, all the expression of the people seem to be amaze,but the assistant of the doctor didn't take it and walk out in the room of hell.
Moment have past nothing seems to be change, it just Mara who was look paralyzed gasping for air.
The moment she could react a sudden surge of pain, running across to her whole body.
Then a shout echoed in the room.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!.... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!"
Mara thought herself, "i couldn't take this anymore, so much pain was running through my vanes".
"Amazing!!, such a beautiful sight. Look my dear fellow colleague this is the real power!!" The doctor say he's words full of amusement, then he take a look at computer where it measures changes to the body of mara.
And he talks to himself, "beautiful!! , the rapid change of her genes!. A new ultimate weapon has been born!!! "
The howl of Mara continues across the room; the guard and scientist are also amazed by the scene, and there are some who don't like it.
[Warning! Warning!The patient is currently down to her death state because of the rapid change to her genes.
A sudden voice alarming the doctor, he looks closer and analyzes what the cause is.
[Warning! 30% life expectancy]
"What?! Why would it be now!?" The doctor looks to be frustrated.
[20% life expectancy]
"Everything was in just perfect condition, why!! " He continued.
The murmur of the people in the room was almost the only thing the doctor could hear.
[10% life expectancy]
The doctor looks to be in a state of pressure.
In the Mara's perspective, she felt an endless pain across her body. "I can't... take… this any longer…; I'm…. S..orry… Ax…e…el.
The moment she said her words, a sudden blackout occurred.
Everyone seem to be in shock, but the moment they could react, the power starts again.
[The patient successfully past the experiment,but it may have side effects]
The voice echoed,it leave everyone stunned.
Then in an instant a sudden struggle rang out in the
It was from Mara position… but before anyone could react she took free herself in the tortured bed…
To be continued..