Chapter 9: To Yangliu Po
"Let's go see her," Xun Yan said, striding ahead.
"Fine, but try not to rifle through her soul like a filing cabinet. If you fry her brain, you're stuck feeding her oatmeal for life," Qin Yichuan warned, catching up.
Xun halted abruptly. Qin nearly collided with his back.
"I won't," Xun stated, steadying him.
"...Right." Qin rolled his eyes. Never expect nuance from a walking armory.
Before leaving, Qin etched talismans on every doorframe—a spectral containment grid. The building's pending demolition would scatter lingering ghosts, leaving hell's enforcers to mop up.
At the hospital, survivor Xie Xin lay in a private room, swaddled in bandages and tubes. Her pallor matched the sheets.
"Living corpse," Qin hissed. "Haven't seen one in decades. Her soul's sealed—not Central Plains magic. Can we even probe her?"
"Modern medicine can't fix this," Xun observed.
Qin dialed Mr. Wang.
After extracting Yangliu Po's location and Xie Xin's photos, Qin turned to logistics.
"Flight tonight. Yangliu Po."
Xun lifted his blade. "Airport security."
"How'd you get here from Qingcheng Mountain?"
"Borrowed the gatekeeper's crane."
Qin blinked. "...We're raiding Yin Hongning's Cosmic Bag."
At Dongzhou University, archaeology student Yin Hongning arrived sweating, clutching a brocade pouch. "Bad omens, Qin-ge. This trip—"
Qin ruffled his hair. "With Xun here? Unless heaven drops a god on us, I'm golden."
The Kunwu Blade vanished into the pouch. Twelve hours later, their rented Jeep bucked Yangliu Po's cratered roads—a "recently paved" trail to nowhere.