Chapter 14: Snow Frost Star Wolf on the Chase!!

As promised Mu Bai immediately made his way towards the mountain behind the school after the school ended for the day.

He was angry that he had to do what that bastard wanted him to, but he had no choice but to obey him...

He reached the place Mo Fan told him, but noticed 4 familiar figures already present there.

In fact these four people were his classmates!

Mo Fan's best friend, the one who followed him the whole time while he was at school and the one who came 4th overall in the whole school, Zhang Xiaohou.

The guy who awakened the Lightning Element and also the one who came 3rd overall in the whole school, Xu Zhaoting.

The Elite Class' Class President, Zhou Min.

And the girl who was first in line for the test, during the Annual Exam, He Yu!

Mu Bai was confused...

"What the hell is happening here?!" He asked to the four people there.

"Did you guys also received the same letter?" Zhou Min who took charge of the situation deduced.

She was the leader type girl!

"Yes! I received a letter which said to come at the back mountain after school!" He Yu said in a cheerful tone~

"I thought it was another confession, but i guess not..." Xu Zhaoting said while looking disappointed!

"Where's Brother Fan? He told me to be here after school!" Zhang Xiaohou looked around but couldn't find Mo Fan anywhere.

"I was called here by that dreg as well!" Mu Bai said while scoffing.

"Haah?! Watch it! The person you called dreg just now scored the highest marks in the whole school and set a new record in the school's history! So if you scored less marks than him called him a dreg, what does that make you, huh?" Zhang Xiaohou was immediately triggered by Mu Bai. He insulted Mu Bai without any restriction.

"What did you just say?!" Mu Bai was also triggered and immediately grabbed his collar.

"What? You wanna go? You think I'm scared of you?!" Zhang Xiaohou also grabbed Mu Bai's collar!

"Stop Fighting!" Zhou Min immediately broke them up.

"Does that mean, Mo Fan was the one who put these letters in our desk?" He Yu asked while tilting her head.


"Mo Fan... You really have bad taste." A sweet and alluring voice echoed in Mo Fan's ears.

He was hugging an extremely beautiful mature girl very intimately!

"Come on! We agreed on this, didn't we?" He wrapped his arms around her waist!

"Hey! What are you—?!" Tang Yue felt as if she was electrocuted when Mo Fan grabbed her waist!

"Hey Now! If you move they'll notice!" Mo Fan whispered in her ear.

Tang Yue felt extremely embarrassed, she could even feel Mo Fan's breath tickling against her ears!

"Are you... Doing this on purpose?" Tang Yue's eyes turned sharp as she turned towards Mo Fan.

Mo Fan immediately knew he shouldn't cross the line anymore.

"Hmm? No way! We don't have a choice right? Your Shadow Magic' range is quite low, so if we're not sticking together, we'll be noticed by them." Mo Fan hurriedly explained.


Mo Fan and Tang Yue were observing them from a tree nearby! They hid their presence with the help of Tang Yue's shadow.

"From a teacher's POV what do you think?" Mo Fan asked.

"They'll be wiped out!" She said without hesitation.

"Wiped out huh... But their cultivation has increased quite a lot over the spring break and all of them are able to cast their spells properly as well!" Mo Fan said optimistically.

"Casting spells in a safe environment while casting them before a Monster is two different things Mo Fan." Tang Yue replied.

"Sigh... I suppose that's true... Well, let's see how long they last against my Little Wolfie!"


As the 5 were arguing, the bushes around them were rustling as if something was there.

Xu Zhaoting was the first to notice it! He ignored the idiot quartet and went near the bushes to check what it was.

Since they were inside the safe zone, he eliminated the possibility of it being a monster and thought it was just a hare or something.

But as he approached the bushes, he noticed a pair of Blue glowing eyes at the ground end, but they suddenly rose even higher than him!

As the eyes rose, the silhouette of the owner of the eyes became clearer.

A huge snow white head with a crystal crown on top, suddenly peeked out from the bushes and stared at Xu Zhaoting.

On the other hand, Xu Zhaoting stiffened up! He never expected it to be monster the size of 2metres!

He was trembling nonstop! His teeth started clattering as his weak shivering finger pointed at the wolf monster in front of him.

"Hel... HELP!!" Xu Zhaoting shouted as he ran with all his might towards the trio.

The trio still arguing finally noticed the presence of the wolf monster sprinting towards them behind Xu Zhaoting!

[[[W...Waaaahhh!!!! Monsterrr!!!!! RUNNN!!!!!]]]

The first to scream was He Yu! Next was Zhou Min and after that Mu Bai and Zhang Xiaohou who held each other's collars, hugged each other and shouted.

"You Fucking Moron!! Why are you leading it towards us go away!!" Mu Bai shouted at Xu Zhaoting who was frantically running towards the group which was running away from him!

"Nooo!!! Don't leave me alone!! Help me!!" He wailed while running like a child.

"Iiyaaa!!! Don't come here!!" He Yu miserably shouted as she ran.

"You idiot! You have lightning element, stop following us and deal with it already!!" Zhang Xiaohou was running ahead in front of everyone and shouting!

"Nooo!! Help meeee!!! I don't wanna die!!!!" Xu Zhaoting screamed.

"Wait where's Zhou Min?" Zhang Xiaohou remembered she had fire element!

"She already passed out and is lying over there!" He Yu said.

Meanwhile Zhou Min had already lost consciousness at the sight of the terrifying Snow Frost Star Wolf!

"Damn why isn't it going after her then?!" Mu Bai was exasperated.

The wolf monster totally ignored Zhou Min and still chased after them!

Xu Zhaoting frantically caught up with them!

"Uwaa!!! It's gaining on us!!!" He Yu screamed when she looked back.

"What do we do?!!"

"Let's split up! That way it won't be able to chase after all of us and while it's chasing someone, the others can go and call the teacher!"

"Yeah let's do that!!"

The moment they decided on the plan, they split up.


Xu Zhaoting and Mu Bai went to the same direction!

"Fuck?! Why're you following me?! Go away!!" Mu Bai shouted when he noticed Xu Zhaoting following him.

And when he noticed Xu Zhaoting following him, he subconsciously glanced behind him and yes, the wolf monster will naturally go towards where there is more food!

"You Fucking dumbass!! It's going to eat both of us!!" Mu Bai felt like crying!

Xu Zhaoting who was following Mu Bai suddenly made a sharp right turn as he saw a small crevice in the mountain. It was enough for him to fit but it was too small for the wolf!

The wolf saw that and ignored Xu Zhaoting and went after Mu Bai!

Mu Bai's eyes almost popped when he saw how Xu Zhaoting ditched him without a second thought! He felt betrayed.

Now the wolf was after him!

"You fucking bitch!! I'll remember this~~~s!!!" Mu Bai's voice grew smaller and smaller as he ran away with the monster!

Phew~ Xu Zhaoting let out a sigh of relief, after seeing how the wolf went after Mu Bai.



Both Tang Yue and Mo Fan sighed when he saw this sight...

Not one of them were able to think of casting the spell...

"It's a mess..." Mo Fan said exasperatedly.

"It sure is... By the way, I didn't knew Wolfie could grow bigger!" Tang Yue replied.

"Ah yes, apparently it was always this big in size but it can become to the size of a puppy as well!"

"I see... So what are you going to do about this situation?"

"Let's round them up. Wolfie use Ice spread on My Bai and bind his legs and hands, after that go catch the others and bring them up here." Mo Fan gave his command to the Snow Frost Star Wolf!


The wolf replied excitedly! It didn't had this much fun in a long time!