Chapter 6

My funds depleted, I head to the dungeon wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and the green poncho. I've tucked the knife into my belt.

Yeah, it's right across the plaza. After all, I just came out of the Guild shop right in front of the dungeon.

I have no regrets... probably.

I'm not entering the dungeon to die, so protective gear is crucial! I keep telling myself this as I walk.

My current defense is DEF 6, MDEF 5.

It's well-known that most Earth-produced items have no MDEF (magic defense). But DEF, physical defense, is pretty standard.

Jeans with a DEF of 1 are especially famous. Unless you have sports protective gear, these are probably the most useful armor.

"Hey kid, entering alone?" 

A stern-looking Self-Defense Force member guarding the dungeon entrance speaks to me.

"Well, yes... I mean, yes."

"Given my position, I can't stop you, but... be careful. Don't push yourself. Target solitary 'goblins', and make sure you come back alive, got it?"

Surprisingly, this intimidating soldier isn't just worried, but offers kind advice.

I must have looked pretty desperate after spending all my funds. Thanks to this person, I've calmed down a bit.

"Yes! Thank you!"

I try to sound as bright as possible to dispel his concerns. Then I step into the dungeon.

When I saw that person, I remembered information I'd previously gathered. After the 'identification' skill spread worldwide, there was a special feature about military equipment from different countries. Japan's Self-Defense Force equipment ranked first with a total DEF of 10 among participating countries. 

However, this only means they're excellent among existing equipment. They're far from dungeon-produced gear.

These people have been fighting for five years since dungeons appeared with such equipment. While other countries' military gear ranges from 9-10, my current defense is DEF 6. I won't be killed so easily. Plus, dungeon-produced equipment provides full-body defense.

This poncho alone offers the defense of five pairs of jeans across my entire body! This is the dungeon's mystery.

Incidentally, firearms are effective against monsters, but leveling up is incredibly difficult. Multiple countries have already verified this information. Moreover, as you progress through dungeon levels, monsters become too strong for firearms to be effective. So Japan continues to prohibit firearms by law.

Instead, blade weapons are now mostly unrestricted. This is because dungeons appear in Japan annually, repeatedly overflowing with monsters, forcing them to relax laws for encounter preparedness.

Wondering about the defense capabilities of the Self-Defense Force member I just met, I descend the dungeon stairs.