I slowly opened my eyes. I instinctively grabbed my head as I felt the pain.

"You're awake. Would you like something to drink or eat?"

I quickly turned to the person who spoke. It was an elderly woman.

Where am I?

"W-Where am I?" I almost whispered, scanning my surroundings. The headache had subsided a bit.

"It's better if you eat first. Come, can you stand?"

I was taken aback by her politeness.

What happened?

I closed my eyes and recalled what happened to me before I lost consciousness. After a moment, I remembered everything.

"How did I end up here? Was I swept away by the sea?" I asked in rapid succession.

Swept away? It seems like I'm far from the sea. From what I remember, I was shot three times by Francis' bodyguard. How did I end up here?

"You managed to escape from the palace and I found you unconscious in the forest, so I brought you here."

I furrowed my brow at what she said.

"The palace?" I asked nervously. I felt a shift in my emotions. I didn't know, but things didn't seem right with what was happening.

I looked at my attire and was surprised to see myself wearing a shining yellow dress.

"It's better if you eat first, and then we can discuss everything."

I looked at the old woman again. I saw her walking towards a corner of the house where there was a table and chairs. I scanned the surroundings again.

The house was made of wood, as were the other items. I saw some carved wooden decorations around the house. The house was small but enough for one or two people.

Although puzzled, I stood up and slowly walked towards where the old woman was. She was seated on a chair, and there was an empty chair in front of her, with a round table in between.

I saw food in front of me, and it was unfamiliar to me.

Am I dreaming? There's a saying that when you're in a dream and given food, you shouldn't eat or accept it because you won't wake up from that dream. Is that true?

"Please have a seat."

I snapped back to reality when she spoke. She didn't seem bad... but I wasn't sure.

I just sat there, staring at the strange food in front of me. It seemed creepy, and I didn't think it would taste good.

"What's your name?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment, but in the end, I told her.


"It wasn't a miracle that brought you here, but destiny."

I blinked several times at what she said.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I don't understand the language you're using, but I can help you continue the life that you must continue," she said meaningfully.

I stared at her for a few seconds. After a moment, I burst into loud laughter. I looked at her and saw her serious face, which made me stop laughing.

My eyes widened as I realized something.

"W-Why did my voice change?" I asked with a trembling voice.

I quickly looked at my body. After a few minutes, I covered my face.

"A perfect body of a princess. An enchanting voice and a stunning physical appearance—that's what you possess now."

I quickly looked at the old woman.

"You're just joking, right? Is this just a joke? Is it just a dream?" I asked in succession. I pinched my face and other parts of my body to wake up from this reality, but I only felt pain.

"It's impossible for you, but possible in this world..." The old woman stood up but kept her gaze on me.

"Elena... you are destined to continue Siarah's life."

I almost fell off my seat upon hearing what she said.

"S-Siarah?" I exclaimed, surprised and curious about the name she mentioned.

"Everything you need to learn and know will be shown and explained to you. Don't worry or be afraid because you will be defeated in this world if that's what you let prevail."

I blinked several times and shook my head.

"No. This is insane! It's not true. You're just playing tricks on me," I said, pinching my cheek again.

I knew my entire body, and I knew that the body I have now is not mine. It's impossible! None of this is true! I never believe in such fictitious things!

"Let me show you the things you need to see."

I looked at the old woman, and my eyes widened as she suddenly emitted light. I closed my eyes because of the brightness coming from her. After a few moments, the light disappeared.

I completely fell back onto the chair when I saw that the old woman had changed her form earlier.

"T-This can't be true!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"I apologize if I startled you, beloved Princess. Were you hurt when you fell?" she said politely.

"Y-You're a fairy?!" I almost shouted the question.

She stood on the table, and she seemed to be as tall and large as my palm.

"We are called Pixies, those like me. I have been with Siarah since she was a baby. Our service is limited to the nobility in this world, so I will do everything to help you before I leave."

I didn't know what to say or do. I just remained in my position.

I would rather be shot again or beaten than—my thoughts were interrupted when the anxiety and fear I was feeling suddenly disappeared. Is this because of the light earlier?

"By the way, my name is Lily. I am a Pixie. Siarah and I have been expecting this time to come, so we have prepared—" I cut her off.

"Where is the real Siarah? Will she not come back?" I asked.

"No, she won't. I wasn't able to say a proper goodbye to her, but I know she's happy with her departure," she answered.

I fell silent for a few minutes.

"What kind of world is this? How and why did I end up here in Siarah's body?"

"This world is meant for extraordinary beings. Destiny brought you here, that is your fate."

"But why me? I know nothing about this world, and I'm just an ordinary person," I said almost in a whisper.

"This necklace will help you remember and recall everything that happened and all of Siarah's knowledge back then. Just wear it."

I looked at her. I saw a necklace placed on the table. It had a sun symbol pendant.

"Can't I just back out?" I asked.

"Are you going to back out now? Destiny wouldn't have brought you here if you were just an ordinary person. You're not just normal, Elena. You're a special being."

"I-I don't know. I'm not ready, and I don't believe in what's happening. It's too... unbelievable. Everything was fictitious."

I stood up from the floor and quickly ran out of the small house. I saw a path, so I followed it.

While running, I kept looking around. I seemed to be in a forest. I can't easily be fooled or believe in things, especially from people I don't know, but how can I explain what's happening to me right now?

Is this really a different world? Or am I just dreaming? If so, I'd rather wake up than play along with myself.

Both my feet automatically stopped running when I reached an unfamiliar place. A village?

I looked around. I started walking while scanning the surroundings.

Normal children playing, normal people selling and talking around. The only difference is their clothing, and the things or goods I see around are unfamiliar to me.

What place is this?

"Your Highness! We finally found you!"

I stepped back as a horse suddenly blocked my path with a man riding on it in front of me.

"The Queen and the beloved King have been looking for you in the palace. Come, let's go home, Your Highness."

I saw him dismount the horse and gesture behind him. I looked at the gesture and saw a group of men also on horseback. They were dressed strangely... like uniforms? D-Don't tell me—

"Please ride the horse. Several guards have been searching for you all night. Fortunately, we found you here, Your Highness."

I froze in my place. I-Is it true... that a Princess owns this body? A-And her name is really Siarah?

Oh my. What kind of world have I ended up in? Out of all the people... why me?


I was in awe when we arrived at a huge gate of... a palace?

"Open the gates because the beloved Princess has arrived!" I heard the leader of the guards shout, who blocked my path earlier.

What the hell?

The large gate, guarded by a few soldiers, opened. I rode in on a white horse, with the leader of the guards beside me, while the other guards rode behind on horses as well.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing around me. It was so beautiful—words were not enough to describe what surrounded me. Everything I've seen was fictitious, and I couldn't... I couldn't really believe it.

The leader of the guards helped me dismount.

"W-What is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Amer, Your Highness. I have been your loyal guardian since you were a baby," he said while placing his right hand on his chest. I remained silent.

"Come, for your Mother and Father are waiting inside," he said politely.

I stopped in my tracks. M-Mother and F-Father? If that's the case, Siarah still has parents. How lucky she is.

Amer walked ahead, so I followed him. The other guards followed behind me.

I am not ignorant about princesses, but this was my first time experiencing it firsthand, so it was not really pleasant or comfortable.

I was living alone since my parents died five years ago. I have my only friend, Angel, and I am currently a trainee at the Philippine Military Academy.

I don't know what is happening to me right now, and I didn't think that I could go with the flow.

Yes, I really wanted to escape the world I grew up in. No one would care about me if I vanished from that world except Angel, but I know she would understand too. I have nothing to lose as Elena. But I can't live in this world knowing nothing, and the worst thing is, I could live here, but as another person. I could make adjustments in this unknown world, but I can't take or steal Siarah's life from her.

I was greeted with a tight hug from a man and a woman dressed in magnificent attire. If I'm not mistaken, they are the King and Queen.

Everything here seems good and perfect.

I feel the love in their embrace.

"Where have you been? Why are you like this, Siarah? We're doing everything for you. We hope you also think about us," they said.

I broke free from their embrace. I saw tears flowing from the Queen's eyes.


"You know there's nothing we can do. Everything is already destined to happen to you. Everything is planned, Siarah," the King said seriously.

I remained silent, confused by what they were saying.

"Your Highness, it seems that the beloved Princess needs some rest," Amer, who was beside me, said.

I saw the King sigh. I saw the Queen approaching me. She held my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Someday... you will understand everything, my child," she said meaningfully.

"Rest now, you still have three days to prepare. Go ahead," said the King. Though puzzled, all I could do was nod.

"Amer... escort her to her room," the Queen ordered with a smile.

Amer bowed and started walking. Without hesitation, I immediately followed him. I couldn't bear the heavy tension between the three of us.

I had so many unknowns and sufficient reasons not to continue Siarah's life.

But... how can I leave this body? This world?

"We're here," Amer politely said.

I nodded before fully opening the room where Amer stopped. I entered and marveled at its entirety.

The furnishings were exquisite. Everything was exceptionally beautiful, and every corner of the room was vibrant. The peach-colored paint served as the light in every corner of the room.

Everything was perfect, but nothing I saw was meant for me; they were all meant for Siarah. I didn't think that I deserved everything that Siarah has.

"You won't take what Siarah has. She will continue to live and stay in that body."

I paused in my thoughts upon hearing a familiar voice. I walked closer to the bed and saw Lily standing there.

"Destiny brought you here. Siarah chose you. The day you were born, and this day was destined. Please don't waste Siarah's life. For her, she wasted her own life, but now that you're here, I hope... you continue it. I know everything is new and strange to you, that's why this necklace will help you. You will obtain all the answers to your questions and knowledge you need when you wear this necklace," Lily explained at length.

I slowly took the necklace from the bed next to her.

"W-What did the King mean by saying I only have three days left to prepare? And why..."

I fell silent as I held the necklace, staring at it. Something urged me to put it on.

"You will be enrolled in a school where you will learn and train diligently. It's a school that prepares individuals with extraordinary powers to fight against creatures called Wizards and Witches. They are evil beings who spread chaos in this world. Siarah is a quiet and serious Princess. She is feared by the people in the palace because of her coldness. You will learn everything when you wear that," she continued with her lengthy explanation.

If that's the case... just as I expected, it feels like I'm in a fantasy movie or novel. Powers and enemies. I'm not the type to overreact or create scenes in what's happening to me now, but it's truly surprising. And no matter how much I protest or go wild, it seems that it won't be a way for me to return to being Elena.

"Destiny and Siarah made the right choice with you. You have to accept and must accept easily what has happened and what will happen."

I looked at her because of what she said.

"Are you ready to continue Siarah's life?"