Chapter 1
"Humans have come a long way since the dynamic fusion that happened thousands of centuries ago, making them finally able to acknowledge their animal urges that they have always kept restrained." I paused and took a breath from reading to scan the eager faces of the children who were attentively listening to me.
Encouraged and happy with what I saw, I continued on. I loved my job so freaking much; the kids were the ones that made it worth it.
"The dynamic fusion unlocked a lot of oddities and wiped out the last traces of humanity, leading to the rise of four dynamics known as Alphas, Betas, Omegas and Numbs. They all react differently to emotions, with the Alphas ranking as the strongest and the most unstable. What's the one thing or rather person the Alphas hold dearly and are willing to protect and die for?" I asked them.
Multiple hands were up, some beaming with excitement and smiles on their faces.
"Abel, tell me the answer." I pointed at a boy in the third row. My action was met with grumbles from the rest of the kids and I had to hide my smile. One thing that I loved about teaching kids was that they were eager to learn, and these ones were ever so ready.
"The one person that an Alpha cherishes most is his Omega. His bonded and fated mate." Abel answered, and I acknowledged his answer by nodding my head. His classmates applauded and cheered him on as he took his seat.
"That's correct. Alright, let's continue with our lecture." What they don't know and probably will be finding out later when they grow older is that Alphas are very dangerous. An Alpha can go one-on-one with a grizzly bear and come out victorious. Yeah, they are that strong and pretty unstable, especially where Omegas were concerned. An unhinged Alpha is a sight one prays never to stumble on. That was why The Dynamic Council passed a law whereby any male that has come into their Alpha dynamic and is eighteen years of age has to be conscripted into the Army. They will be spending decades there learning discipline till they seem fit enough to join society again.
"Then coming in second place are the Omegas. They are the perfect match for the Alphas. The ying to their yang and the hard to their soft. Omegas are the ones tasked with selecting their mates. Although an Alpha can make his interest known, the Omega is the one with the upper hand here. An Omega has the right to accept or reject a bonding between her and an Alpha." I paused for dramatic effect.
The kids were eating this up. They were all attentive, watching me. I couldn't blame them if I wanted, it was their history.
"Omegas might seem fragile but they are not. This misconception happens because of their slight build but they are very powerful, especially being able to calm their bonded Alpha from his rage."
"I would love to be an Omega in the future. They sound so cool." Falcon breathed in awe. At my blatant disapproval at her interruption, she smiled sheepishly and apologized.
"Sorry, Miss Weatherwood." I shook my head and let out a little laugh. These kids were something else.
"It's fine. Also, Omegas have been discovered to have some special abilities which stay hidden until they are needed in crucial times. Also, bonded Omegas can extend the life span of their mate." That was a big feat because after the dynamic fusion happened and the four dynamics came to exist, research scientists came to discover that their lifespan was extended. They could live for centuries without dying as the ageing process slowed down.
"Betas are the next. They are actually more stable than Alphas and Omegas. They are mostly in control of their emotions and are the most common dynamic after the Numbs. The Numbs are the closest to our ancestors, humans. They are actually smaller in size and females can be mistaken for Omegas if the scent compressors are used. Any questions?" I closed the book, finally happy that I was done with the lesson. Anytime soon, the bell will ring, signifying the end of today's school,'s activity.
Hands were up, I pointed at Halle who was one of the popular kids in the class. Her father is a public figure, a very influential one and worked hand in hand with the Dynamic Council. He was also one of the top contributors to The Dynamic Academy.
"Yes, Halle?" I prompted.
"Miss Weatherwood, when are we supposed to come into our dynamics?" I sighed in patience. You need a truckload of patience in dealing with kids.
"Halle, dear. Coming into your dynamic is different for everyone. Some people experience it earlier than others. Is that clear?" I clarified. People like me who have not yet come into their dynamic. I'm currently twenty-three years old and nothing has come up yet. My mother is an Omega and my dad was an Alpha. S,o it was a possibility that I could either be an Omeg, a Numb, or an extremely rare Alpha. Female Alphas are such a rarity that they make up five per cent of the population.
"Yes, Miss Weatherwood." And before any other kid asked me what dynamic I was, the bell rang making them burst into cheers that they were finally going home.
"Kids, please do remember to do your homework as I will not be entertaining any excuses. Not even your parents vouching for you." I hollered after them and watched as some picked up their bags while others arranged their books.
Thirty minutes later, I was all packed up. The cleaner had locked the classroom, and I was ready to go home. My chest tightened at the thought of seeing my mother.
Walking down the alley, I heard someone dimly call my name, which made me falter. I turned around to see Stacia, a numb that worked for us. She was our housekeeper's daughter.
"Stacy?" I frowned in confusion.
"Miss Weatherwood, your assistance is needed at the villa." She gasped breathing fast.
"Why? What are you doing here? And why were you running?" I asked her.
"Miss, it's your mother." I gasped in shock and didn't have to wait for any more reason as I broke into a run.
"Why? What are you doing here? And why were you running?" I asked her.
"Miss, it's your mother." I gasped in shock and didn't have to wait for any reason as I broke into a run.