A Greedy Omega

Murmurs erupted within the entire hall. People were judging her, looking at her with contempt in their eyes. A night ago, she had been known as Patro Solotov's wife and today…here she was ready to march to the altar with Malakai Salvatore. 

The announcement of their divorce had been made by Patro the night the Morin should have killed her and the news made her a villain. Nothing in the news dictated his abuse, nor even the fact that he was holding her father hostage. They didn't state how he was after her life or how he'd dismissed a child that was his. 

Poor omega like her. Who would believe her over an alpha? A known one at that. 

"Are you serious?" It was Patro. The man barked out a laugh of disbelief as he began to approach Eve where she stood with Malakai, yet to walk the altar. The guests were on their feet now, looking judgmental and confused. 

"You really are an interesting woman, Eve. Malakai? Seriously? Is he the reason why you divorced me?" 

"What?" Eve gaped at him. "W-what are you talking about? You're the one who—" 

Patro bristled, "I never thought you would stoop this low, Eve. You've been sleeping with Malakai behind my back, haven't you?" He began chuckling like she'd hurt him. "That is why you two were so eager to get married not even two days after our divorce. What have I done to you, Eve? Wasn't I a good enough Alpha? Or is it because Malakai has suddenly risen to the top and you are too greedy to stick with me?" 

His nasty gaze shifted to Malakai for a split second before they returned to Eve. The audience didn't see the cruel smirk but Eve caught it. 

"You are a very greedy little thing, do you know that? Omegas, of course you are. I did everything for you but you broke my heart, rejected me and went with him, the better option. Ha, I hate to say it, but that hurts, you know." 

Then he turned to the crowd before Eve could speak. "This is sad, isn't it? Marrying your mate and loving her, giving her everything, only for her to break you apart, cheat on you and choose another man, just because he is one step ahead of—"

"You liar!" Eve grabbed him and spun him around, slapping him hard across the face. "How dare you? What are you saying? I never—" 

"Really Eve?" 

Patro gave her a broken look. 

"Hurting me like this isn't enough? Now you're going to slap me in public too? Well since that might make you happy, go ahead and slap the other side." He turned his face for her, and all of a sudden, Eve glimpsed another side of the monster inside of Patro, smirking at her. 

This had to be some kind of nightmare. The real Patro would never stand and let her slap him. No, he was the one who did the hitting. But now…

"What a horrible woman!" 


Voices were filled with derision. 

"What a bitch!" 

"Greedy whore."

"What is Mr. Salvatore even doing with her?" one of the crowds snorted. 

"Must have charmed her way into his pants. Omegas, whore they are, I tell you!" 

Eve was breathing heavily by now, overwhelmed and consumed by the words coming from the crowds. She felt overwhelmed like she was falling into a pit, with no one to pull her out. 

She yelped when Patro snatched her arm, brown eyes glaring her into the floor that suddenly seemed like it could swallow her. "Say something, Eve! Explain to them why you have hurt me, why you cheated on me! Why—" 

"YOU'RE LYING!!" She pushed him and looked to the crowd. "That is a lie. I didn't…I didn't do any of that! I didn't cheat." 

"Well then, if you didn't cheat, prove it," Patro demanded. 

She looked at him with wet eyes. 

"Prove it, Eve. Drop the bouquet in your hand and walk out of that door. That alone will turn this situation. We'll believe you. After all, you'll be losing not just me but Malakai whom you want." 

Eve turned to Malakai whose expression was blank. He was staring at Patro with narrowed eyes, dangerous and murderous. Leave this man, really? She may be in a dire situation but she knew he was baiting her because he knew with Malakai, he could never touch her. And neither could the Morins.. 

"No," was the only answer she gave to Patro and the entire hall fell silent. He was shocked, completely having expected her to take the bait. What he was doing to her was something worse than public humiliation. 

"So you accept you're a cheat?" he asked. 

"I am not a cheat." 

The crowd behind threw words at her. Patro yanked her closer, threatening in a whisper, "Whatever it is you're planning, Eve, I will crush you. I don't think i have showed you enough just what I could do to—" 

"Take your hand off her," Malakai snarled, voice causing the entire hall to drop into a dead silence. 

Patro turned a frown toward him. "You rarely talk, Malakai, what a pleasure to finally hear what you have—" 

Malaka's gloved hand came around his throat and choked him. 


Eve's heart skipped a beat, she didn't know if it was fear or shock. She blinked up at Malakai—the man who at this moment felt and sounded more than just a beast. 

"Leave or sit down, your mouths shut," he ordered, like he had every single control over their lives. She watched them gape at him and slowly sat back in their chairs. 

No one walked away.

No one spoke again. 

And Eve at that very moment knew that she'd made the right choice seeking this man out. He held so much power in his hands, it was incredible. 

"Shall we?" Malakai asked, arm hung out for her to take. She nodded and they began to approach the altar. 

But there was one word that was suddenly thrown out of nowhere at her. And it was from…Herla. 
