Episode4: First Blood

the sound of rapid footsteps echoed. Both sides moved out of the narrow hallway. At that moment, Ivan stepped forward and stood firmly between Mike and Reznov.

"No one dies here... unless they choose to."

Mike took a step back and, with a heavy breath, signaled his team to move forward. This time, however, he was a little more certain than before. They all advanced in silence.

They entered the main chamber of the facility—a vast room filled with complex machinery. The hum of industrial sounds and rotating gears echoed in the air. The columns, reinforced with intricate wiring, were heavily secured to the walls and ceiling.

Natasha stepped in and began analyzing the systems.

"If we're going to bring these columns down, we need to find their weak points."

Ivan and Andrei searched the room, while Dmitry stood still, his eyes locked on a distant corner.

"Something's off. This place... it's like it was built for this exact purpose."

Mike shrugged.

"Who cares? We're just following orders."

Reznov, silent as ever, stood observing everything. It had been a long time since anyone questioned him, but as always, he was the only one who knew exactly what to do.

Natasha turned to Reznov.

"I'm ready. The columns should collapse in five minutes."

Reznov nodded and added,

"Natasha, remember what I said—keep the explosions controlled. Understood?"

Natasha nodded. Mike, always impressed by her efficiency, muttered,

"Alright, it's done. Everyone, cover Natasha while she sets it up."

Just as the explosives were armed, the entire facility trembled. Sparks of fire shot out from the corners of the room.

At that moment, the heavy metal doors burst open. Enemy forces stormed in.

The battle began.

Chaos and Bloodshed

The explosion shook the facility with an ear-splitting roar. Debris and dust filled the air. Emergency lights cast a red glow over the long hallways. Smoke and heat suffocated the battlefield.

Mike shouted,

"Everyone, get ready! They're coming!"

At the far end of the hall, heavy steel doors slammed open. A wave of armored soldiers wearing gas masks stormed in, their automatic rifles and mounted machine guns unleashing a rain of bullets.

Rezonov immediately moved to the right cover, commanding his team with sharp hand signals.

"Andrei! Secure the eastern flank! Ivan, you're with me!"

The first wave of gunfire was ruthless. Bullets whizzed past Mike's ears. Next to him, Dmitry, trying to cover Reznov, was shot in the shoulder and collapsed.

Mike rushed to him.

"Hold on! Natasha, help him!"

Natasha, crouched behind a console, grabbed a small injector from her medical pouch and swiftly injected Dmitry with a stimulant.

"We don't have time! Either we carry him, or we leave him!"

Reznov, his face covered in dust and blood, appeared next to Mike and shouted,

"We have to fall back! We won't last here!"

But then—

A single bullet pierced Andrei's chest.

Blood spurted from his mouth as he collapsed into Reznov's arms.

With a faint, fading smile, he muttered,

"Didn't think... it'd be this soon..."

And before he could finish, his body went limp.

Mike gritted his teeth.

"Damn it... damn this mission..."

Reznov stood motionless over Andrei's body for a second. Closing his eyes, he whispered,

"We don't forget."

Then, without hesitation, he signaled the others.

"Western corridor! Emergency exit!"

Under relentless gunfire, the team pushed forward. Natasha threw smoke grenades behind them to cover their retreat.

"Move! Faster!" she yelled.

More enemy reinforcements arrived, shouting in a foreign language. Behind them, a heavy turret on a tripod locked onto the escaping team.

Reznov, down to his last magazine, pulled back.

"Ivan, cover me. Mike, keep moving!"

Mike turned back.

"What about you?"

Reznov glanced at him briefly.

"I have unfinished business."

Ivan and Reznov sprinted toward the turret. Bullets tore through the air around them. Like a ghost, Ivan hurled a grenade. Before it exploded, a bullet ripped through his side.

Reznov threw a second grenade, destroying the turret. But when he turned back, Ivan had collapsed, dragging himself toward cover—until a second volley of bullets struck him.

Reznov rushed to him, grabbing his hand.

"Comrade... we see this through—"

But it was too late.

The Final Escape

Mike's voice echoed through the chaos.

"Move it! We're leaving!"

Reznov turned to Natasha.

"Blow two more columns. It'll buy us time."

Without hesitation, Natasha triggered the charges. Explosions rocked the facility, sending waves of dust and debris everywhere. Heat from the blasts burned their skin as they fled.

Mike glanced over his shoulder. Everyone in his squad was dead. But this was not the time for grief.

Natasha struggled to drag Dmitry away. Rezonov appeared beside her and lifted Dmitry onto his shoulders.

"Move, Natasha! Head for the exit!"

Natasha and Mike reached the exit first, taking cover and providing suppressive fire. Dmitry, wincing in pain on Reznov's shoulders, was still fighting, firing his small pistol.

Finally, Reznov and Dmitry made it through.

As soon as they were clear, Reznov turned to Natasha and gave the order.

"Finish it."

Natasha detonated the final explosives. The remaining columns collapsed, burying the enemy—and the bodies of their fallen comrades—under tons of rubble.

Exhausted, wounded, and drained, the survivors pressed on. Their only relief was that Carlina had secured a clear path to the airport.

Mike, staggering under Dmitry's weight, shot a bitter glare at Reznov.

"We lost so many people... for what?"

Reznov, still covered in Ivan and Andrei's blood, remained silent, staring into the darkness ahead.

Mike pressed on.

"Where the hell are you taking us?"

Reznov finally spoke, his voice low.

"To the end of the road... where we either finish this, or we all die."

Mike's voice hardened.

"You lost your friends. Does it even matter to you? Do you even feel anything?"

Reznov suddenly whirled around, shouting,

"No, I don't! You know why?! Because after all these years, my feelings have been burned away! Do you know how many of my men I've seen die? I've led five full teams to their deaths! My best friend died because of this mission! And now you come here and talk to me about feelings?!"

Mike, just as furious, shot back,

"That's exactly what's strange—five squads dead, and somehow, you always survive!"

Reznov's voice darkened.

"Don't rub salt in my wounds."

Then, taking a breath, he turned away.

"It doesn't matter anymore. One way or another, in an hour, this all ends. Now move."

Natasha stepped ahead, her voice heavy with grief.

"He's right. We keep moving. This isn't over yet."

And so, battered, bloody, and exhausted, they marched toward the airport.