2. Sexy Stranger

Frank sprinted from the bed and moved closer to her. "What are you doing here? How did you open the door?" Frank said with anger in his voice. As he looked past her to see the door open, he brushed past her towards the door and shutting it.

Selene's knees weakened; she could feel herself slipping. She sat on the ground and looked up to see Ivy on the bed, attempting to dress up.

"Oh, come on, Selene, don't play the fool," Ivy snapped. "I'm sure you must have known but just decided to play the fool," she continued with contempt in her voice.

Selene could feel hot tears rolling down her cheeks as she listened to the voice of someone she had called a friend for more than a decade.

She looked over at Frank, her eyes searching for some form of remorse in his expression, but he remained mute and blank.

When she could no longer tolerate the silence, she asked softly, her voice betraying her, "How long?"

Frank's laughter dug a hole deep into her heart as it erupted in the room, making her insides turn.

"She's as dumb as she is fat," Frank said with disgust on his face as he looked at her.

His beautiful brown eyes, which she had adored, now darkened with an emotion she could not recognize.

"So you thought I was going to let you sex-starve me for seven years, bitch? Even now, you still manage to make the gown look ugly. You thought me not having sex with you was because I cared about your virginity? Bitch, I was never sexually attracted to you," he spat at her, his words slicing deeper than ever.

"From the first time we met at the café, I had always been attracted to Ivy. I only dared to ask her out in the second year of our relationship. It turns out she felt the same way," he said, looking up at Ivy on the bed. Admiration filled his eyes.

How did she miss that? Selene wondered. 

How could she not have seen through their lies and deceit? 

"Then why did you propose?"

Immediately, the words left her mouth. She knew the answers would forever leave more scars in her heart, but she didn't care. She needed to know.

"Because, Fatty, as much as I would hate to admit it, you are smart, and your financial contributions helped me all through college. Besides, you've been the manager of my company since it started. I was only marrying you out of pity and considering how much you helped me," Frank snapped as he walked past Selene towards Ivy, planting a deep kiss on her lips.

Selene could feel her legs again at that moment, and without saying a word to any of them, she jolted out towards her room, banging the door behind her.

She hurriedly undressed, standing in front of the mirror in her underwear. She suddenly felt so small. Looking at her plus-size body, her heart ached. Her hands found their way to her hair, unstyling it, letting her long, wavy hair flow down her waist.

She sat on the ground, letting out a loud wail. She could hear her heart breaking.

Her head felt light. She needed to leave this place, she thought, throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She headed downstairs, unsure where she was heading; she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

She headed towards the bar, sitting in a secluded area where the lights couldn't reach. She ordered a glass of martini.

One glass was not enough, so she ordered two. After finishing the second glass, she could already feel herself getting tipsy.

She tried not to think about Frank's words, but they kept ringing repeatedly. Images of Frank and Ivy flashed through her mind, taunting her.

Who did he think he was? That he did not find her attractive enough to sleep with her?

No! She wasn't going to believe a man who had been lying to her and sleeping with her best friend for seven years. She wouldn't let him break her after everything he had done. She was going to prove them both wrong.

Inside a cab on her way to a famous club she had been hearing a lot about, Selene couldn't believe she was going through with her plan.

She wore the most revealing outfit she could find in her size and black stilettos she had purchased from the boutique close to her hotel.

She felt more confident than ever, switching off her phone to prevent distractions. She was determined to prove Frank and Ivy wrong.

Her plan? Get drunk and sleep with the first guy who shows interest in her.

She went straight to the bar. The moment she stepped into the club, loud music blaring from the speakers, combined with the alcohol in her system, excited her, as this was her first time in a club.

She ordered an entire bottle of their strongest drink and poured herself a glass. She needed to be extremely drunk to pull off this move.

Her eyes scanned the crowd as she searched for that one lucky stranger who was going to take her virginity.

She had been living a lie for the past seven years, not having sex with Frank, thinking it was going to make their wedding night experience more memorable. Still, here she was on her supposed wedding night, wanting to hook up with a stranger to feel good and prove her ex wrong.

Her plan couldn't have gone any worse. After turning down the advances of three strangers who didn't seem right to her and not having the courage to walk up to the one stranger who caught her eye the moment she stepped into the club, she decided to head back to the hotel. Disappointed and upset with herself, she ordered her ride.

Outside, she saw a car. Due to her drunken state, she mistook the car for her ride.

"Oh shit, sorry I took so long," she said to the cab driver apologetically.

"No problem, ma'am," he responded.

Stepping into the cab, she was about to give the driver her directions. Just then, the guy she had her eye on the entire night but was too scared to approach entered the cab before she could close the door.

"Take me to the estate!" Nikolas ordered, his head spinning from the alcohol in his system.

He could feel his companion's presence, using his hand to shield his eyes from the streetlights. He wasn't expecting her to turn up this early. He had only made the reservation a few minutes earlier after the girl at the bar he had his eyes on disappeared before he could make his move.

Mixing different alcohol in his system was beginning to do a number on him, but he didn't care. This was what he wanted—to be numb.

To not remember the events of the day he buried one of the most important people in his life: his father.

Selene had been mute since the stranger entered her cab.

Trying to figure out why he must have followed her into the cab; maybe he was too shy to approach her like she was.

But why hasn't he addressed her by now instead of just going to his place? What if he's a serial killer? No evil thoughts, Selene cautioned herself, and besides, he was sexy.

Think about all the hot, steamy sex you're going to have, so go with the sexy stranger, she encouraged herself.

Feeling the need to know his name at least, she proceeded to ask.

"What is your…?"

"Shhh… please, no questions, my head hurts," he said, silencing her.

Nikolas could feel the dryness in his throat, the effects of consuming too much alcohol. He wasn't really in the chatty mood.

Looking down at the notification on his phone, although blurry, he could tell from the sound that it was a reminder he had set to attend his business associate's wedding, which was set to take place today. How ironic, he huffed. His worst day was somebody else's happiest day.

Turning to observe his companion, which he had failed to do since entering the car, she was his second option. After his first option had been canceled, he had to resort to an escort agency.

He insisted on his usual, so why did she look different?

Dismissing it as the effects of alcohol and his blurry eyesight.

"We're here, sir," his driver's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

After passing through the main entrance, they headed into the elevator with everything looking blurry to him.

"Press the top button, the one to the penthouse," he ordered.

A penthouse? Did she just hook up with a millionaire? Who looks attractive enough to hook up with a millionaire now, Frank? she thought to herself, smiling sheepishly as she did as she was told.

"So, is this where you..." her words were cut off as his lips crashed down onto hers, sending a series of shocks down her spine. 

Without waiting for her permission, she felt his tongue part her lips with so much force and heat that a moan escaped her mouth before she could stop it, making him chuckle.

The series of events that followed was a combination of both intense and amazing.

That night, all the lies Frank had said about her body faded away from her thoughts into oblivion as she let the sexy stranger explore her body and help her discover how incredible sex could be.

Lying beside him as she drifted to sleep, ready for whatever tomorrow holds,she was now more confident than ever.