The morning after, Alex perched himself atop the roof of an adjacent structure, his gaze boring into the city beneath.
He replayed the fight from the night before over in his head, each moment fresh in his memory.
It had been instinctual, of course, protecting Lila, but it also only solidified his fear that she was now a target.
The demons were aware of her, and that was new, and that altered the deal.
Evelyn's voice snapped him out of his reverie. "You look like hell."
Alex looked over his shoulder to see her standing behind him, arms crossed.
Her trademark smirk was gone, replaced by an unusual look of concern.
"I appreciate the pep talk," Alex said, running a hand through his hair. "What are you doing here?"
Evelyn shrugged. "Checking on you. Word travels quickly in the underbelly.
Sounds like you had a hell of a night."
Alex's jaw tightened. "They went after her. Lila. She's by no means guilty in this."
"Innocent doesn't mean untouchable," Evelyn said, her tone businesslike. "You're in this battle now, and everyone near you is fair game. You have to be prepared for that."
"I'm always ready," Alex bristled, rising to confront her. "But I'm not going to let them hurt her.
Never while I'm still breathing."
Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "Bold words. But keeping her safe means shielding her from this.
You can't have it both ways, Alex."
He didn't respond. He knew she was right, deep down. But appearing to reject Lila was insufferable.
She was the only thing holding him together in a world that was teetering on the brink of chaos.
Alex went back to Lila's apartment that night. She opened the door, looking both relieved and frustrated.
"I'm surprised I didn't call the cops on you after last night," she said, moving aside for him to enter.
Alex managed a faint smile. "I would have talked my way out of it."
Lila crossed her arms. "Alex, what's going on? Those things last night... They were not human. And you're not, either, not entirely."
He sighed and put a hand through his hair. "You're right. I'm not. Not anymore."
Lila's eyes flickered, but she said nothing, waiting for him to elaborate.
"I made a deal," Alex said, regret laden in his voice. "With Lucifer. I was meant to die, and he gave me a second chance with a catch.
Right now, I'm tracking demons out of hell."
Lila looked at him, her face unreadable. "And you didn't feel the need to tell me this before?"
"I was trying to keep you safe," Alex said. "The less you knew, the safer you would be."
"Safe?" Lila's voice lifted, rage flashing in her eyes. "Alex, I can't believe I was nearly killed last night. Don't you think I have a right to know what I'm up against?"
He made as though to speak but hesitated when he felt the beat.
It was a whimper, but it was getting louder. His eyes flickered toward the window, watching the darkened street outside.
"You don't have time for this," he said, the tone urgent.
"They're coming."
Lila's anger gave way to fear. "What do we do?"
Alex took a step toward her, expression hard.
"You stay here. Lock the doors; don't let anybody in. I'll handle this."
"No, no way," she said, waving her head. "I'm not going to sit back while you fight alone.
"Lila, for God's sake," Alex said, his voice dropping softer. "If there was anything wrong with you…"
Just as he went to finish, the window broke. Bloodlust burst into the room as he watched a demon shuffle its way into the street, its grotesque figure illuminated by the flickering city lights.
Alex acted instinctively, hellfire clawing out of his palms as he stepped between Lila and the creature.
The fight was brutal. It was larger, meaner, and faster than any demon he had faced before; its claws sliced through the air with deadly precision.
Alex weaved and defended, his hellfire burning the creature's flesh. But it was relentless, putting him on the defensive.
Lila picked up a lamp from the table next to her and swung it at the demon.
The impact caused little damage, but the distraction was enough for Alex to land a critical blow.
The demon was consumed, reduced to ash by the hellfire.
Alex looked at Lila, his chest heaving. "Are you okay?"
She nodded as her hands shook. "I… I think so."
Alex was alerted to footsteps outside.
He walked over to the window and saw more demons approaching, their glowing eyes cutting through the dark.
"There's more to come," he said, voice grim. "We need to leave. Now."
Lila slipped on her coat and stepped out behind Alex.
The pair passed quickly through the city, slipping into the shadows. Alex's head was spinning as he tried to devise a plan.
He couldn't run forever, and he couldn't put Lila at risk any longer."
They took shelter in a derelict church on the outskirts of the city.
The air was cold and stagnant inside, a weak smell of incense one could perceive. Alex locked the doors as Lila struck a few matches, lighting the candles whose flickering light threw long shadows over the walls.
"What will hold them long?" Alex said, with a tense voice. "But it'll buy us some time."
Lila perched on one of the pews, her hands knotted tight in her lap. "Alex, what happens now?"
It was something crushing in his expression; determination mingling with regret.
"Now, we fight. And I swear to you, I'll go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe."
With a step forward, he trained himself on the venom to be unleashed.
The odds were stacked against them, he knew, but he also knew he couldn't afford to fail. Not this time.
A hush hung over the church, a sedate flicker of candlelight illuminating dancing shadows on the weathered wooden pews.
Alex pressed against the altar, hyperaware.
Every creak of the building, every distant noise from outside, was like an omen of doom. He looked over at Lila, sitting on the edge of a pew, her hands shaking as she attempted to catch her breath.
"Are you okay? " Alex whispered, his voice slicing through the thick silence.
Lila raised her head, her hazel eyes finding his. "I don't know," she admitted. "One minute, I'm doing normal things in life; the next minute… demons are coming through my window. It's a lot to process."
Alex sat down next to her; she scooted a bit closer.
"I never wished this upon you," he said, guilt-laden. "If I could take it all back…"
She gave her head a shake and put a hand on his.
"Don't. You're attempting to protect me, and I see how much it is costing you. But, Alex, I have to ask one thing."
His heart raced as he gazed at her. "Anything."
"Why me?" She asked, her voice low. "Of everyone in your life, why am I the one you're fighting so hard to protect?"
Alex paused, the significance of her question hanging heavily in the air.
"Because you're all I've got left that's good," he confessed. "You're my anchor, Lila. I don't know who I'd be."
Her eyes softened, and she leaned in closer, her grip tightening around his.
"Then let me be your anchor. Stop shutting me out. We're in this together now."
Before Alex could answer, there was a loud crash inside the church. They both leapt up, Alex automatically placing himself between Lila and whatever had made the noise.
Something enormous slammed into the barricaded doors, making them quiver.
"They're here," Alex said, his voice strained.
He summoned hellfire to his hands, the flames licking the dark space around him.
"Stick to me, whatever happens."
Lila nodded, fear on her face but determination in her heart. "I'm not leaving you."
The doors exploded open, splinters flying as a hulking demon entered. Its eyes burned a dark red, and its horrific shape was draped in shadows that flittered like things alive.
Smaller demons streamed in behind it, their guttural growls reverberating inside the church.
Alex didn't wait. He threw himself at the first demon, clashing his hellfire against its shadowy body.
The two forces struck violently, the air around them crackling with power.
Alex was battling with a ferocity Lila had never witnessed, her heart in her throat.
But the demons kept coming. One broke from the fray, glowing eyes trained on Lila.
She torqued back, her fingers grasping a splinter of wood from the broken door.
She swung with all her might as the demon lunged, the makeshift weapon piercing its chest.
The creature shrieked and turned to ash.
"Lila!" Alex yelled, panic rising as he saw her fighting off another demon.
He shoved his foe away with a blast of fire and dashed to her side, slaying the creature with one stroke.
"I told you to stay behind me!" he said, his voice tinged with anger and fear.
"And I told you I'm not going to leave you," she retorted, fire in her eyes.
Before Alex had time to protest, the mountain of a demon let out a roar, its shadowy physicality swelling as it got ready to swing. Alex caught Lila's hand and tugged her behind the altar.
"Stay low," he said, his voice steady. "This one's mine."
The demon barreled forward, its colossal claws swiping at the sky.
Alex took it on, his hellfire brighter than ever.
They railed against each other, flames licking out to meet shadows, rending the earth below them as they fought.
Lila could only watch in horror as Alex battled for his life.
She wanted to help, but she knew she'd only be in the way. Instead, she sent a silent prayer wherever a great spirit might still hover over the world, that, somehow, Alex would have the power to triumph.
At last, with a sound of fury, Alex struck forth a wave of hellfire, consuming the evil. With a blood-curdling scream, it began to explode into ash, the shadows swirling like smoke.
The church was quiet again, Alex's breathing ragged.
He glanced at Lila, searching her eyes. "Are you okay?"
She nodded, her eyes welled with tears. "I… I thought I was about to lose you."
Alex moved closer, wrapping his arms around her.
"You're not going to get rid of me that easy," he said, voice gentle yet insistent.
For a brief time, the outside world disappeared.
Lila laid her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him. "Promise me we'll get through this," she said in a whisper.
Alex placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I promise. At any cost, I'll keep you safe."
Dimly lit by a few flickering candles, Gavin and Alex embraced, getting lost in the sweetness of this moment.
The battle was by no means won, but for the first time he didn't feel alone. They would face whatever came next together, and together they would find a way to survive.