As night fell over the cabin, battle past left an uneasy calm. Mara sat in front of the window, gazing into the dark woods. Her hands shook a little, remembering the heavenly glow she had used to shield herself. Whether it was the power itself or what it would mean for her, she didn't know.
He steps onto the wooden floor, each footfall subdued and soft. He had two steaming mugs of tea, placing one on the table next to her.
"Couldn't sleep? " he asked, his voice low.
Mara only shook her head, still watching out the window. "Every time I close my eyes, I see them. The demons, the light… everything, it's so much."
Alex sat down in the chair across from her. He searched her face for a moment, his face softening. You're stronger than you know, Mara. The thing you did tonight … it saved us. Don't doubt that."
She looked at him and searched his eyes. "But what if I lose control? What if this power does harm to someone I love?
Alex had moved closer, placing a hand on hers. "That's why we're here. You're not alone in this. We'll get through this together."
His touch brought her warmth, and she experienced a sense of calm for a few moments. She managed a small smile. "Thank you, Alex. For everything."
A faint grin flicked at her lips. "Don't thank me yet. We've still got a long way to go."
Elsewhere in the cabin, Lila paced the small kitchen, and her mind raced. But the unease that had crept into her since the battle hadn't left her. The way Alex had gazed at Mara… it was something else, softer. It twisted something uncomfortably in her chest.
Gideon's voice cut through her musings. "You're worried about him."
The old man was leaning against the door frame, eyes boring into her. "I'm worried about all of us," she replied, sidestepping.
Gideon laughed, dry and knowing. "You can't fool me, Lila. I've seen the way you watch Alex. But you need to be careful. That sort of emotion can cloud your judgment, particularly in the heat of a fight."
"No, I'm not," she began, but he silenced her with a hand in the air.
"Save it," he said. "This is bigger than any of us; just keep that in mind. Keep your head clear."
Lila stiffened and then slumped. "Easier said than done."
The next day opened gray and overcast, the forest cloaked in mist. Mara stood with Alex and Lila around the table where Gideon had laid out a map with strange symbols scrawled all over it.
"This," Gideon said, indicating a point on the map, "is where we need to go. A long-abandoned, yet still full of residual energy, old temple. If there's any place that can tell us what Mara's power is, it's there.'
"How far is it? "Alex asked.
"One day's journey, if we make good haste," answered Gideon. "But the path is dangerous. The temple's energy will draw more than just us."
Mara grimaced, brushing the faint glow in her chest that had turned into a part of her. "I'll do whatever it takes. I have to figure out what's happening to me."
She nodded to herself, her determination burning hot. "Then we'd better be prepared for anything."
They were setting out in a leaden sky, the party hurrying through the thick woodland. Alex kept close to Mara, his eyes constantly evaluating their surroundings, looking for threats. Lila led the way, her body coiled and her weapon drawn.
As the day progressed, the mist thickened, dulling sound and blurring shapes. The darkness came to life; shadows reached out for them, waiting for them to break the silence.
"Stay close," Alex said, hardly breaking a whisper. "This place is not like that."
Mara trembled, swallowing her terror for every step she took. All at once, a rustling noise came from the trees ahead. The group froze, weapons at the ready.
Through the gasping mist, a figure emerged, obscured. For a brief moment, they assumed it was yet another demon. But the thing now approaching was a man, his clothing frayed, his eyes wild.
"Help me," he gasped, dropping to one knee.
Alex edged closer to him, but Gideon caught hold of his arm. "Wait. This could be a trap."
"He's hurt," Alex argued. "We can't just leave him."
Before Gideon could say anything, the man's body convulsed, and his skin started to ripple in an unnatural motion. The growl that escaped his lips was guttural as his body twisted into a monstrous form.
"It's a demon! " Lila yelled as she lifted her weapon.
The creature attacked, its claws slashing at Alex. He ducked, blasting it with hellfire that sent it staggering. Lila stepped forward, and so did Mara, and five seconds of combined efforts laid the beast down.
As the creature crumbled into ash, Mara looked at Alex, her eyes wide. "They're getting smarter. That thing almost fooled us."
Alex nodded grimly. "We need to stay sharp. This is not going to get any easier.'
They made camp that night in a small clearing. As they sat next to each other, the unsaid words between them seemed to hang heavy in the air.
Mara observed from afar, her emotions battling in knot formation. She couldn't deny the developing connection she felt for Alex, but she also couldn't dismiss the bond he had with Lila. It was complicated and, while they were on such a dangerous path, felt impossible to unravel.
With the fire crackling, Alex sat next to Mara and handed her a piece of bread. "You did well today," he said, his voice gentle.
"Yeah, so did you," she replied, with a slight smile dancing in her mouth. "But I can't shake the feeling that we're heading into something much bigger than what we know."
Alex's expression darkened. "You're not wrong. But whatever it is, we'll handle it together."
Their eyes locked, and the world around them disappeared for a brief moment. There was something between them, something more than just the specter of death closing in around them. But before either of them could say anything, Lila spoke.
"We should try to get some sleep," she said, her voice sharp. "We've got a long day ahead."
Alex stepped back; his eyes drifted. "She's right. Get some sleep, Mara."
Mara's heart ached with words unsaid as he walked away. Although the battle for the road ahead would be dangerous, the battles in their hearts may be even more so.