chapter 6: is this the end of James

It appeared that Jimmy reacted just in time, throwing the tap to Robby and pushing the leader of the Yangacura group from the window. The leader grabbed hold of Jimmy, and they both fell from the window.

It seemed that Jimmy knew the methods used by the Yangacura group to silence any member who got caught. Jimmy did intensive research on them as a precaution, but Jimmy got too excited on hearing about Justin that he didn't share this information with Khaled's father and Robby, so he let his guard down and ignored the danger that was facing them after he noticed he knew that he had to atone for his carelessness by acting instantly, but he was killed as a result. Khaled's father was on the sixth floor of the hospital, as were Robby. The hospital was falling apart, and Jimmy's sacrifice did nothing since Khaled's dad and Robby were on the final floor of the hospital. Khaled's dad grabbed Robby's hand, who closed his eyes from the explosion and rushed to the stairs, then chaos erupted and panic swept through the entire hospital. With no time to spare, people were scrambling for safety. Those unable to walk were abandoned, and the sheer desperation for survival overtook everyone. Khaled's father, quick on his feet, devised a daring plan to escape with Robby. They hurried to every room, swiftly gathering bed sheets and tying them together. With a makeshift rope, they secured it to a window and made a heart-stopping leap. As they plummeted, the makeshift rope of sheets and blankets gave way, dramatically causing Khaled's father and Robby to crash from the first floor. Miraculously, they survived the fall but had many broken bones. Robby was unconscious from the fall, but Khaled's dad was still breathing and had some flicker in his eyes since Robby was the one who took the full force of the fall, so Khaled's dad called another hospital and informed them of the situation and passed out.

Following the tragic hospital explosion, the hospital administration immediately sprang into action by contacting all of its major branches and dispatching a hospital vehicle to transport all the patients to safety. The devastating incident resulted in the loss of 30 lives, with 14 individuals sustaining severe injuries and 13 reported as missing. In response to the disaster, the hospital swiftly enlisted the help of constructors to clear the rubble in hopes of locating any remaining survivors. Law enforcement officials determined that the explosion was caused by a high-density grenade, prompting an extensive search effort. While the vast majority of those affected were successfully located, there remain two individuals who are yet to be found: Khaled's dad and Robby. Additionally, authorities made a startling discovery involving the confession of an individual named James, who was presumed to have perished in the explosion. Contrary to initial reports, James was found to be alive and is now wanted by the authorities, with a reward of one million dollars being offered for information leading to his capture.

A suspicious van drove by the hospital, and they were James and the new leader of the Yangacura group. This van kidnapped the injured Khaled's dad and Robby. They were treated when Robby opened his eyes. He saw the smirk on James' face. He looked around and found Jeffery, who was confined with chains next to them. James started to speak and said with a smug smile, "All my enemies have been gathered here. Firstly, I commend you, Khaled's father, for ruining my plans and tricking me. Now let me know where the watch is since Jeffery is here wasn't that cooperative." Meanwhile, Khaled was studying abroad and was shocked to hear that James was dead. Khaled knew that this news was all good to be true. Khaled returned to his country to put an end to James's schemes. Khaled was trying to track Jimmy, the only witness to James's death. Jimmy was reported dead in the hospital, so he knew his only lead was cut short. Then, just before Robby and Khaled's father were kidnapped, Khaled was at the site and noticed them getting dragged into the van and followed them to the hideout and arranged a group of a mighty task police force to raid the hideout of the Yangacura clan. James explained to them why they decided to sacrifice the old leader of the Yangacura group to plant a bomb inside him to kill Khaled's father and Robby. The group of task force members entered the building and began the slaughter as tensions grew and blood spilled as the Yangacura members were getting slaughtered. James was shocked when he discovered Khaled at the scene. He knew that the hideout was hidden well, so he knew that Khaled followed them to the hideout.

James ordered three of his men to place guns on the hostage's heads.

Khaled showed James what he desired the most. Khaled explained I will give you the watch but release my friends and father. James ordered the three men to drop their guns, then took the watch and left.

James later discovered that the watch was a cheap replica and wasn't worth anything. Now James knew that he had to find another way to obtain the watch, but it was a matter of time before he got captured by the mighty task police force, and his crimes were known to the world, and his execution if he got caught was certain.

Khaled's father, Robby, and Jeffery were saved, but Jimmy died a hero to all and will always be remembered. Khaled continued his study abroad. Robby took acting lessons to discover his passion once more, and James was later caught near an old warehouse and was executed. Khaled's father gave the watch to Jerfery and later became partners at work. They all lived happily ever after