Chapter 18

Wen slowly opened his eyes. A blinding light dazzled him at first, but his vision soon adjusted. In front of him stood a woman in a golden robe, radiating mystical energy, surrounded by knights in gleaming armor. All around, vast mosaics with unfamiliar patterns stretched across the walls and ceiling.

— The fifth has been summoned… Priestess, why did you do this?! a knight protested.

Wen clenched his fists. Yet another problem he hadn't asked for.

— Hero! Get up, for heaven's sake! the priestess exclaimed.

He chose to ignore the order and closed his eyes again. A knight approached with a bucket of water.

— Are you insane or what?! Wen shouted, jolting awake after being drenched in ice-cold water.

He scanned the room. A royal court. A king crowned in gold, a princess with long red hair, and an assembly of young people around his age.

— Hey, I didn't know they summoned hobos here! a blond-haired boy sneered.

The priestess tilted her head, intrigued.

— Hero, what does "hobo" mean? she asked innocently.

Wen ignored her and shot a glare at the teenager.

— Priestess, send me back to my world immediately.

He hadn't survived the hell of his own universe just to become a puppet in another.

— I-I can't… she stammered.

The king, a pale man with tired eyes, spoke up.

— Our best mages have been assassinated by the Zhenhai Empire and the northern nation of Beilin. These forces seek to raze our kingdom, enslave our women, and—

— And what do we get in return?! the youngest hero interrupted, gripping a bow, ready to fire.

The knights immediately tensed.

— A harem! the blond boy shouted with a lecherous grin. We're in an isekai, aren't we?

Wen gritted his teeth in disgust. The priestess placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, looking sorrowful.

— Hero, come. We must choose your companions.

She led him into a royal courtyard where several adventurers awaited. Beside him, a young girl with Asian features stepped forward, a katana in hand. Wen glanced down at his own—no weapon, just a strange pentagram marked with an eye.

— Hey… Don't you find them disgusting? Please tell me I'm not the only one, the girl murmured.

— Tch… I'm used to guys like them. Aren't you?

— Not really…

— Where are you all from? she asked the group.

— Japan, one replied.

— Philippines.

— Japan too.

They all turned to Wen.

— You're from China, I assume? one of them asked.

Before he could answer, the king raised a hand.

— Heroes, before the adventurers choose their champion… introduce yourselves.

— Azusa, 19, Tokyo.

— Miyato, 20.

— Ayun, 21.

— Kaito, 16.

When it was Wen's turn, the king immediately cut him off.

— Good. Adventurers, choose.

One by one, they selected a hero. Wen was left alone. He clenched his fists, struggling to contain the rage building inside him.

— Anyone for the fifth hero? the king asked.

Silence. The adventurers avoided his gaze.

Then, a clear voice rang out.

— I choose him.

The silver-haired priestess had just raised her hand.