Hey guys so I was bored today so I'm breaking my no updates on Sunday rule for you.
Hope you enjoy.
As soon as the host finished explaining the rules we saw the bracket, and we were the last match, so Kenta and I watched the first match and I noticed everyone was weaker than I thought.
'Hmm, I wonder if it's because my beyblade is based on a heroic spirit.' I think as the winners were decided and the second round began, "hey Mr.Raizel, I've been meaning to ask, but what does your bey look like?"
I turn to Kenta as I take my carrying case off my back and place it on my lap, "Kenta you don't need to call me Mr, im only 16 after all." I remark as I click the latches and open it up, In it was my bow launcher, my point counter, and my Beyblade.
"Whoa Is that a bow?! Is that legal?" Kenta asks with a mixture of awe and worry, as I point to the pocket in the lid, "all the legal documents are in this pocket, anyways here's my bey, Gladiator Spartacus." I say as he gets a full looks at it.
"Wow! This really doesn't look like the usual beys you can find anywhere, here's my bey, meet flame Saggitario." He says as he pulls out his and even seeing it up close I couldn't help but want to geek out, "nice, so what are its specs if I may ask?" I ask as he nods and explains his was a stamina type that's best suited for long battles, "what about yours Raizel?"
"Well Kenta, mine is called Gladiator Spartacus C-WMG WSD, it's a reverse rotation bey that's a defense type until it's special move is activated, but it can absorb spin speed from other beys while also counter attacking." I whisper as I didn't want to have my opponents or someone who wants to steal my bey hear what it can do, but I hear a ping and hear a response from the system.
(You don't t have to worry about people stealing your beys, nobody can use them except you.)
'Well that's handy.'(Raizel)
Kenya was about ask a question, but before Kenta could say anything the host calls us to the ring and we both begin our walk to the stadium, "okay Kenta you keep yourself in the center while I rotate around you." I advise as we make it to the stadium.
'Now remember Spartacus, don't break their beys, ring them out of the stadium, and let me know when you can unleash your Crying Warmonger?'
"Yes master, but I will say this…everyone except the boy Kenta are extremely weak, so I doubt I'll need to activate my noble phantasm.'(Spartacus)
'You do know you don't have to call me master anymore right?'(Raizel)
'Oh right, force of habit.'(Spartacus)
'In any case, let's enjoy this tournament'
"Contestant Raizel! Do you have your launcher?!"
I snap out of my conversation as I look at the Host(Master of Ceremony?), "sorry about that I zoned out for a minute, let me grab my launcher." I tell him as I place my carrying case on the ground and open the case, everyone watches as I reach in and pull out my bow launcher.
"Don't worry ref it's legal." I assure him as I put my bey into the bow and I nod, "im ready now." I tell the ref as I get into an archer's position, "alright are you all finally ready?!"
"3!" (Raizel pulls back caladbolg II hearing a faint revving sound similar to a small motrorcycle engine)
"2!!" (Raizel pulls the string back as far as it could go, as he hears the bow straining against the bowstring)
"1!!!" (Raizel aims down and steadies himself.)
(So I tried to show/imagine during the countdown how Raizel preps and launches his bey, did I do it right?)
"Let it rip!!" I shout as I let go of the caladbolg II and my bey launches out at an incredibly high speed as it lands and circles around Saggitario, meanwhile our opponents were charging with reckless abandon.
Our opponents were using attack type beys, and they were eyeing Saggitario, "attack the bey circling the stamina bey!!" The one who I guess was the leader told his partner as the both charge at Spartacus, but the moment their beys touched Spartacus they flew out of the stadium, stunning everyone who saw.
"I-I don't believe it!! You've seen it for yourselves ladies and gentlemen, Raizel's bey sent the enemy beys flying out of the stadium with only one attack!"
"The winners are Kenta Yumiya and Raizel Cadis!!" I hear the referee say as the crowd went absolutely wild on what they saw, the idea of a bey never seen before having the power to knock beys out of the ring with only one strike was a rare thing to see, and they got to see it first hand!
"Hmm…I wonder if my involvement in this beyblade tournament will become more like a beyblade massacre?" I say as I smile, inadvertently making a bunch of the girls in the stands blush at the sight, but only one wasn't blushing, she was geeking out over Raizel's bey.
The girl had short brunette hair with. Pair of goggles on her head, she was also wearing a pair of Jean shorts with white stockings and orange hightops with a pink vest jacket to tie it all together.
It was Medoka Amano and she was typing on her laptop at a rapid pace as she tries to look through the database of all beys known so far, but to now avail, "a bey that not only isn't in any database but even has parts that aren't registered either? I have to get a closer look!" She said with a determined fire in her eyes.
(Yeah so canonically google says she's 12-14 years old, but I'm bumping her to 16 to make her the same age as Raizel, Ginka will also be 16 for this fic, but should I make Medoka the love interest, or should I have Nyarlotep bring Mash Kyrielight into his world to act as a fiancé of sorts?)
(Back with Raizel and Kenta)
And like I predicted, this wasn't a beyblade tournament it was a beyblade massacre! Any time an opponent faces me with their beys they would attack and fly out the stadium, rinse and repeat, and now im at the finals and I was shocked by how powerful Spartacus actually was, I mean I expected more struggle.
"Hey ref, am I allowed to launch my bey by hand?" I ask him as he reluctantly nods while mine and Kenta's opponents were getting cocky about the final match, "hah! Looks like this will be an easy win after all!" One says while he gets his bey on his launcher.
That made me mad! I get that I looked like I was throwing the match, but they aren't even respecting Kenta, and he has more potential in his pinky than most people, so I turn to Kenta and he looks at me.
"Hey Kenta mind if you sit this one out? Im gonna show you something cool." I say as he reluctantly agrees as the host starts the countdown and when the counter went to 1 I hand-toss my bey into the stadium as my opponents charge into my bey thinking they could one tap it, but their cockiness slowly turned to shock as each time my bey got hit by them it spun faster and faster.
"Spartacus shows these fools what cockiness gets them, special move! Crying warmonger!"
Suddenly my bey went from defending to attacking so fast it showed afterimages of itself due to how fast it was moving, and the moment the opponents beys hit mine they flew out of the stadium and hit them square in the balls as they clutched their crotches and a high pitched scream was heard.
"While I would apologize, but you disrespected my partner saying it was an easy win, and an insult to my partner is unforgivable." I say as they stuggled to move off the stage as the host, who shouts that we won and I see my counter go up in points.
And thus ended my first tournament, and began the rumor of a future alias, the archer.
Now before people say that this isn't how Raizel would act, I must input that while my mc has his looks he doesn't having his personality(except for his class and etiquette), but what do you guys think of this chapter?
But besides that I did say I'd look into a love interest so I got three ideas for you to choose from.
1.Medoka amano(she will be 16)
2.Nyarlotep(a clone without her power)
3.Mash Kyrielight (she will get a bey based on Galahad)
And with that I'll see you next time, peace😁✌️