As one week passed, Luna and David are currently back at their place. David was busy processing the winning prize to give it to us a charity in one of the poorest cities outside of their place. Luna was a little disappointed when David informed her that he would not be there for three days because of his charity work. He assigned her to be one of his gold assayers, and the people inside didn't have an idea that she was the wife of their boss. Luna's first day ran smoothly. She was happy to work as a gold assayer, ensuring and examining carefully to determine if the gold and any other jewelries was real. One of David's gold assayers who was left is Mr. Lenard, and they started to become friends with Luna. However, there was a time when Luna felt uncomfortable around him.

"Welcome to Jewel Shop! How may I assist you?" Luna warmly greeted the customer.

The customer showed them five pieces of pearls and wanted to know if they were real. Luna began to use her skills to examine the pearls. Her examination was interrupted when Mr. Lenard took the chance to examine the pearls, making Luna feel a little furious but not showing it. Mr. Lenard used the gold tester and confirmed that the pearls were real. However, he decided to use the Carat Screen Pen, Gold Screen Sensor, Density Screen Scale, and SigmaScope Gold to ensure their authenticity.

The pearls were Tahitian Pearls, Akoya Pearls, and Freshwater Pearls. The customer was delighted to know that they were real and decided to purchase them. After the customer left, Mr. Lenard turned to Luna.

"You're a newbie. Let your senior take a look first before you examine them," he said.

"But you didn't give me a chance to look afterwards, Mr. Lenard." Luna felt furious after her words.

"Don't you understand? You're just a newbie, and don't hesitate to follow what your senior says. Do you get it?"

Luna took a deep breath, trying to control herself. She didn't want to make the situation worse.

"I'm sorry. I won't do that again."

"Good to know, newbie."

Luna closed her eyes after Mr. Lenard left and bumped into her shoulder. She expressed her thoughts, but her coworker didn't listen. Hours passed, and they had many customers. Her first day was tiring but enjoyable, except when Mr. Lenard took her chance to examine. It was now 7 in the evening, and the Jewel Shop would close at 8 pm. Luna was sitting on a bench outside the Jewel Shop, having her snacks. Her attention was caught by a guy sitting at the other end of the bench, but he decided to sit beside her immediately. Luna was about to leave, thinking he was a bad guy, but the guy spoke.

"Don't leave. I'm not a bad guy.".

Luna felt uncertain, but the guy sat at a distance, allowing her to sit back.

"Who are you?" Luna asked. The guy didn't show his face because he was wearing a hoodie jacket.

"Are you working here?" the guy asked.

"Yes, I'm a gold assayer here. It's my first day. Why do you ask?" Luna replied.

"Did you have any trouble on your first day?" the guy inquired.

Luna was speechless, unsure if she should reveal what had happened on her first day.

"I'm Simon, the former gold assayer of Mr. DvHulle," he introduced himself.

Luna was surprised to hear his words. Simon took off his hoodie, and she saw his face clearly for the first time, sparking a conversation between them.

"You mean... but why are you leaving? What's wrong?" Luna asked.

Simon took a breath and explained why he left his position after almost five years as a gold assayer. Luna was shocked to learn that the reason behind Simon's departure was Mr. Lenard. Mr. Lenard always took the opportunity to inspect the customers' items without giving others a chance. Mr. Lenard was selfish. Luna was disappointed after hearing his story, not expecting Mr. Lenard to be selfish.

"That happened on my first day, Simon. He didn't let me examine whether the items were real or not. It seems like he didn't value my skills either. He was selfish," Luna shared.

"I loved my job, and I admit that Mr. DvHulle was a good boss. The only issue was Mr. Lenard. He was selfish. I wanted to address it with the boss, but I decided to resign. Please, be cautious if he does it again... I'm leaving now," Simon explained.

Simon left immediately when the sliding window of the Jewel Shop opened. Luna understood why when she realized it was Simon. She just gave him a smile in return when he mentioned that the Jewel Shop would now be closed. An hour had passed since she had the conversation with Simon. The night was peaceful, but Luna's thoughts were consumed by what Simon had told her earlier.

"Mr. Lenard is selfish; that's why he didn't want me to examine the pearls. That's not fair," Luna reflected.

The days passed, and it was the second day of work. The situation was the same. When a customer arrived, Mr. Lenard took her space for the gold tester. He didn't let Luna examine the pearls, gold, or anything. He just commanded her to retrieve the money from the secret closet for the customers' payment. The more selfish he acted, the more furious Luna felt inside, but she remained calm. She was alone when it was time for lunch.

"Hey, newbie. Come and join us," Mr. Lenard called out, sitting at another table with his senior friends.

To show her respect, Luna nodded in response and moved to join them. They were happy while having lunch, but she remained silent.

"Hey, did you do something wrong?" one of Mr. Lenard's friends noticed.

"No, I'm fine."

"It's okay, Luna. Just tell us if something is bothering you. Don't be shy," Mr. Lenard said, knowing it was just a ploy to persuade her to speak.

"Anyway, are you married?" Everyone fell silent upon hearing Mr. Lenard's question. They all looked at Luna's finger, where she wore a ring with a cute diamond pendant. It looked real and beautiful on her finger.

"Yes, I'm almost married," Luna replied.

Everyone was surprised, but they were confused about who Luna's husband was. Luna wanted to tell them but decided to keep it a secret. She didn't want to reveal her man's name for now. Hours passed, and the same situation repeated. Luna gave herself a chance to rest by sitting outside the Jewel Shop, enjoying her snacks that she was craving. No one knew she was pregnant because she chose not to reveal it either.

"Hey, newbie. It's time to go home," Mr. Lenard said. She drove home alone and was taken care of by her maid.

Tomorrow would be her third day as a gold assayer, but she knew the same situation would occur again. On her third day, the same behavior was displayed by Mr. Lenard, threatening her once more. It had been three days since her man left for the charity fund, and he didn't know what was happening. They only had a short time for a conversation, but it was enough for her.

"Hello. Can you please test this to see if it's real?" asked the old woman, showing her necklace with a diamond pendant to Luna.

At this moment, Luna had the opportunity to test the necklace when Mr. Lenard excused himself to use the restroom before the old woman arrived. Luna examined the necklace and discovered that the pendant was not just a diamond; it also had a small hidden pearl inside. Additionally, the necklace was made of gold.

"Is this from your collection?" Luna inquired.

"No, we found it yesterday while fishing. It was caught in our fishing net," the old woman explained.

"Grandma, I would like to inform you that this necklace is authentic. I would like to offer you $50,000," Luna said.

The old woman was delighted to learn that the necklace was genuine. Luna called the agent driver to take the couple back to their place for safety. She felt relieved to finally have the chance to examine something in her three days as a gold assayer. Since there were no customers, Luna excused herself to leave and returned after enjoying a can of juice.

"Can you please do your job properly?" Mr. Lenard shouted at the cleaner inside the Jewel Shop. Water had spilled on the floor, causing Mr. Lenard's shoes to get wet.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spill water on your shoes. Let me clean it, Sir," the cleaner pleaded.

"You're so stupid. Clean the floor now!" Mr. Lenard demanded.

As the cleaner immediately began cleaning the floor, Luna caught Mr. Lenard's attention.

"Hey, newbie. Come here," Mr. Lenard called out, despite Luna clearly disliking his attitude.

"Do we have a customer?" Luna asked.

"Yes. Today, we received a gold necklace with a real diamond pendant and a hidden pearl inside. It's priced at $50,000," Luna informed him. Mr. Lenard was shocked to learn that Luna had tested it instead of him.

"What are you talking about? Why didn't you wait for my response before testing it and quoting a price to the customer?" Mr. Lenard questioned.

"Why? Did I do something wrong, Mr. Lenard?" Luna responded.

"Haven't you forgotten that I'm the senior among us?" Mr. Lenard retorted.

"Why? Don't you trust my skills? I'm a gold assayer too, Mr. Lenard. It's my responsibility to test whether it's real or not. There's no need to be selfish. I know what I'm doing," Luna defended herself.

"What did you say? I'm selfish?" Mr. Lenard challenged.

"Why? Did I say that?" Luna questioned.

Tension grew between them, and the people inside started watching. Luna fell to the ground when Mr. Lenard furiously pushed her. The people inside were surprised, and only the cleaner rushed to help Luna.

"Are you okay?" the cleaner asked. Luna held her stomach, feeling pain after the fall.

"My baby. My baby," Luna expressed in pain.

The people inside, including Mr. Lenard, were surprised to learn that Luna was pregnant. Luna began to lose consciousness when a familiar man appeared in front of her. Her vision cleared as she realized it was her man.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"My stomach hurts."

"Let's fire her, boss. She's pregnant," Mr. Lenard said sarcastically.

"That's my wife! How could you treat her like that?" the boss exclaimed angrily.

The people inside were shocked by their boss's words. David glared furiously at Mr. Lenard.

"Now, pack up your things and leave the Jewel Shop!"

Mr. Lenard trembled in fear and immediately knelt, realizing his mistake. The woman he mistreated was his boss's wife.

"I'm sorry, Sir. Please give me a second chance. I swear. I-I won't do that again. I-I promise," Mr. Lenard pleaded.

"Pack up your things and leave the Jewel Shop, Mr. Lenard. Learn not to be selfish. Leave now!" the boss ordered.

Luna lost consciousness and was unaware of what happened next. She woke up in a room with her man sitting next to her.

"What's happening? How's our baby?" Luna asked.

"Are you okay? The doctor says you and our baby are fine. The impact from your fall caused you to lose consciousness, but you're okay, baby," he reassured her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were back in three days?" Luna inquired.

"I'm sorry, baby. I expedited the charity fund processing because I was worried about you after you confronted him. Thank you, baby. I won't allow him to work at my Jewel Shop anymore," he explained.

Luna held his hand and asked for a favor.

"Can I ask you a favor, honey? Please, bring Simon back to work at your Jewel Shop. Simon was a good gold assayer and not selfish like Mr. Lenard," Luna requested.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm going to talk to him later. He didn't confront me about why he was leaving. I only found out the truth because of you. Thank you, baby."

He gently kissed her forehead afterward. Since they have been together, he has learned that Luna has been helping him a lot in his business to run smoothly. Luna is probably his rock.