Chapter 32: The Real Protagonist

Chapter 32: The Real Protagonist

Under Wang Ke's terrifying firepower,

The Level 9 Tauren BOSS fell into a pool of blood.

All team members leveled up to Level 6.


The Aftermath of the Battle

Even as the Tauren BOSS collapsed,

The surrounding Tauren warriors howled in rage,

But there was nothing they could do.

As always, Xu Yan ignored them,

Turning to Bai Ding and asking him to teach him how to loot a boss properly.

Bai Ding expertly used a screwdriver and hammer, prying open the Minotaur BOSS's remains.


The body disappeared, leaving behind a staff wrapped in a mysterious glow.

The moment they saw the rare halo,

The entire team froze in excitement.

They all knew what this meant.

"A rare-tier drop!"


The Significance of Rare Equipment

Once an item reached Rare-tier,

Its base attributes underwent a qualitative transformation.

Additionally, some rare items had extra hidden bonuses,

Which made them even more valuable.

The staff in front of them wasn't just rare.

It was extremely rare.


Wang Ke's Shock

"An ultimate rare-tier staff?!"

Wang Ke was in disbelief.

She knew that the drop rate of Rare-tier equipment was only 20-30%.

She had originally expected to grind through at least three or four boss fights before getting even one.

But now, on their first Level 9 boss kill,

Not only did they get a Rare-tier item,

But it was also an extremely rare staff, perfectly suited for her!

This was beyond lucky—it was unreal.

For someone as unlucky as Wang Ke,

She had never once imagined that she would get such a divine drop.


Reality Check

Of course, the equipment obtained in training was prepared in advance by the Education Bureau and the military,

Which meant it had to be returned after the training camp ended.

But just having this artifact from the start was enough to give their team a massive advantage.

Wang Ke stared at the staff hungrily,

Then turned toward Xu Yan, waiting for his approval.

Even though she was the only one who could use it,

She still needed Xu Yan's permission—

After all, he was the captain,

And he was the reason they got this in the first place.


Xu Yan's Decision

Xu Yan nodded casually.

No matter how powerful or valuable the staff was,

It wasn't truly theirs to keep—

They would have to hand it over after the training.

So keeping it unused was pointless.

Better to let Wang Ke equip it now and boost the team's power immediately.

With his approval,

Wang Ke happily picked up the staff,

Feeling its intense magical energy surge through her hands.

She was so shocked by its power that she immediately displayed its stats.


[Phantom Staff]

Required Level: 5+

Magic Attack: +500

All Attributes: +100

Special Ability:

30% chance to create two clones upon casting a skill.

Clones mimic the caster's actions and release the same skill.

Each clone inherits 80% of the caster's stats.


Everyone is Stunned

The moment they read the stats,

Wang Ke, Gao Yang, Bai Ding… even Xu Yan himself were left speechless.


A Completely Broken Item

Just the raw stats alone were absurdly powerful.

Most life-class professions couldn't even match the base attributes of this one weapon.

But the real insanity was the special ability—

A 30% chance to TRIPLE cast!

With Wang Ke's current magic,

A single skill could deal 10,000–20,000 damage.

With this staff, she could hit for 50,000+ in a single attack.

Who the hell could survive that?!


A Massacre Begins

With her Phantom Staff, Wang Ke's damage skyrocketed.

In just half an hour,

They swept through the entire town,

Defeating all four disaster beast colonies.

In total, they obtained three additional rare-tier items—

Each one glowing with a brilliant aura.

There was no doubt—

All of them were of the highest possible quality!


Something Feels Off…

At first, Wang Ke was just excited.

One Rare-tier drop was lucky.

Two was a coincidence.

But four rare-tier drops in a row?

That was beyond luck—it was suspicious.


Bai Ding… What Are You Hiding?

At that moment, Wang Ke finally understood.

Why after every boss fight,

Xu Yan only let Bai Ding loot the body.

There was something unusual about this mason.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Bai Ding.

"Bai Ding… do you have someone on the inside tweaking the drop rates for you?"


Bai Ding Panics

The moment she said that,

Bai Ding started sweating bullets.

He frantically waved his hands.

"Sister Wang Ke, please! Don't accuse me like that!"

"That's a dangerous claim—I'd get in serious trouble!"

"I swear, I'm completely innocent!"

"Xu Yan! Gao Yang! Back me up here!"


Xu Yan Reveals the Truth

Xu Yan nodded calmly.

"Bai Ding didn't cheat… but it's basically cheating."

Bai Ding: "HUH?!"


Bai Ding's 'Hidden Talent'

Xu Yan explained:

"I first noticed it back in the Wild Wolf's Lair."

"Whenever Bai Ding loots a boss, his luck is ridiculous."

"If there's even a chance for something rare, it WILL drop."

"But here's the strange part—Bai Ding's luck stat isn't actually high."

"I even took him gambling during the holidays—he sucks at luck-based games."

"Yet when it comes to looting bosses… he's literally untouchable."


A Special Hidden Talent?

Xu Yan had even asked Principal Huang about it,

But the Principal had no explanation.

He only said:

"It's probably a rare hidden talent—one we don't have records of yet."

"But it definitely exists."


Gao Yang's Contribution

Gao Yang nodded seriously.

"Yeah, if something can't be explained, we should just treat it as cheating."

"That's what my homeroom teacher taught me."

Bai Ding: "WHAT THE HELL?!"


Wang Ke's Realization

At that moment, Wang Ke froze.

She finally understood the full picture.

With Bai Ding's looting ability,

Their team was guaranteed to get the best equipment possible.

By the second stage, their gear would be leagues ahead of every other team.

And then she realized something even worse…

She was the only one who was replaceable.


The True Protagonists

Xu Yan's absolute battlefield control was irreplaceable.

Gao Yang's mana restoration was irreplaceable.

Bai Ding's luck was irreplaceable.

But Wang Ke's damage?

Any decent DPS could fill the role.

As realization dawned,

She stared at her three teammates,

And finally admitted to herself—

"I'm just the side character."

"The real protagonists… are these three life professionals."


To Be Continued…