Chapter 81: You Tell Me How and Where to Fight Next, We Will Follow You Directly

Chapter 81: You Tell Me How and Where to Fight Next, We Will Follow You Directly

All four teams ignored the attacks from the disaster beasts

and focused all their strength

on attacking the immobilized beasts,

driving piles at fixed points!


At the same time,

with the blessing of Xu Yan's [Mowing Sickle],

which had both a defense-breaking effect

and a blood-return-suppressing effect,


their output efficiency skyrocketed—

it could only be described as astonishing.


The small beast tide,

which had just taken shape,

collapsed instantly

before it could even hold its ground for long.



A Mountain of Corpses

By now,

the corpses of the disaster beasts

had piled up like mountains.


Everyone was thrilled and excited,

except for Bai Ding,

who smiled helplessly

at the endless piles of beast corpses.


Bai Ding's Complaint

"If we carefully collect materials

from each disaster beast corpse,

we won't finish until tomorrow."


Bai Ding sighed heavily.



A Helpless Xu Yan

Xu Yan shrugged

at Bai Ding's complaints.


But there was no other way.


Out of everyone here,

Bai Ding had the whitest hands.


If he wasn't allowed

to touch the corpses,

then who else could?


"Bai Ding,

if you want to make a fortune, you have to endure it."


"There's only half a mountain left.

"Just work a little harder."


Bai Ding sighed bitterly

and made a request:


"Xu Yan, every disaster beast drops a core,

"and all the poisonous ones drop a mutated core."


"These cores are the most valuable."


"Can I just collect the cores?

"We don't need the other side materials."


"That way, I can work 10 times faster."



Xu Yan's Instant Approval

Xu Yan didn't even hesitate.


"Alright! Do it that way!"


After all,

Bai Ding was the core expert

when it came to looting bodies.


His opinion mattered.



those extra scraps weren't worth much anyway.


With their current farming speed,

they could afford to leave

the less valuable materials behind.



The Other Teams Were Shocked

Hearing their conversation,

members of the other teams froze.



"every disaster beast drops a core?"


"And every poisonous one drops a mutated core?"


"Why haven't we seen that before!?"


"How come we never had this kind of drop rate!?"


"Are the beasts in this area just luckier!?"


Although they found it odd,

they weren't jealous.


Because Xu Yan's team

had already proven their strength.


It made sense

that they would get better rewards.


This was true fairness.



A Mysterious Drop Rate Change

What they didn't know

was that from the moment Bai Ding

started looting the corpses,


it had already affected the drop rates

for the entire District 36.


Even teams far away

were now cursing their luck

as they looted bodies.



Far Away, Other Recruits Complained

"Why aren't we getting any disaster beast cores!?

"All I got were useless scraps!"


"Are we just unlucky!?"


"Why does it feel like the drop rates changed!?"


"That's impossible! Drop rates are fixed!

"It must be your bad luck!


"Next time, let me do the looting!"


"Fine… but if we still get nothing, you owe me!"



Bai Ding's Efficiency Skyrocketed

Since he had switched

to only collecting cores,

his speed improved massively.



he could keep up with

the team's monster-killing pace.



The Result? Massive Gains.

They had killed over 200 disaster beasts,


Half of them were poisonous high-level beasts.


Xu Yan's team alone gained over 1,500 points!



they were only 3,500 points away

from passing the recruit assessment!



A Level-Up Bonus

Even though most of the experience

was split among the higher-leveled teams,


there were so many beasts

that it didn't matter.


Xu Yan's team of four

had leveled up

from Level 12 to Level 14!



Sharing the Loot

After collecting 200 disaster beast cores,

Bai Ding handed them to Xu Yan.


Xu Yan wanted to share

some of the cores

with the other teams,

but they all refused.



The Other Teams' Perspective

"Xu Yan! If it weren't for you,

"we wouldn't have even survived,

"let alone killed the beasts!"


"That's right!

"Against a beast tide,

"our only choice would've been to flee!"


"But now, we got to fight head-on!

"This battle experience is priceless!"


"These cores are yours.

"We don't need them."



A Huge Fortune

Xu Yan checked the prices online.


A regular high-level beast core? ~10,000 credits.

A mutated high-level beast core? ~30,000 credits!


This meant…


In just a few hours,

they had made 3 to 4 million credits.


That was insane!


War truly was the fastest way to make money.



A Brilliant Idea

Xu Yan realized something.


If he convinced these teams

to keep working together,


They could clean up poisonous beasts

at record speed

and earn ridiculous amounts of money!



His Proposal

"Small beast tides like today are rare.

"But this area is still full of poisonous beasts."


"If we work together,

"we can farm disaster beast cores like crazy."


"I say we split all future cores evenly among all four teams."


"With my control skills

"and your high output,

"no one can beat us in efficiency!"


"Each person could easily make 1 to 2 million credits

"before the recruit assessment ends!"



Their Reaction? Immediate Agreement.

The temptation was too great.


But more than that,

they realized something.


Xu Yan wasn't normal.


He was a dragon among men.


If they didn't form ties with him now,

they might never get another chance.



A United Decision

"I'm in!"


"Who wouldn't want to make money!?"


"Xu Yan, you're the core!

"You lead, we follow!"



Xu Yan's First Command



"We go wherever there are more poisonous beasts!"



End of Chapter.