Chapter 98 Don’t Stop Me, I Want to Jump Out of the Car!

Chapter 98 Don't Stop Me, I Want to Jump Out of the Car!

The four members of Zhou Min's team were about to arrive in Baitan City by train.

As they sat in their sleeper compartment, they shivered while looking out the window.

The scene outside was terrifying.

Burned buildings. Abandoned streets. Bloodstains everywhere.

At first, they hadn't thought much about why the train was nearly empty.

Baitan City was a remote area.

It wasn't peak travel season.

Of course, there would be fewer passengers.

They were wrong.

They realized too late that it wasn't because of an off-season lull—

No one dared to go to Baitan City.

They stopped a train attendant.

"Sir, can we ask… what's going on in Baitan City?"

The staff member gave them a strange look.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know… what?"

The man sighed.

"Baitan City is under siege."

"An extreme beast tide is attacking the city—one created by the Voodoo clan."

"Their half-human wizards have cursed most of the beasts, giving them poison-based attacks."

"It's hell out there."

The four girls froze in pure terror.

Zhou Min grabbed her head, nearly knocking off her glasses.


She shook Gu Shuang by the shoulders.

"I KNEW something was off!"

"Everyone in Baitan City will try to escape."

"The train station will be PACKED."

"We won't be able to buy tickets out!"

Gu Shuang's face paled.

"If the military can't hold the walls… the city will fall."

Shi Ting bit her nails.

"What do we do now!? Once we arrive, we can't leave!"

Xu Ying, the quietest of the group, weakly raised her hand.

"Uh… technically, Xu Yan only invited me."

Zhou Min snapped her head around.


Shi Ting gripped her seat.

"Maybe we should… jump off the train?"

Gu Shuang nodded frantically.

"Yes! Let's jump!"

Zhou Min gasped.

"Are you two INSANE?!"

"The nearest city is HUNDREDS of kilometers away! You wanna walk through beast-infested land!?"

Shi Ting shuddered.

"… Oh."

"Yeah. That's a bad idea."

Zhou Min clutched her phone.


"He owes us an explanation!"

Xu Ying hesitated.

"Technically, he only invited me—"

Zhou Min grabbed her collar.


Xu Yan, half-asleep in his tent, groggily answered his phone.

The moment the call connected—


Xu Yan blinked.

"… Huh?"

"You KNEW there was a beast tide and STILL told us to come!?"


"We're arriving in Baitan City in an hour!"

"Once we get off this train, we're STUCK!"

"HOW are you going to take responsibility!?"

Xu Yan rubbed his forehead.

"Uh… didn't I only invite Xu Ying?"


Xu Yan sighed.

"Fine, fine. I'll pick you up. How long until you arrive?"

"One hour."

"Got it. See you at the train station."

Zhou Min frowned.

"… Why do you sound so calm?"

Xu Yan yawned.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm with over 20 people who are level 20 and above."

"There's even a guy about to hit level 30."

Zhou Min's jaw dropped.

"… Xu Yan."


"… Since when did you befriend so many big bosses?"

"Eh, long story. See you soon."

After the call ended, Zhou Min stared at her teammates.

"Xu Yan has bodyguards."

The three others exhaled in relief.

Shi Ting clutched her chest.

"Oh, thank GOD."

Gu Shuang smiled weakly.

"I knew Xu Yan wouldn't let us die."

Meanwhile, Xu Yan borrowed a military vehicle to pick them up.

Since he didn't have a driver's license, he brought Wu Dayong along.

When filling out the car rental request, he casually wrote:

"Reason: Applying for foreign aid."

The request was immediately approved.

After all—

Baitan City needed all the help it could get.

Train Station, Baitan City

The train finally arrived.

Zhou Min and her team stepped off the train—

And were immediately overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people trying to escape.

The entire station was packed.

Everyone was pushing and shoving to get a ticket OUT.

Zhou Min's stomach sank.

"… We're so screwed."


She saw a military jeep.

A soldier inside waved at them.

Shi Ting squinted.

"… Is that… a friend of yours?"

Zhou Min shook her head.


Gu Shuang froze.


"… Isn't that—"

The soldier grinned.

"Yo! Over here!"

Zhou Min's jaw dropped.

"XU YAN!?"

Xu Yan stood next to the jeep, wearing a military uniform.

Beside him was Wu Dayong, a Level 24 Berserker.

Zhou Min's team stared in shock.


Xu Yan smirked.

"Long story."

Gu Shuang stammered.

"… We're not going to the frontlines, are we?"

Xu Yan opened the jeep door.

"Get in."

Zhou Min hesitated.

"… Where are we going?"

Xu Yan grinned.

"The frontlines."

Gu Shuang's eyes bulged.

She grabbed the door handle.