Chapter 3; My son

" Dress up and immediately. " Canary said without looking at her.

" Are you going back to your home ? " Leah asked.

" Yes..." He said busy with the packing of the clothes.

" You are leaving me behind ? " Leah asked.

Canary looked at her with a chuckle. " What now ? " He asked.

" I am gonna miss you. " She said .

" Don't act so affectional. You are just my sexpartner. " He said.

" I know that..But you are the best sex partner I ever had. " Leah said going to him but he moved away.

" I guess our relationship ends here. Dress up and leave.." he said and Leah did so.

Canary got his phone and made a call.

" Book me a flight right to Annertorz right now. " He said.

Canary took the flight to Annertoz, His home country. He had come here to complete his business Studies since he was the expected heir of the Amdersons Group , A company that the delt with fashion in clothes.

His mother was Lucy of the Rivers family which was also wealth but later adopted the Anderson name after getting married to Alexander Anderson.

Lucy had grown with her young brother Joel and after the death of their parents, the Rivers family gave all the property to Lucy since she was their eldest child.

The Rivers family gave all the property to Lucy since she was their eldest child.

After getting married to Alexander, Both Lucy and Joel moved in to the Anderson's Mansion. In that period, the Anderson's family got some financial problems and it was going bankrupt if Lucy didn't help. Lucy sold off the Rivers' mansion and

signed all the Rivers' property under the Anderson's name and per now she could be regarded the real owner of the Amdersons group. But because she loved Alexander so much, She gave in all to him and let him have the Company and all the property as long as they would take care of her young brother Joel.


Canary arrived in Annertonz that evening and he was welcomed by Wilson who was Lucy's Personal Assistant and driver at the airport.

" Welcome back Mr Anderson. " Wilson said.

" Its been long. " Canary said as they shook hands.

" It's been four years I guess. I will take you home.." Wilson said

" I came immediately after hearing that my Father had an accident. And now you expect me to go home first ! " Canary asked.

" Ooh, I am sorry for not thinking wisely. I will drive you

directly to the hospital now. " Wilson said.

They got inside the black rules harrier and drove to the hospital.

Lucy was at the hospital with Alexander in the room. She looked middle aged but her face looked prettier and younger than her age. Her body was slender.

The door opened and on turning around it was Canary.

" Canary.." lucy called and got up to give him a hug.

Canary hugged her back and after she cupped his cheeks.

" My son , I am glad you are back. " Lucy said.

" Thank you Mom. I missed you.." He said

" I missed you too.." Lucy said and released him

Canary looked down at his father who was bed ridden and his body full of bandages. He almost released a tear to see his father in this condition. The man he left in a very good condition just four years ago.

" Mom, How did this happen to him ? " Canary asked.

" He was on the way back home yesterday in the evening when he crushed into a truck. " Lucy spoke with tears trying to escape from her.

" Did you find out who did this ? " Canary questioned.

" It was an accident. The truck driver has been arrested already. " Lucy reported.

Canary bent to reach the bed's height and said

" Dad, I will find out if this was really an accident. " He declared.

Lucy pulled him back to her and said.." My son, I know you love your dad so much but please don't think that someone plotted to kill him. He doesn't have enemies. " Lucy reasoned.

" Mom, Sometimes enemies diaguise as friends. Until I find the root cause of the accident, I will not give up " Canary said.

" Okay then. Good enough the doctors said that he might get well soon. For now he is in comma and no one knows how long it will take. " Lucy said.

" Mom, Leave everything to me. Now that I am back, I will take care of Daddy while you take care of the company . " Canary assured her.

" No son.." Lucy said and held his hands in her palm.

" I and your father didn't send you abroad to one of the best business schools in the World to take care of the sick. We want you to take over the company. " Lucy declared which was news to Canary.

" What ? " He asked in astonishment.

" We knew that some day something may happen to your father or me like sickness or old age. And you are own family. Now that Your father is in this condition, You have to take over Andersons Group. " Lucy said to him.

" What of Uncle Joel ? " Canary asked with worry and concern in his face.

Lucy chuckled. " I am surprised you still remember him. He left when you were only four. And since then he never contacted us. " She said.

" I know. But my father always tells me that you shared the Rivers family property with ours. I am sure Uncle Joel would be a better heir than I.." Canary said.

" Stop underrating yourself. If Joel wanted to take part in the company he wouldn't have abandoned us like this. " Lucy said pouting her lips hard.

Canary smiled and said. " I know he will come back to us one day. " Canary had just said when his phone rung.

" Mom, a moment. ' He said and got out to go and receive the call.

' The truth your Uncle doesn't care about us. All he does is asking me to send him money. I don't know when he will ever come back. '

Lucy said inwardly.

Canary was outside and on checking the phone it was Leah calling.

" Hi.." He said after receiving the call.

" Canary...Did you reach safely ? " Leah asked.

" Yes..Stop calling me. I am at the hospital. " He said.

" I am calling because I miss you already. " Leah muttered.