Chapter 34: I promised to take you back home

Remembering this Camilla felt a spear in her heart.

She swallowed it and said.

" Well, About that he came and apologized to me." She added a smile to show that all was well.

" I knew that. Let's go.." Lyton beamed back.


The journey to the Movie Theatre was silent until they arrived. Canary led the way since he knew the place so well and when they reached the reception Lisa had to make payments.

While she was making the payments and selecting the movie, Canary stopped aside to wait for her.

" Let's go !" Lisa came back and said to him.

They went inside and sat together to watch the movie. There were a number of people inside so remaining seats were at the back.

Lisa focused on the movie as it begun and she didn't want to look at Canary even for a second.

Canary did the same not wanting to interrupt her peace and they watched without talking till the end.

After the movie, As they walked outside Lisa excused herself to go to the washroom.

" Canary…" While he was standing there he heard a voice call him and when she turned to look at the person she was a young beautiful girl as well dressed in a black cami top and a short pink mini skirt with sneakers. She had long curly hair that was turned in maroon.

" Isabella ?" He asked on recognizing her.

She went and gave him a tight hug and at this point Lisa had just turned to go back to him saw them hugging.

" Wow, This is really you. Handsome and charming as usual." Isabella said after the hug and gave him a peck on his lips.

Lisa shook her head. She knew this must one of his acquaintances.

" What are you doing here ?" She asked.

" I had come for a movie." Canary replied.

" Really ? I don't remember you liking movies. Did you come alone ?" Isabella asked.

" I came with her." Canary said and looked at Lisa who had stayed a distance away.

When Lisa noticed that they were both looking at her she decided to walk over.

" Hello.." Lisa spoke and gave her a thin smile.

" Owww…" Isabella looked surprised by the way she looked at Lisa.

" She is..?" Isabella asked with perplex.

" My friend , Lisa.." Canary said.

" Ooh, My heart almost flew out at the thought that this is your girlfriend." Isabella said with a laughter that made Canary too to laugh.

" No , Not really." Canary said.

Lisa didn't add on a word.

Now Isabella went besides Canary and held his left hand rightly. Lisa couldn't believe this.

" Since she is your friend, How about you give me a ride ?" Isabelle asked.

" I would , But I have to take Lisa back home." Canary said.

" No , It's okay. I will take a taxi.." Lisa spoke and turned to leave when Canary grabbed her wrist with his right hand.

Lisa was astonished and looked at him seemingly.

" I promised to take you back home." He said to her with seriousness.

Isabella smiled on seeing this and said.

" Well, We can go together then." She said and pulled Canary's hand away from Lisa's.

Just like that the three went to the car.

Lisa rushed for the back door because she didn't want to interrupt them and then Canary sat with Isabella at the front.

He begun driving while he conversed with Isabella who had a lot to say. She was reminding him of those days he used to make love to her and all that which Canary either responded by laughing and small compliments.

Lisa couldn't believe that these shameless people were talking about such in her presence.

She decided to lie down on the seats and slept off. She was already tired from work so she needed some rest at this time.

When they arrived at Isabella's place, She left the car and bid Canary with a kiss.

After he looked behind to check on Lisa only to find that she had slept off.

He slowly started the car not to wake her up and drove to her place.

They arrived without Lisa knowing and when he stopped the car he rung the horn to wake her up.

Lisa heard the noise in her sleep and cursed.

" Who the hell is interrupting my sleep ?" She asked tipsily.

" Madam, We have reached your place. Get out of my car." Canary said.

Lisa got upright and sat again as she stretched her arms.

" You evil man , Next time if are you waking up someone don't make noise. You startled me." She complained and got of the car.

Canary couldn't believe his ears and he also came out of the car.

" Hi, Is that how you thank me for bringing you back home ?" He asked with lack of credence.

She turned to face him.

" Did I force you ? You are the one who insisted on bringing me back." She muttered.

" Geez ! I can't believe your manners." He spoke.

" Hmm, I may not be so disciplined but at least I am not like you who has slept with 90% of the women you come across." Lisa blabbered.

Canary chuckled when she said this.

" So now you think that I am immoral ?" He said.

" Haha.." Lisa laughed. " I wish there was a word worse than that. Maybe it would be suit to describe you." She said and turned to leave.

" Hihi…" he called and grabbed her wrist again.

" What it it now ?" Lisa questioned him and let her hand out from his grip.

" At least thank me." He insisted.

" Okay… Mr Canary.. Thank you so much for bringing me back home." She said in a joke with a fake smile.

Canary chuckled again and shook his head.

" What is it ? Aren't you satisfied?" Lisa asked.

" Mrs Good manners, I need a sincere appreciation." He said.

" Ooh , Now I see." Lisa's hear went wild and she put a sheepish smile and decided to tease Canary.

She walked close to him and said.

" Now I understand what you want." She said.

" What do you mean ?" He asked.

" I guess all those women you sleep with be appreciating you for having done something for them. Right ?" She asked.

" Huh ? " he exclaimed. " What makes you think like that ?" He asked in confusion.

" Ooh, You want me to give you my body right ?? or a kiss , isn't it what you like ?" Lisa asked with a smile as she knew that he couldn't do it.

She just wanted to tease him and make him give up on asking her to thank him.

" What nonsense are you talking about ?" Canary indeed asked not believing him.

" Yeah, I can see you a kiss." She said in a joke adding her stupid smile on it.

" Go away ! Who said I want your kiss ?" He asked and even turned to go.

" Hahaha…Come for your kiss.." she said in the middle of laughters seeing that she had finally won.

' Is she mad ?'

Canary asked as he opened the door of the car to enter but as she did this he remembered all the times he had been close to her and how beautiful her lips were.

" Hahaha.. Come for your kiss.." her voice and laughter echoed in his ears and his mind suddenly changed.

He stopped opening the car and turned to look at her again.