It's been 2 years since bo-ra-yam transferred to his school and became his first love .
Dong-soo was in 2nd year of high school, a handsome man with highest IQ in school and strong physique.
Dong-soo had a high testosterone level that's why he was always horny , he didn't even spare his own mother.
Dong-soo had a indecent relationship with his mother, she always used to give him handjobs and blowjob but didn't had sex with him
When dong-soo first saw bo-ra , he forgot everyone. All the females he had relation with , he left them behind .just for his new literature teacher, bo-ra-yam.
Now , dong-soo was fully naked in room , imaging bo-ra. Ye-joo entered his room and was flustered. She was embarrassed, asked him "what are you doing " , dong-soo replied " nothing" while smiling.
"Ok then have dinner and put on some clothes" . She said
After having dinner , everyone went to their rooms , but dong-soo was not able to sleep due to bo-ra.
Then he went outside for walk , luckily bo-ra lived in his neighbour.
After walking for few minutes, he noticed someone was comming to him , they were his teaches . Bo-ra and ming-joo.
Since he was liked by everyone, they happily invited him to walk .
But he declined, saying he need some time alone .
Then they awkwardly left , bo-ra turned back and looked at his sad back but she didn't knew it was his plan to make her fall for him .
Next day , bo-ra asked him politely, what happened, why were you sad last night . He replied "I was not sad at all , I was just tired " ..... " Ok " she said.
He was so much attacted to bo-ra for 2 years but suddenly he lost all his interest in her .
So he started fucking all the women he was in relation with.
His mother started giving hime blowjob and handjob again , he started fucking se-yeoung , his mathematics teacher who was also a milf and few more girls he knew.
One day he saw crying Bo-ra under the bridge, he went and asked her what happened, "nothing" she replied smilingly .
Dong-soo smirked and hugged her . She didn't deny so he kissed her .
She didn't deny because he was a handsome man .
After few minutes, she stopped crying due to his kiss. And he left without saying anything. Bo-ra was flabbergasted.
Next day , everything went smoothly, at school , he fucked se-yeoung and at home , he enjoyed his mother's blowjob.
Now ....
It was the final year of his high school.
He became bore with his lifestyle and decided to go on a solo trip . Initially his mother declined but his father agreed because he was a understanding and good father .
So , for 7 days he Seoul and go to Countryside.
After arriving at chungcheon bus station, he want to nearby society and rented a room for one day .