There was a large ruckus at the restaurant, everyone was surprised at dong-soo ' s skills . He clearly a a strong fights . Taekwondo guy raged and started hitting dong-soo with everything he has but still he couldn't touch him let alone hitting or defeating him.
Now , dong-soo started the assault. He just threw basic sticks like front kick , lead upperhand , left roundhouse kick and with just those attacks, the taekwondo guy was on his knees.
Then dong-soo tried to finish him by kicking him in head but at the very crucial moment, his companions stopped dong-soo .
And then it was revealed that these 4 weird men were the members of a special millitary unit - The Ghost Platoon , there leader was the guy with long haired named park jincheol , the guy with chicken head was samdak , the silent guy code 66 , and the taekwondo guy seong hansoo .
They all were special men of korea and one the strongest in country. Dong-soo met them first time because the ghost Platoon was always on the war , protecting the innocent.
They all staired at dong-soo in his eyes looking pissed .
Dong-soo just smirked . Many were astonished at this sight . A young was surrounded by 4 strong men but still unafraid.
Then he said to them " come , I will - " .....
While he was speaking, those 4 attacked him and started hitting him with deadliest sticks , but still they were not able to touch him cause he was the fastest.
But ....
The red clothes man stopped everyone with a smile on his face . He said " alright everyone calm down , the civilians are afraid " ....
He then introduced himself , his name was Kim gapryoung , he walked between dong-soo and Ghost Platoon and said "lets stop , why not forgave each other after all it was just a misunderstanding"
"Sure " both the parties said , because they all knew , they all could sense that this man was strongest here right now .
The Ghost Platoon left silently because they don't want to disturb the civilians anyone but before going they all looked at dong-soo, there leader said " if you wants to join millitand serve the country then contact me , I am leader of Ghost Platoon , the man responsible for safety of this country "
Usually, jincheol would force the people to do work but he knew that he can't force this man .
" Nah , not interested in millitary bro " said dong-soo.
After they left , gapryoung approached dong-soo and asked his name , he replied" Choi-dong-soo".
After the introduction they all left , walking on there on paths , both knowing that they all were going to be together soon .
On his way back his home , dong-soo saw a very beautiful lady .
There was no one at the street at that time , the air was cool and there hair were dancing due to wind when they made eye contact....