Elite said " mr begger you leave . I want to have a talk with this man " in a dominant tone with small smirk .
Lee-dog-yu started laughing at high pitch after hearing this and made fun of him , he said " just who are you to talk me in such a manner , don't you know ? Anyone who has called me begger are not alive anymore." ...
Elite said " just a bluff , what do you know about killing?" With a expressionless face .
Then lee attacked him with his claws but his attack was redirected upwards by elite .
Lee was shocked to see this , this is the first time he was not able to hit the man he wanted to hit .
Lee asked " who are you ?" In a surprised manner ...
He replied " elite " with smile . Both Lee-dog-yu and Samdak were shocked to hear this ,they have heard about elite from secret agents, about his conquest on all strong men and about samart incident and many were extremely angry at his actions and wanted to report him but couldn't do anything because literally there was no evidence against him.
Lee stopped attacking him , just looked in him in his eyes, then both maintained eye contact for 6 second then lee turned around and started to left without saying anything.
Lee knows that he can't defeat the elite right now .
Elite looked in direction of Samdak , he noticed sam was gone ....
So elite just left with a sigh ....
On the way back to his house, he noticed a beautiful woman sitting on a public bench and enjoying her lolipop, elite looked at her and felt like ha has met himself but in opposite gender .
She had short hairs, with round glasses and a lollipop in her mouth .
She noticed a man looking at her and coincidentally they both looked exactly same .....
After eye contact of 3 second, he left. He noticed he had met pretty weird people today .