It's been 2 months since Yamazaki syndicate entered korea and started their business their . On the surface , they started many industries like textile , vegetations , transport etc but in reality they had been plundering Korea naturally and economically.
They started smuggling opium , weapons and underage girls from korea to international countries like Mexico , China , Russia etc.
Civilians were unaware about this but high level polititions and army officials knew all this .
Army wanted to take control and wanted to impose martial law but the president declined this offer because he got many giftes from Yamazakis .
Yamazaki syndicate's second-in-command - YAMAZAKI SHINTARO , younger brother of clan head was a genius of business and swords . He maintained very good relations with every politition and high influencial person.
Everyone in country didn't pay attention to all the sufferings of civilians but their were some brave men who wanted to oppose this but eighter killed or got imprisonment for opposing Yamazaki.
The country was in chaos .
One day Yamazaki offered a banquet for all high level people of korea expressing their thanks .
The banquet was held in Busan because Busan was based camp of Yamazaki syndicate in Korea .
Entire Busan was decorated like a bride , many officials enter the Busan and was surprised.
They then reached their destination, a tall 20 floor building.
At the top , two brother SHINGEN and SHINTARO standing there and watching all these people silently.
Then at banquet hall SHINGEN was sitting on highest position but no one complaint, even president of korea didn't said anything and only smiled .
Now , Yamazaki shintaro made a toast to everyone. But suddenly, a loud noises was heard by everyone. Clearly it was a bomb .
Suddenly , the door busted open revealing 5 men . They were GHOST PLATOON.
Their leader was armed with heavy guns and other members like code 66 , Samdak , hansu seong and Alexander Sophie .
Without wasting anytime, the hundreds of Yamazaki drawn their swords and high level Yamazaki members drawn their swords as well as guns and they pointed the weapons at each other .
Suddenly, shintaro got between them with his hand behind him and said " gentlemen, why are you here bashing our party " .
Park-jin-cheol said while smiling " hmm , why are we here ? Isn't that obvious - , everyone looked at this angry young men even shingen looked him then he continued " we are here to erase you " .
Suddenly, shingen got up and started walking towards them .
Now , shingen was looking down of Ghost Platoon as he was a 7 feet Japanese giant .
He said " little man , don't dream . Just go Home."