Everyone had had enough for the day, and the evening weather seemed cool and relaxing, but it wasn't enough to ease the stress Manya had felt earlier. She remained silent, sluggishly blowing air on the boiling food when suddenly she felt a sting in the area where she had gotten injured on her way to see Zedescus. She wished she had been able to speak with Zedescus when she rushed out that morning. She couldn't bear Oman continuously dealing with those strange, scary dreams, so she had to make haste to see him as early as possible the next day. But she couldn't help wondering how she got injured. The last thing she remembered was being among a small crowd when she felt a sharp cut on her skin. It began to bleed, so she had to go back home to get it treated. She concluded that she would pay Zedescus a visit the next day when the fear of Billy Pritcheet came over her. She knew she didn't have any way of paying back the money, even though she had promised to do so in the next two days. Then the thought of Bolton Toner's cruelty and loathsomeness dawned on her. She snapped out of her thoughts, realizing it was getting darker outside.

"Oman, Esha, you should both get back inside and eat," she called out to the two young ones sitting under the tent, drawing in the sand.

"Yes, Mother," they both replied and ran inside, trying to playfully overtake each other as they chuckled.

Manya finally glanced at Aryan, who pretended to sleep on the hay mat, cuddling under the thick blanket. She sighed and served the kids and herself, not bothering to wake him.

 * * *

The early morning weather didn't seem any different, but what felt different was that Aryan was nowhere to be found where he had laid. Manya wasn't surprised; she knew Aryan was avoiding talking to her, even if it meant leaving early and coming back late. But she knew where to find him—definitely the tavern where he worked. He probably needed time to recover from the argument they had. She had never had to slap him across the face before. Suddenly, the dust rising from the corner of the cubic room above the roof drew her attention.

"Esha, stop making dust and wake your brother!" she shouted, banging her wooden spoon on the table in anger.

"He's in a deep sleep. Let him be. He'll wake up by sunrise," Esha replied, dropping the broomstick by the doorstep.

"I cannot let him sleep. He must follow you to Lady Ariya today."

"Okay mother" she walked towards Oman and tapped him gently, Oman rose up slowly and sat up after being tapped thrice and in no time, took his bath and got ready.Manya packed a side dish for the two and they both headed towards the door, Esha stooped at the door entrance looking dumbfounded while Oman hid behind her, Manya wondered what she saw until she saw it herself " Bolton Toner" Manya whispered under her breathe then she quickly dragged Oman and Esha to herself and stood at attention. Bolton walked in, he wasn't bothered that no one invited him in, he just walked care-free in, he indeed looked the way that he was described to be, tall and huge, manya feared not only his physical appearance but also the power he has acquired for himself while he serve King Uther Dragonmoor of the south mid.

"You must be Manya, I assume" Bolton asked with his hands behind his back as he paced the room, his men stood outside the door like statues "Yes, I am my Lord" she replied in a feeling of spite and slight fear "I have heard that you don't want to pay back what you owe"

"no...., I still have a day left to pay, It is not the seventh day yet, my lord"

"As an official, I can not allow such act. You must pay what you owe today"

"I do not have it today, my lord, allow me to pay it tomorrow before dusk" Bolton looked up at her as his eyes caught a glimpse of Esha, he was awed by the beauty and innocent glare of the child, he moved closer to her, "this must be your daughter, what do you call her?" Manya hesitated for a while then replied "Esha"

"She is a very fine young girl, come here" he said stretching out his hands. Manya held her back as Esha tried taking a step forward "I will pay back what I owe, I just need a few more time to do that but do not lay your hands on my daughter, she did nothing wrong"

"But time is what you don't have, it has fizzled into the air, I will keep this child until you have your money". Manya suddenly wished Aryan was present with her but she has no one to support her this time. She went on her knees as tears roller down her eyes, " my lord, do not be cruel to me, give me some time to pay back what I owe" she pleaded with her face buried in between her hands placed on the ground. 

"It is your fault that you owe and not mine. You do not have to worry about your debt if you give me the child."

"No my lord, you cannot take the child" she hesitated as she stood up to her feet holding unto Esha again

"Did your husband Elric not leave you because of you cheat and have this children, so I have heard, am I not right?"

"He left on his will, I will not explain that to anyone, my children are not bastard, they had a father and so you heard wrong, my lord, you should inquire again, my lord"

"You have taken pride in yourself for a mere whore". Manya held back her anger swelling inside her and holding a tight fist in her right hand. She then hid it with a stiffened smile " my lord, do not be vexed. I take no pride in myself" she said forcing herself on her knees again as she exhaled deeply wishing she could just beat him till he can no longer speak 

"You should get yourself a husband, you have no strength to raise a family, lay with me and I will pay you double portions." He said with a wide grin that seem offensive to Manya. At this rate, she could no longer hold back her anger, she raised her right arm and landed him a slap with all the strength she could gather. The two hefty men was caught in surprise and try to grab Manya but Bolton signaled with his hand telling them to step back, he rubbed the area she slapped as it burned scarlet red from both the effect of the slap and anger of being slapped. He began to move closer to her and she began to move backwards slowly in the same pace until the table behind her stopped her then she leaned on it with her hands tightly as though her whole life depended on it and Bolton caught up with her and moved his mouth closer to her until it brushed her cheeks to her ears, she could feel his sharp breathe on her neck as he whispered in her left ear, "You will be sorry Manya, you will be" he turned to his men, "take the girl and do what you have to do!", the two men pulled out their sword and scattered the room leaving the table broken, the mattress torn and the plate scattered with the cooking utensils on the bare ground then they grabbed Esha as Manya held unto her tightly, they pushed her away lightly but she fell to the ground with a full force and wailed. Esha cried out more loudly " mother take me back!, mother!" 

"Let her go!" Manya bursted out in rage with a deadly gaze and rigid voice as she composed her face like she was ready to attack

"What would you do if I don't?, you would slap me again?" He scorned at her and marched towards the door while Manya stood to her feet with a fast approach 

"El tu mu ghano!" She said with a deep voice as a huge fire descended in a round circle trapping lord Bolton, Hercules drew his sword immediately as she tried to gear towards Esha then he pierced it right through her abdomen as she gasped faintly. Bolton was overwhelmed for a moment as his eyes widened in disbelief and intense horror as he tried to escape the burning fire that was ready to consume him in whole. Oman collapsed near Manya and held her bloody stomach, weeping loudly while Hercules grabbed a pale of eater and dashed it into the burning flames that suddenly whooshed like it was fueled "get another water!" Bolton screamed feeling the heat of the flames pierce through his sweaty skin and face. Manya struggled for breathe as she laid weak beside Oman as she lifted up her hands slowly in the direction of the wailing Esha then she felt the pressure on her eyes pinching to close up, the last she heard was the loud cry of Esha and Oman shaking her arm with his tears dripping on her cold face as she felt her heart beat slow down. Bolton forced himself out of the fire covering himself with his cloak over his head "arrrrgh!" He screamed in pain. Hercules held his arm "my lord!" 

"Get the horses and let's get out of here" he shouted as he rushed outside with the others who followed behind him while Oman continued to wail.