The Bigening

I was in the car with my parents hiding to a new town a place that a far away from my siblings and my friends a town that called Beacon hills what a strange name I hope that the people there aren't strange either all that because the Damn lockwood he diserve what happened to him he was an ass i hope this year will be good and people most likely than people in my town but the good thing is i will see my aunt Melissa again she's my favourite aunt her and Gina i like them more than my uncle jon he is an ass i hates this guy whatever when i come back to my home i will kick tyler ass again that what i promised to myself.

My mother looks at me in the mirror and she says: Hi tough guy i hope you are ok." I am not you took me from Jeremy and elena and Caroline that's not an ok. " hony that will be just for this year only you will come back after finishing the school in this summer. My mother said. " Ok what's the point whay am i leaving from mystic Falls I don't understand. " you put Taylor and three others kids in hospital they almost died Alex you are not in situation to discuss any thing and you suppose to be in a big proplem if its in my hands you are so luky that you mother came with solution and she take the whole responsibility for what you did. My father noted. " They diserve this i didn't do anything wrong they hit jermy and elena with no reason and they insulted Caroline and called her a bitsh they had what they diserved i am just was defend my family and my friends. " you kid..... " "babe i thing that's enough. My mother said. " hony i know you were just defend yourself and you friends and siblings but that's wrong you can't put people in hospital and nearly killed them if you killed someone that night you will be a killer in age of 13 do you want that hony ?. " No mom but what i have supposed to do ??. " in the next time teach them a lesson with out put them in the hospital ok babe ??. 

" Ok i will beat them more easily next time 😤. 

There will be no next time !!! My father said. " Babe whats going on you suppose to discipline him Not encouraging him." I know but he just 13 you are so hard at him take it easy.

" Dad you are the one who told me that a man must always defend his family no matter what".

" Yes i did but i didn't tell you to put people in hospital" 

" I defend my family no matter what like you said you suppose to be proud". 

" Don't miss with me kid i didn't tell you to almost kill some body ". 

"It was an accident i did not want to kill them " .

My father laughs and says " an accident?? you took a gun from my closet and try to shoot them !!!! how that was an accident ?? answer me alex how suppose to take a gun and rush to Taylor House and try to shut him after you beat him so much that he ran crying to his parents and then you break his legs infront of Taylor House door and then ran to our house and take the gun you so luky that we took it from you before you hit Taylor. 

" I i just was so angry and i wasn't thinking i am sorry dad Taylor made me so mad when i saw elena and Jeremy crying. 

" It is ok hony every one makes mistakes even me and you're dad. My mother said." Just promise me you will be so careful in next time and don't let you're anger lead you ok ??. 

" I promise".

"Good proplem solved" " what how that's.... " " babe " my mother looks at my father a look that tell him he bitter to shut his mouth. " Ok as long you will be sorry and don't do it again then you are ok alex" 

" Really you're not mad at me ?!

" I am still mad.. " babe" " ok i am not mad at you any more but no more taken guns did you heard me son ?? .

" Yes Sir " 

" Good 👍🏾 "

Hi looks we are here finally. My mother said and i look from the window and see a Banner ' well come to Beacon hills' Ok i thing that's is a knew bigning i wonder what well happened in this town and i hope to aunt Melissa help me to control my anger issues like my mother did.

"Shhh" my father parked the car infront of aunt Melissa House. 

And there I saw my aunt Melissa in front of the house door. I got out of the car and ran towards her and hug her. " aunt Melissa !!! " hi Alex how are you what's you doing ah look how bigger you became wait are these muscles ?!! How older you again are sure you're 13 you more muscler than Scott!!! . 

Yes actually i am 1.70 meter and i have a very strong body and a very muscler arms. All that because I was training my body sense i was 8 years old and i have unnatural stamina and speed and anger a very very anger actually its more like rage than anger i don't know whay i am so different from Jeremy and elena but i think that's a good thing oh and I have a crescent-shaped birthmark on my right shoulder. 

" hahaha aunt Melissa i am not a kid anymore i am so strong i defeated four boys in my age alone. " Alex that's not a something that you're proud of, did you forget what i told you in the car. My father appeared and said. 

No sir i did not . I answered. 

" Hello Grayson How are you what's you doing?? " " hello Melissa i am fine thanks. " hello big sis how are you?" my mother says and give her a hug. Mernda how are you ? are you ok ? how the kids are doing are they fine ?? 

Jeremy and Elena are fine, Alex is giving me and grayson a headache as usual, nothing has changed, how is Scott by the way? Is he here?

Ah he's in his room maybe his sleeping, Scott !! Scott !! You'd better hurry down and greet your aunt.

" I am coming i am coming" and a 16 years old teenager appears in stairs that my big cousin Scott.

Scott's build was a bit muscular compared to mine of course. he had brown eyes a slightly slanted jaw and thick brown hair he had asthma and was wearing a red hoodie with blue jeans.

"Hey Aunt Miranda" he greeted my mom and hugged her then greeted my dad "hey Grayson how are you?" "good Scott how are you you still have asthma?" "yeah but I'm actually better than before" "good Sto hear this" then he turned to me and said "ah what do we have here there's my favorite little cousin" he greeted me in the neighborhood style and hugged me then I looked at him and raised my eyebrow "I tough Elena is your favorite or Jeremy?" 

"No those are old news as long you're here with me in the same Hause you're my favourite and don't worry i well keep my eyes on you in the school and take care of you"

"Thanks i thing" 

"That's the spirit that's why you're my favourite My nephew" mom said.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "But mom, he's your only nephew."

"Whatever you say, my jealous son, you should learn from your cousin Scott."

"I am absolutely not a jealous especially from Scott" i loked him and say " No offense" 

He laughed 😅 and says " non taken" 

"Okay kids that's nice but we need to unpack and get into the house we can't stay in front of a door too long Scott get the stuff. Miranda Grayson and Alex please come inside" Melissa said. 

There is no way Scott can lift all of Alex's bags. Alex go with your cousin and lift your bags. Dad said I replied yes sir and went with Scott to the car to lift the bags

Melissa looked at Grayson and raised an eyebrow. Aren't you being a little harsh on your son?.

The boy needs discipline and education. Don't be fooled by his innocent appearance. Melissa, you will deal with him and realize that he is like a little demon. You must be decisive and be careful of his behavior. Sometimes he suddenly becomes very angry.

Come on dear Alex hasn't had a tantrum in a while. Miranda says

Did you forget what happened three weeks ago Miranda?

It was an accident.

No it wasn't an accident don't defend him because he's just your son he got completely out of control what was just a simple fight between kids turned into a full blown fight with several broken bones and deep wounds that will scar for a whole life and an attempt to shoot with a gun.

This is a kid with big problems be careful Melissa.

They were sitting inside and Grayson was warning Melissa that his sons' behavior was dangerous to the lives of normal people.

Okay I get it Grayson. He has his issues but he's 13 and I can handle it and Scott is always with him to make sure something like this never happens again. You can relax and leave your son to me. I've dealt with a lot worse. Melissa answered

Thank you Melissa we appreciate what you did so much we know you have a hard time taking care of Scott alone I promise when things calm down in Mystic Falls we will take him in and he won't be your problem. 

Don't say that again Miranda Alex can stay as long as you want and he will never be a problem for me.

Thank you we appreciate it very much.

Here Scott entered with Alex talking and laughing then they unloaded Alex's luggage in the guest room and went to eat the dinner that Melissa had prepared.

Alex was so happy that he would have his own room in Mystic Falls. He had to share a room with Jeremy, but like all happy times, it came to an end when it was time to say goodbye and Alex was left with Melissa and Scott in a strange town he didn't know.

Alex was in front of the house saying goodbye to his family. Promise me you will eat well and not bother your aunt Melissa. I promise mom. Don't be sad son this is all temporary we will come and get you in the summer but promise me you will man up while I'm gone. I promise dad. Okay be nice to your poor aunt if i hear you causing trouble... "Honey" Miranda gave Grayson a death stare because she didn't want to have a farewell moment full of threats and Grayson immediately shut up. Alex who saw this laughed and said okay super mom I will miss you so much and I will call you everyday and talk to you and Jeremy and Elena. You better do that brat or you will have a lot of problems.

Grayson 👀 Alex 😧. 

At this moment Grayson wondered what was going on in Miranda's mind because she didn't want to threaten their son but she threatened him. He wondered what was happening to her and suspected that he needed to do a test on her to make sure her brain was working.

Miranda turned to him, "Honey, what's with that look? Are you questioning how my brain works again? If so, trust me, you'll be sleeping on the couch for a week." Grayson replied worriedly, "No, no, there's no such thing. I know exactly how your brain works, honey. We've been married for eighteen years." Miranda looked at him and said, "Fine. Then you wouldn't mind if you started the car and i spent some time with Alex alone, would you?" "No, no, take it easy. I'll be waiting in the car for you." Grayson wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and sighed in relief. He thought women were scary and his weak point was being threatened with sleeping on the couch. How pathetic." As Grayson went to the car, questioning his life, Miranda turned to a nervous Alex and knelt down to meet his eyes. "Alex, I want you to know, no matter what, your father and I love you very much. We're not abandoning you. This is only a temporary period. Do you understand?" Alex who was secretly upset the whole trip and thought his parents were abandoning him because he always caused trouble, his eyes welled up with tears and he hugged his mother and said I love you too mom I promise I will be a better version of myself and I will never let anger blind me again. Miranda returned the hug and said hey everything is ok promise me you won't beat the kids up too hard in school and you will listen to Scott he is older okay? Okay I promise bye mom. Bye Alex Miranda saw her big sister and nodded to her Melissa nodded back and said don't worry he will be fine with me and Scott and he will fit in this small town I am sure he will find a girlfriend here. Miranda laughed and said I hope so then she got into a car with Grayson and they drove to Mystic Falls.

Melissa looked at her nephew and said "Come on Alex I'm sure you're tired from the trip let's go inside and get some rest." Alex hugged his aunt and they entered a house optimistic and excited now because of his mother's words and wondering what life would offer him in this new and small town.

Without knowing that this is the beginning of a very complex story with a lot of drama, conflict, love, betrayal and pain, the beginning of his life turning into a living hell and overturning all his beliefs.

Hello author here I have been thinking about this story for a while and I liked the idea and here I am but I am not looking for money I just want to express my thoughts and there is no R-18 or women because I think these things spoil the story and I will try to upload two chapters in a week please give me your comments and ideas for this story and your opinion on my first chapter ever thank you very much for reading and be sure that unexpected events will turn Alex's life into a living hell worse than his siblings trick that's all and until next time.