Elsa is walking down the hallway suddenly she bumps into the popular jock boy and decided to take the opportunity and introduce herself.
Elsa: Hey, I'm Elsa. I don't think we've met before.
Jock Boy: Yeah, I'm Jake. I play on the school football team.
Elsa: Oh, nice to meet you, Jake. I wouldn't have pegged you as the athletic type.
Jake: What do you mean? I'm totally the athletic type!
Elsa: Really? You don't seem very...jock-like.
Jake: Hey, I resent that! Just because I don't fit the stereotype doesn't mean I'm not a great player.
Elsa: I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that...well, you seem kind of...different.
Jake: Different? What do you mean?
Elsa: I don't know...you just seem like there's more to you than meets the eye.
Jake: (laughs) You have no idea.
Elsa: What do you mean? What's going on?
Jake: (sighs) I don't know, Elsa. I just feel like I'm stuck in this one role, you know? People expect me to be this tough, athletic guy, but that's not really who I am.
Elsa: I think I understand. I've felt like that too, sometimes. Like I'm trapped in this one identity.
Jake: Exactly! And it's hard to break free from that, you know?
Elsa: Yeah, I do. But maybe...maybe we can help each other out.
Jake: What do you mean?
Elsa: Well, I've always been kind of...different, too. People are always expecting me to be this certain way, but I'm not really sure who I am yet.
Jake: (smiles) Yeah, I think we could definitely help each other out.
Elsa: So, Jake, what's something that you're passionate about, but nobody would expect?
Jake: (laughs) Okay, this is going to sound weird, but...I love to paint.
Elsa: Really? That's amazing! I would never have guessed.
Jake: (smirks) Yeah, I know, right? The star quarterback is actually a closet artist.
Elsa: (laughs) That's so cool! I've always loved art, too.
Jake: Yeah? What kind of art do you like?
Elsa: I love music, actually. I've been playing the guitar since I was a kid.
Jake: No way! I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar.
Elsa: (smiles) Maybe I can teach you sometime?
Jake: (smiles back) Yeah, that would be awesome.
Elsa: So, Jake, what inspired you to start painting?
Jake: Honestly? It was a way for me to escape from the pressure of being on the football team.
Elsa: I get it. It can be tough to deal with expectations from others.
Jake: Exactly! But painting just...it feels free, you know?
Elsa: Yeah, I do. Music is like that for me too.
Jake: (looks at Elsa with curiosity) Hey, can I ask you something?
Elsa: Sure, what is it?
Jake: What's it like being...you know, the queen bee of our school?
Elsa: (laughs) Queen bee? You mean, like, popular?
Jake: (smirks) Yeah, that's exactly what I mean.
Elsa: (shrugs) Honestly? It's not all it's cracked up to be.
Jake: Really? Why's that?
Elsa: (pauses, looking thoughtful) Because sometimes I feel like people only like me because of who I am, not because of who I actually am.
Jake: (nods) I get it. People do that to me too, because of football.
Elsa: (smiles) Exactly! It's nice to finally talk to someone who understands.
Jake: (smiles back) Yeah, it's definitely nice to have someone to talk to.
Elsa: (pauses, looking at Jake with curiosity) Hey, Jake?
Jake: Yeah?
Elsa: Can I ask you something?
Jake: (laughs) Sure, what is it?
Elsa: What's the real reason you're not hanging out with your football friends anymore?
Jake: (looks down, his expression turning serious) Honestly? I just got tired of being someone I'm not.
Elsa: (nods) I get it. I've been there too.
Jake: (looks up at Elsa, his eyes locking onto hers) Yeah, I think we have a lot more in common than people would think.
Elsa: (smiles softly) Yeah, maybe we do.
Jake: (breaks the silence) Hey, Elsa?
Elsa: (looks up at him) Yeah?
Jake: (smirks) Want to grab some coffee with me?
Elsa: (raises an eyebrow) Coffee?
Jake: (nods) Yeah, I know this great place downtown.
Elsa: (smiles) Okay, sure.
Jake: (grinning) Great!
They both stand up, and Jake walks Elsa to her locker.
Elsa: (gets her books out) Thanks for talking with me, Jake.
Jake: (smiles) No problem, Elsa. I had a great time.
Elsa: (smiles back) Yeah, me too.
Jake: (hesitates) Hey, Elsa?
Elsa: (looks up at him) Yeah?
Jake: (asks, his voice low) Can I ask you something?
Elsa: (curious) What is it?
Jake: (takes a deep breath) Do you want to go out with me? Like, on a date?
Elsa: (pauses, surprised)
What do you think would be her answer to this charming question?