Chapter 13

" Just relax and enjoy your time with the company, you'll do and be just fine. " Grim told Yugi as the two of them had gotten on the yacht together.

Yugi's eyes perked at his surroundings. The environment of the yacht screamed exquisite and expensive. From the chandelier's that dangling in the main deck hall.

Towards the decorative tables, chairs, and walls of the yacht. From the exquisite caviar, champagne and wine to sip on. Everyone around Yugi seemed to be wearing jewelry and expensive clothes.

It was as if Yugi had died and went to a fancy cocktail party or a dinner. Either way, his heart was racing, and he felt he could collapse at any moment. However Grim gently touched his shoulder.

" Hey. Remember. Relax. " Grim whispered.

Yugi nodded and inhaled a good breathe before releasing it and nodding again. " okay. Okay. Thank you Grim. Really.. "

" You're welcome. " Grim replied.

" O M G ! Grim?! " someone shouted from afar.

Grim and Yugi immediately turned in a woman's direction as Grim smiled and quickly walked over towards her. " Omgosh! Hey!! Mandy! How are you?! " Grim asked.

" I'm wonderful and yourself? " Mandy replied.

" I'm at the top of my game! As I'm sure you would've quickly guessed. " Grim stated as the two of them laughed and continued to talk.

Yugi watched as the two continued to make conversations as Yugi looked around and continued to simply admire the festivities.

" Oh! Allow me to introduce our newest member to the MCC Sennen corporation, this is Yugi Mutou. " Grim greeted.

Yugi hearing his name turned his head and walked a bit closer towards the two. " Oh! Hello! Hi. Yugi. " The young male said as he shook hands with the lady.

" Hi. Mandy Waters. " she replied.

" Omgosh! Mandy here. Is a top sells rep at Neil Tech corporation. She does interfaces with some of the top companies in the entire world. " Grim explained towards Yugi.

Yugi in aw listened towards Grim and smiled with a warmth of her accomplishments. " oh! Stop Grim! He loves to tell people about me, when I tell him all the time it's not that big of a deal. " she said.

The two laughed as Yugi laughed a bit as well. " What? She is trying to be modest right now, but she is planning on excelling out technology so far in advancement that we will be able to function at a capacity of 90 seconds per day. "

" Oh. Wow that's.. incredible. " Yugi stated finally.

" Well... I mean it's still in testing— so, don't get too excited but it's a great discovery when I am able to push what we know about typical science into something much more bigger. " Mandy elaborated.

" She will be the first woman in her research to unlock it. So this really would be a huge achievement for her— which! She will! Do. " Grim chimed in.

" oh stop! Haha— " Mandy said hitting Grim's arm in a playful way, as Grim and Mandy laughed together. Yugi smirked and chuckled in the conversation.

As his eyes wandered to a male whom looked familiar. In the distance in the main dock ballroom area, where everyone had seemed to gather.

Other gentlemen was discussing with each other while Yugi's eyes continued to follow the familiar male. Watching him walk with several other gentlemen before Yugi's face and body warmed up like a light.

It was Mr. Sennen decked out in all black. It from afar looked like he was wearing a long dress but when Yami had turned around, it was a long draping jacket that connected to his actual attire.

It was designed on the jacket in the shape of an ancient Egyptian symbol. Yugi remembered back in Sennen's office how he didn't like speaking about his royal side.

Yugi didn't fully comprehend all of what he was implicating, but nevertheless it still intrigued him. He was once again admiring the male from afar almost like in a creepy way.

The young male always seemed to get lost in the gaze and motion of Mr. Sennen even when he wasn't really trying to. It was as if he was locked in another trans and couldn't break away.

Not as if he wanted to, because he was too busy staring at his attire. It was not only solid black like he had thought, as when Yami faced forward as a crowd of people was already around him.

The male noticed he was wearing gold and black. He had gold jewelry on along with gold designs implanted in his attire. Diamond gold patterns across his one piece and the golden drape design pattern on his long flowy jacket.

He had dark eyeliner on but it went with his complexion and his facial features. He was indeed a handsome and beautiful male all in one. It wasn't long before Grim said Yugi's name that Yugi blinked and stopped.

" Huh? What! What? What- I mean huh? " Yugi said fumbling up his words.

Both Mandy and Grim blinked as they both looked at one another and then laughed again. Yugi feeling his cheeks warm up from embarrassment trying to play off his confusion.

A waiter coming around with champagne on the platter, as Grim grabbed two drinks and handed one to both Yugi and Mandy as he grabbed another one for himself.

" wow, you weren't kidding Grim. This kid really does get lost in thoughts. " Mandy mocked a bit as she giggled again.

" wait— huh? " Yugi continued to say puzzled.

" Yeah, I know he's like a lost child. " Grim stated laughing a tad bit. "

Yugi realizing they were mocking him rolled his eyes a bit before also realizing he had a champagne glass now and looked at both Grim and Mandy. " Sorry I was— "

" Staring at our Boss. " Grim said cutting Yugi off. As Yugi cheeks warmed up but hiding his blush from them both.

" wha— I — no- I mean- " Yugi said stuttering again.

Mandy then turned her head to see Mr. Sennen along with Grim as they all looked in that direction. Which for Yugi was completely embarrassing.

" Yes. Yes I see. " Mandy stated.

" mmmhm. " Grim chimed in.

" He is very, very handsome. You all's boss is like a Goddess— but in a man way. " Mandy remarked. Grim laughed as he sipped his glass and Mandy chuckled too.

Yugi with all their laughter couldn't tell if they were being serious or just laughing to make fun of him. " yeah. I agree our boss does have a sassy sway about himself. " Grim stated.

" He's soft on the body, but intimidating on the eyes when you get closer. I honestly don't know if he's just born mean or if it became a gift the richer he became. " Grim remarked.

Mandy nodded as Yugi stood still and said nothing. " what you think Yugi? " Grim asked. Yugi fumbled a bit before turning his head again looking at them both.

" huh? What? Sorry— I was — just thinking- "

Grim and Mandy both glanced at one another before laughing once more and Yugi smacked his lips and was about to walk off.

" okay! Okay! Wait wait— we're sorry! We're just teasing you. " Grim said.

" yeaaaa don't be like that. " Mandy chimed in to say.

" Look. Why don't you go say hi " Grim told Yugi.

Yugi face lit up a minute before he pointed to himself. " what? Why— why me? " Yugi asked.

" what do you mean why you? — " Grim repeated before he sipped his drink and continued to talk. " let's see for one you're new. two you seem to have such a keen interest in our boss that you stare in his direction. " Grim explained.

Yugi face beginning to warm up again.

" annnnd— what else? Oh! The most important thing— uhhh helllooooo?! Don't you think Mr. Sennen would be glad and moved that he has seen you at the party!? He probably doesn't even know that you're here. You should go say hi. " Grim stated further.

" I agree. " Mandy remarked.

" I mean— I suppose you're right. " Yugi said looking over at Yami once again. The group seemed to be moving along as Yami walked with the other gentlemen out towards the outside.

" Uh— yeah I am. " Grim stated taking another sip.

" mhm. Besides— it would be also in your best interest to go alone— because Mr. Sennen can introduce you towards his older colleagues. The board. " Mandy proclaimed.

" the board? " Yugi questioned.

" yeah! You see those men who he's speaking with? That's the board. The board are the men whom have been in the top sales corporations for decades. Your boss. Mr. Sennen is also apart of the board. " Mandy continued to explain.

" what? Really? " Yugi asked as Grim listened in.

" yes. Really. " Mandy stated. " he is the youngest member on the board and this party that is happening right now is thrown in his honor. "

" Shhh! Mandy! " Grim stated.

" wh—what?! I thought he knew! " Mandy stated to grim.

" w—wait— what?? " Yugi said with his orbs widened. " you didn't tell me this party was for our boss, Grim. "

" I — okay wait look! I didn't tell you because I— "

" you what? " Yugi sneered.

" I didn't want you getting super nervous! and— and chickening out, and not coming. " Grim tried to explain.

" aww look at you two love birds. " Mandy teased.

" shut up, Mandy. " Grim stated.

" .... Tch... " Yugi said looking away.

" Hey, I'm sorry. Besides, you are new, that meeting I had attended earlier, that meeting was the board calling Mr. Sennen to extend the invitation for him to finally join the board. " Grim started to say.

Yugi glancing his eyes back a bit to listen to Grim. " Our boss hasn't actually accepted the invitation this party is suppose to be his mingling time and at midnight tonight he is suppose to be accepting them. .... Key word suppose too. "

" ... what if he doesn't? " Yugi asked.

" ... then.. the position gets passed to another executive company. "

" mhm. Refusing the board is like refusing a billion dollars for free. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you all's corporation. If Mr. Sennen refuses it—- I mean I won't say it would look bad on his part— but it would look bad. " Mandy stated.

" but what if he— " Yugi was going to say, as Yami eventually disappeared from his vision.

" but — what if he— what Yugi? " Grim asked.

Yugi blinked and looked down for a moment with his eyes and back up again as he inhaled a bit and exhaled. " .... Nothing. " Yugi stated before turning back around.

" I'm going to go say hi. " Yugi said taking a huge sip of his champagne before swallowing hard and walking in the direction he saw Yaami go.

Mandy and Grim both watched as Yugi walked off in the distance as the two of them turned back to look at each other. However in curious thoughts Grim wanted to know what Yugi was going to say.

Nevertheless, Yugi proceed to head outside towards Yaami and the board.