Chapter 2.1: A Whole New World

Have you ever found yourself pondering whether reality is merely a complex simulation crafted by a malevolent entity who takes pleasure in observing our emotional turmoil?

I often daydream about the possibility that one morning I might awaken in my cozy bed, discovering that everything I believed to be real was nothing more than an interminable nightmare.

A person can dream, can't they?

The days that follow seem to pass by in a dizzying haze as I slowly regain control over my upper body. A euphoric wave washes over me with this small but significant progress—should I allow myself the luxury of feeling such joy?

Yet, this elation is tempered by the stark and sobering reality of my immobile legs, a relentless reminder of my incomplete recovery. Speaking has become less of a struggle; I can engage in conversations with Mrs. Hinahata whenever she enters my room to check on the performance of the advanced neural chip embedded in my brain.

So, it's not all bad.

Tomorrow is set to be monumental—my release from the sterile confines of the hospital. I will be moving in with the Hinahata's until we devise a plan to return me to my original time, a thought that stirs a whirlwind of emotions within me.

Will I descend back into a bed bound existence again upon my return?

A chill runs down my spine at the shadow of that fear, looming ominously over my hard-earned progress. Yet, I am drawn inexplicably to the alluring prospect of unraveling the mysteries of this astonishing future. I yearn to witness with my own eyes just how dramatically the world has transformed since I last walked its streets.

Seated comfortably in a chair pulled close to my hospital bed, Kei has her legs elegantly crossed, engrossed in her glowing tablet. Her fingers click away in a blur, moving with the precision of a well-oiled machine, and I can see her eyes spark with excitement.

"We'll need to get you some clothes and shoes too. Can't have you stuck wearing those hospital robes forever." She speaks out, flashing me a beautifully light-hearted smile.

Her dedication makes me feel as if she has momentarily shed her cool and serious demeanor for a more relaxed, approachable presence. "I'm sure there are countless things you'll want to try, and even more once you're back on your feet." She adds, her enthusiasm as infectious as laughter as she scribbles down a list of essentials we need to collect.

The door slides open with a smoothness that interrupts our discussion, and Mrs. Hinahata struts into the room with determined grace, heading purposefully toward me. She sets a sleek, rectangular holographic device onto my lap, its surface shimmering enticingly under the harsh glow of the room's fluorescent lights.

"The first thing you should do is get familiar with the Holograph 2.0. You'll need this gadget if you're goin' to navigate this new world." She instructs firmly, her eyes fixed on me as I gaze down at the high-tech device, puzzled about how to activate it.

As if sensing my confusion, Mrs. Hinahata extends her hand, gently brushing the device's screen with her fingertip. Instantly, the screen illuminates in a striking shade of blue, displaying the words 'booting up' in crisp text.

"Each device is DNA-linked to one individual through fingerprint authentication. Simply place your hand on the screen when it prompts you, and you'll be registered as its owner." The doctor explains, her tone a blend of briskness and encouragement.

I watch, fascinated, as the text disappears, replaced by an outline of a hand glowing on the screen. Following her precise instructions, I cautiously place my right hand within the outlined shape, feeling a soft, rhythmic pulse emanating from the device as it scans me.

"Owner detected. Welcome, Mr. Asahi Irogami. Would you like a tutorial on how to use the Holograph 2.0?" A robotic female voice chimes from the device, surprising me with its clarity.

I can't help but think that this may very well turn out to be the most extensive tutorial of my life.


The morning sunlight spills through the window, casting a warm glow across the room as Dr. Hinahata strides in, energetically flinging the heavy curtains wide open. My eyes squint in protest, overwhelmed by the sudden influx of light, and I watch as the formerly tranquil blue walls of the room flicker and dissolve into a dazzling white.

The vibrant shift in color intrigues me—I've learned that they've applied a unique paint which transforms with the daylight, drifting from a soothing blue in the dark to a bright, invigorating white under the sun's embrace.

"Up and at 'em! Time to get you ready to face the world." Mrs Hinahata announces cheerily, disrupting the cocooning comfort of the soft sheets that had sheltered me from the realities of the day ahead. She tosses them aside with effortless ease, depriving me of any chance to retreat into the comforting realm of sleep.

With slow, reluctant blinks, I adjust to the brilliance engulfing me, only to realize with a dull ache that Kei is notably absent for the first time.

"Did you manage to get Kei off to school?" I inquire lightly, attempting to mask the slight worry lacing my voice. Mrs. Hinahata bursts into a hearty laugh, a joyous sound that echoes in the bright room.

"Oh, she's just gone to grab somethin' for me. Unless, of course, you'd prefer her to assist you in getting dressed?" She wags her eyebrows at me suggestively, making me react instantly with a reply.

"No, no!" I quickly exclaim, a rush of warmth flooding my cheeks at the mere thought of that.

Guided by Mrs. Hinahata's experienced hands, I find myself suited up in no time. As I glance at my reflection, I can't help but marvel at the outfit I'm donning. The fitted black trousers wrap snugly around my waist, embellished with an elegant dragon design that seems to dance and twist like tendrils of smoke. My chest is adorned with a sleek black button-up shirt, featuring a striking golden koi fish that appears to swim gracefully from my shoulder down to my wrist.

My feet are comfortably nestled in stylish black trainers, while a refined black jacket, bearing the kanji '日光'—meaning 'sunlight'—is artfully stitched along my right arm, adding an air of sophistication to my ensemble.

"I can just picture Kei choosing these clothes." I muse aloud, a faint smile tugging at my lips.

At that moment, the door slides open with a soft whisper, and Kei enters, her expressive eyes locking onto mine as they scan my new look. She nods approvingly, an amused glint in her gaze.

"Not quite the goth look I expected, but I like it." She remarks.

Had she genuinely contemplated dressing me in dark, brooding attire?

"I got the chair!" Kei announces triumphantly, drawing my attention to the high-tech wheelchair she's expertly wheeling in. She stops next to the bed, and, with graceful efficiency, Mrs. Hinahata takes hold of the chair's handles. "Alright, let's get you into this sleek ride and out of this dreary place." She declares, her tone one of enthusiasm laced with affection.

"Dreary place? You work here almost 24/7." Kei retorts, but her mother brushes off the quip, her focus solely on aiding me into the wheelchair.

This is no ordinary wheelchair; it is a marvel of modern design that defies the limitations of my time. The seat envelops me in luxury, cradled by plush armrests that cradle my body comfortably. The right armrest features a joystick with a clean, futuristic design, hinting at the advanced technology at my disposal.

As I feel a swell of hope in my chest, the future appears brighter than ever, shimmering with possibilities. Even as I express this optimism aloud, my dreams of taking control of the wheelchair are swiftly dashed; Mrs. Hinahata is firmly in the driver's seat, guiding me gently from behind. "You're not quite ready to take the wheel just yet, Mr." She chides playfully.

I can't help but pout, a twinge of disappointment threading through me, mingling with an eager anticipation to explore my newfound mobility.

As we glide toward the reception desk, I take a moment to immerse myself in the atmosphere around me. The once-bustling room, typically alive with the sounds of busy conversations and hurried footsteps, feels hauntingly still today.

Beside me, Kei stands with an inquisitive expression, her sharp gaze scanning the surroundings. "It's usually a lot busier than this." She remarks, her voice slightly echoing my own thoughts, as we both absorb the unusual quiet.

Just as I'm nudged gently, my attention shifts from my observations to Kei, who walks gracefully alongside me. We approach the sliding glass doors, which part with a soft whoosh, a barrier between the sterile environment of the hospital and the vibrant life outside. As I step through, a rush of exhilaration washes over me as I catch my first glimpse of a radically transformed Tokyo.

"Wait, am I even still in Tokyo?" I exclaim, the surprised words escaping from my lips before I can hold them back. It never occurred to me to question my surroundings until now.

"Yep, this is Tokyo. Did I not mention that?" Kei replies, glancing down at me, her brows raised in playful surprise. I shake my head in disbelief, still grappling with the enormity of this revelation. A mischievous smirk dances on her lips, a fleeting expression that quickly morphs back to a more neutral line as she shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly.

Keeping pace with Kei feels like an impossible task; one moment she radiates warmth and vivacity, and in the next, she retreats into her mysterious goth persona, leaving me a bit bewildered and struggling to keep up. Her unpredictability adds an intriguing layer to our interaction.

My gaze returns to the world outside, and a gasp escapes my lips at the breathtaking view that unfolds before me. The cityscape stretches endlessly, utterly transformed in the 50 years since I last saw it.

The small, familiar structures I once knew are long gone, replaced by elegant high-rises that pierce the sky, their pristine white facades glinting in the midday sun like colossal sculptures of modern architecture. Each building appears immaculate, as if it had just been erected, embodying a sense of progress and innovation.

"Woah." I breathe, the word barely audible above a whisper, a simple yet profound expression of awe swelling within me.

"Just wait until night falls." Kei teases, a twinkle lighting up her eyes with mischief. "Tokyo transforms into a whole different world." Her words ignite a flicker of excitement within me as I envision the city bathed in vivid neon hues, a tantalizing glimpse of what had previously filtered through the hospital window during my stay.

Despite my mounting anticipation, the enigmatic beauty of this futuristic Tokyo leaves me yearning for more, my heart racing at the thought of exploring a city that has changed so dramatically yet continues to hold fragments of the past within its vibrant tapestry.