My wrists caught in thick metal handcuffs, my arms stretched upwards by chains connected to pulleys on the ceiling... I had been exposed like this for a long time, two or three hours no doubt. My feet barely touching the ground, I felt the pressure of the stretching on the muscles of my aching arms.
I was naked and hanging there, like a common piece of flesh since I had been penetrated, both possessed and dispossessed by the three henchmen who had deflowered me and made me what I had pronounced as obvious: a whore, the "whore of Sir Evans". No doubt about it, moreover, since a wooden sign hung around my neck, on which one of the three brutes had, laughingly, written the word that now designated me: "Whore"... they had dragged me to these chains, hung me up and put around my neck the cord that held this board with the infamous inscription.
But was it shameful? No, since I myself had recognized the state I was now reduced to. Of course, I could always try to define myself as a prisoner, forced to endure the worst degradations. But the long hours during which I was abandoned to my solitude left my mind alone capable of functioning. And my mind told me nothing else: "I am a whore... a few hours were enough for this evidence to impose itself... I did not even try to resist, to refuse, to scream... since the beginning of this terrible adventure, I realized that I had to face the facts: if I had felt shame, I had never really tried to escape what was being imposed on me.
And many times, even, it had each time amused those who tormented me a lot, I was excited by the situations I lived. Difficult to accept this and yet I could not deny it. I had been excited by these humiliations, by these tortures, by this situation in which I found myself, of total dependence. Yes, I had to face the facts, I was only a whore"... I was there in my thoughts when I heard the sound of footsteps in the large room where I was suspended. Footsteps that were getting closer...
A man came to stand in front of me. A man wearing a black "mask" that hid the top of his face, dressed in a white shirt decorated with a bow tie and tuxedo pants, I could even see the tips of his polished shoes, so clean and contrasting on the stone slabs that made up the floor of the place where I was. I had not noticed his approach, but at his side stood a woman, dressed in a pastel lamé evening dress and holding in her hand a thin ornate rod supporting an elegant carnival mask, made of feathers and pearls...
This elegant couple approached very close to me, without saying a single word. I lowered my eyes, suddenly I was overwhelmed by a flood of shame that I could not contain. A couple who were clearly participating in a party, judging by their outfits. And there I was, naked, chained, wearing the expression of what had been done to me around my neck, visible to all... I wanted to sink into the cold wall whose roughness I felt on my back and against my bare buttocks. I wanted to dissolve into stone, but no hope. I had to stay there and endure these looks fixed on me, scrutinizing my nudity and my misfortune.
As I closed my eyes to try to forget myself, I felt a soft but firm hand closing around my sex. Unable to control myself, while long fingers
The hands were slowly squeezing my cock, I could feel it swelling and tensing. The hand was squeezing my extremely tense shaft tightly and was starting to move it slowly back and forth. The Masked Woman was jerking me off and I was reacting as instinctively as an animal.
Despite the shame, I couldn't help but react as the hand slid steadily around my cock. I gradually felt a wave of pleasure invade me, my cock tensed... Then it stopped! Leaving me trembling and tense to the extreme... on the edge of orgasm, but without having allowed me to access it... my body was tense... when I felt a long, tapered nail slowly scratching my chest, starting from the pubis and slowly going up towards my chest. The nail that I imagined
perfectly manicured was almost sharp and I felt that it left a deep furrow on my rather fragile skin.
The hand stopped at a nipple and suddenly it was seized by a searing pain!
I understood that it was compressed, cut by two nails acting like a clamp. I let out a cry, which was immediately punctuated by a slap cracking on my cheek. The nails became more numerous... they sank into my flesh, pinched... I felt their trace which was deeply embedded in my skin, the pain increased little by little, became almost unbearable and I wriggled awkwardly, limited by the chains which offered me to the torture of these merciless nails.
The pain was even worse because I bit my lips in an attempt not to scream. Because without any words being spoken, a slap had marked each of my cries and moans, quickly making me understand that only my silence would save me from further blows. Apparently, the fact that I was wriggling like a madman was not an obstacle for my tormentors. On the contrary, I supposed that it must amuse them, even if I did not perceive more snickers than words.
This absolute silence that reigned was even more terrifying, because it plunged me into terrible questions. Who were they? How far would they go? Were there limits to what could be inflicted on me? I knew nothing, except that I had become a sort of toy, a puppet that The Master of the place could use, abuse, for His own use or that of His Friends.
The nails kept digging into my flesh... I could feel them marking my skin and I imagined the long red scars that must now be streaking my naked and totally defenseless body. When would it end? I wriggled in the most ridiculous and useless way, since chained as I was, I had no hope of escaping the torture that this elegant and pitiless woman was methodically inflicting on me.
His tuxedo-clad companion watched but did not participate. He had lit a cigarette and was savoring it while nonchalantly observing the way The Woman was relentlessly tormenting me using only her fingernails, so long and sharp that I felt as if razor blades were cutting into my flesh...
When he had finished his cigarette, he approached without a word and coming to the side, put out his cigarette butt on my shoulder, drawing a cry from me, as I had not been able to anticipate the searing pain that seized me. Brief but intense. This time, the woman could not hold back a little laugh, shared by the Man. Just as abruptly she stopped her nail games and the couple took a step back. They looked at me like that for several minutes, without a word, then the Man leaned over to whisper a few words in his companion's ear. They kissed tenderly, for a long time, then without another glance at me, they moved away and disappeared, leaving me so, naked, panting, with a slight but throbbing pain running through my whole body marked by the Lady's nails.
Shortly after, I heard new footsteps, I risked a brief glance in the direction of the approaching noise and I recognized one of the three henchmen. I could not prevent the trembling that seized my whole body. What new ordeal awaited me? I closed my eyes...
"Open your eyes, whore!" the harsh voice called out and I obeyed immediately, my gaze then being caught by two black eyes that stared at them intensely: "So whore! Did you like the little games of the Master's guests? (I didn't answer anything, my lip trembled gently while a cruel smile lit up the individual's face) You were lucky, they were nice people who took care of you, but it won't always be this relaxing"...
Without another word, without explanation, he acted on the pulleys that held my chains and loosened them. Exhausted, I could only collapse to the ground. Not for long because immediately, the man's enormous hand grabbed my hair and pulled it, forcing me to straighten up until I was on my knees.
Without another word, the man undid his pants and showed off a huge erect cock that he began to rub against my face. I understood immediately what he was going to demand of me and obediently, without him having to say a single word, I opened my mouth wide. He sneered while roughly shoving his cock between my lips and pushing it roughly to the back of my throat. "You learn quickly, whore," he said almost mechanically while his glans rubbed against the back of my palate and he began to thrust his hips in and out of my mouth to make his huge cock come and go.
His hand held my hair firmly in order to keep me in the position that seemed to suit his pleasure and his penis went back and forth between my lips, brutally, methodically... I told myself that he wasn't even trying to take maximum pleasure, but that he was content to use me, just to make me feel in the most obvious way what I had become... I was an object, a toy... Everyone could therefore use me as they pleased without justification, since I was only a utensil that one uses and then abandons in one's corner, until it is useful again.
I felt the Man's cock swelling, taking on this enormous size that had already opened and possessed my ass. He fucked my mouth with a completely mechanical regularity, sinking deeply.
I had never sucked a man, I was definitely discovering many things... A few days, a few hours earlier, I could not even have imagined such a situation! And now it seemed almost obvious to me, in any case I did not even feel any reason to rebel. I felt that my state was gradually imposing itself on my mind. Rebellion? The word itself seemed so derisory to me! I suffered, detached,
almost external. As if I could contemplate my decline.
Suddenly, a flood of semen flooded my mouth... The man's juice was thick and abundant, he had spurted suddenly, without a moan and the jet gushed to the back of my throat. I swallowed without even thinking and he finished emptying himself in my mouth, I even applied myself not to lose a drop and to swallow everything, going so far as to clean his glans...
He didn't say another word, but seemed satisfied, since he finally let me collapse on the ground without forcing me to stay on my knees. "Now that you've had your meal, we'll come get you, you have work to do." And he left...
I don't know how long I had to wait. Finally, a woman came to get me. She was young, naked except for a studded black leather collar around her neck and a small lace apron around her waist. She leaned down and with a key began to free my wrists from their thick steel handcuffs. I was going to speak to her, but with a finger to her mouth, she made me understand that silence was required. Once my wrists were free, she removed the wooden sign attached to my neck. With gestures, she made me understand to get on all fours and follow her.
She herself straightened up and moved forward slowly while I followed her on all fours, rather awkwardly. I was grateful that she was only moving forward in small steps, because I had trouble keeping up in this position to which I was not at all accustomed.
I thought back to the two women I had seen following Sir Evans during our interview, the feline elegance they had displayed in that position, which was so demeaning.
How far I was from their perfection. I wondered how long it had taken them to get there.
And I got scared, thinking that I might be here for a long time. So it was with clumsiness that I followed the submissive who showed me the way to follow. She led me into a vast room whose center was occupied by a long and wide table of thick and noble wood. Heavy chairs were scattered everywhere, rugs decorated the floor... two submissives wearing only the same accessories as my guide were already busy. I saw that there were glasses, empty bottles of champagne, leftovers from meals and various leftovers everywhere. Obviously, this room had hosted some rather agitated libations.
My guide showed me a bucket filled with soapy water and a mop placed next to it. I understood of course that my
role was going to be to clean the various stains spread on the floor of the room. The atmosphere was silent and hardworking. The submissives worked quickly and efficiently, joined without delay by the one who had guided me
and joined them to continue tidying up, while I began to scrub the floor wherever it was necessary.
This work lasted for hours. Little by little, the three submissives (whose remarkable figure I noticed, without daring to let my gaze linger there) finished their respective tasks and left the room. As evening fell, as the large windows pierced in the walls suggested to me, bright but too high to allow one to see outside (especially when one was standing on all fours like me), I found myself alone, scrubbing again and again the slightest stain on the floor.
I, who had never been a great fan of cleaning, my income allowed me to employ a very devoted lady twice a week,
I scrubbed diligently and felt the skin on my hands wrinkle from dipping into the dirty water in the bucket and wringing out the mop, again and again. The room was so vast, I wondered when I would see the end of it.
Much later, in fact... the night was deep when I finally arrived in the last corner of the room. As I had barely finished
wringing the mop for the thousandth time (or maybe more), the man who had already largely possessed my two orifices came near me.
Without a word, he put a thick leather collar around my neck and closed it, tightening it quite tightly.
A leash hung from it. "Take the bucket, whore," he said. I grabbed the bucket, straightened up with difficulty, for the position held for hours had somewhat stiffened me, and followed him, carrying my utensils. Holding the leash firmly
and forcing me to walk quickly through the corridors of the castle, he dragged me to the kitchens where Madame Marie was pretending to be absolute Mistress.
She didn't even give me a glance, though. The man led me into a corner of the large room and made me kneel, facing the wall, my hands clasped behind my neck. I waited like that for a moment, until a submissive came and placed a metal bowl beside me, filled with a sort of fragrant broth, in which floated pieces of bread and bits of vegetables.
The submissive grabbed my wrists and, delicately, made me lean over the bowl and place my hands on either side of it. I understood instantly (I was definitely beginning to assimilate what my attitude should be) that I should not use my hands to eat. And obediently, grateful for this warm food that gave me some strength, I began to eat by lapping up the broth and grabbing the pieces between my teeth.
As soon as I had finished, someone came to remove the bowl and I resumed my kneeling position, facing the wall, hands still clasped on the back of my neck. Time passed and little by little my shoulders and shoulder blades became painful.
The benefits of the broth were gradually fading and fatigue was getting to me, I had trouble keeping my eyes open...
I even ended up falling asleep on the spot, without even feeling it coming. My sleep was dreamless, but the nightmare was far from over...
When I woke up, I discovered with amazement that I was dressed and... in my car. I thought I was dreaming and tried to find myself, but in reality I was in my vehicle and morning was breaking. The clock in the car indicated 6am.
I opened the door and went out into the still deserted village square. I touched my clothes to make sure that I was really dressed and free to move. My body was still sore all over and when I opened the collar of my shirt I could see the red streaks left by the sharp nails of The Woman who had tormented me the day before. I felt dizzy and had to lean on the vehicle which, to my great surprise, was in perfect condition. Repaired, without the slightest trace of my accident...
I was touching myself everywhere and yes... I was well dressed... I could come and go. I happily breathed in the fresh air of the early morning and took deep breaths. But my aching muscles and the pain throughout my body proved that I had not dreamed the terrible hours at Sir Evans' castle either...
A flood of shame suddenly overwhelmed me. Images were mixed up in my head, moments of humiliation, suffering and degradation. I felt a kind of dazzle and a new dizziness. I was exhausted despite the sleep I had just had.
know and during which I had clearly been "transferred" to where it all began.
This probably meant that it was all over. That the toy was no longer suitable and that I was being sent back to my daily life. I smashed my fist on the hood! Over!? Surely not! I had been through some awful things and I wasn't going
to stop there! I got back in the car and looked for my cell phone. It was right where I always left it. I looked at the call log, it was empty, except for one, which was only a few hours old, my boss, the newspaper editor: "Hi, I need to see you ASAP! As soon as you get this message come to my office, whatever time it is, all business ceasing!"
François was rarely in such a hurry. In any case, he was the one I was planning to see first. He had encouraged me to continue my investigations on the subject. On what had led me to undergo everything I wanted to forget... forget... yes, even if the thoughts that invaded my mind provoked in me a reaction that made me ashamed... I was excited, I could feel the bulge forming in my pants... the thought of everything I had undergone excited me and made me hard!
It was worse than I thought, my mind was so troubled...
I preferred not to think about it anymore and to occupy myself while driving. I got into the car and started... slowly at first, because my body was still sore. Then, little by little, my body relaxed and I found the sensations of driving and
freedom again. I drove and I felt better. The music on the radio helped me to stop thinking about... the castle...
A handful of hours later, I was in town and parked a few dozen meters from the newspaper building. I reached the building, greeted the receptionist and went straight to the fourth floor, the management floor. François' secretary
welcomed me warmly; she was a pretty blonde, serious-looking, with her hair tied in a neatly tied bun. She wore a very sober white blouse and a straight gray skirt, well below the knee. A very classic outfit, which nevertheless
revealed a firm body with generous curves. She announced me and showed me into the office, before slipping away discreetly.
François was enthroned behind his huge rosewood desk covered with files. He went to greet me as I entered:
- "Ah! Phil ... "Here you are at last!" he shook my hand vigorously.
- "François ... I'm happy to see you, I have serious things to tell you." He put a finger in front of his mouth
- "Hush! Wait!" And he went around his desk again, opened a drawer to take out an envelope. He came back in front of me and unsealed it by breaking a red wax seal that sealed it. I was astonished... he took out a simple sheet of paper from the envelope and began to read it:
- "My dear François... as agreed I am returning the dog you recommended to me, I..." I jumped and reached for the sheet but François pulled it away and with an unexpectedly lively gesture he slapped me.
I stood there speechless, bringing my hand to my cheek to feel the heat it radiated... A second slap proved to me that it was indeed reality.
- "When a Superior speaks, you shut your fucking mouth! I understand." A knot formed in the pit of my stomach... I had a hard time believing it, but a third slap left no doubt.
- "Understood? Fuck!" I looked down...
- "Yes sir, I understand."
- "Well... so: I admit that I appreciated her nature which is clearly that of a real little whore in the making. Of course, it will still take a lot of effort and a longer stay is necessary. But as we had discussed during our conversation, I believe that the dog in question has real potential that I would be interested in developing through longer-term training. I am waiting, my dear François, for confirmation of our agreement". I had remained motionless and silent throughout the reading of this letter which brutally plunged me back into the reality that I thought I had forgotten forever.
- "I was clearly not mistaken. Sir Evans confirms to me that you are a real little whore in the making (said François in a mocking tone). We will remedy your weaknesses." Reaching out, he pressed the intercom on his desk and ordered his private secretary in a dry voice to join us... She entered immediately and closed the door behind her, then advanced to within a meter of François before stopping.
He didn't even give her a glance but snapped his fingers while taking a cigarette and lighting it. I immediately recognized this attitude, the same as that of the man in the tuxedo whose companion had tortured me with her cruel nails. So François had not only caused my downfall, but he had taken an active part in it...
As I relived the moment, the secretary had unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall, revealing a firm, heavy chest with thick, brown nipples... then she slid her skirt to the floor. She was wearing only a garter belt and black stockings, her rump was rounded and arched... on the skin lingered the still fresh traces of a flogging that must have been very hard because the streaks were still red and there were still bruises on the white skin of the female's rounded ass.
- "You see," said François, "she spent two weeks at Sir Evans's before coming back to work here... She was a little reluctant at first, but she quickly learned. Now she's a good little whore, she works well here and knows how to bring me a little relaxation when I need it. And the rest of the time, she lives in a maid's room in my building, at my disposal... And at Claire's (she was his wife), who is much more demanding than me, by the way"...
He laughed... the secretary hadn't moved, she stood still, silent, straight, her eyes lowered.
Her breasts were pointing and I noticed that her pussy was perfectly shaved, revealing the delicate pink of her most intimate flesh. François approached her and passed his hand between her thighs. She didn't even quiver, contenting himself with spreading her thighs a little more... His hand searched the female's pussy, I imagined his fingers penetrating her.
She said nothing, stood obediently still despite the fingers going and were coming. Finally François withdrew his fingers and brought them close to my face. They were dripping with his secretary's wetness
- "Lick!" he said and I obeyed. He stuck his fingers in my mouth and I licked... then he pulled back and looked at me smiling...
- "Get naked! Obey, female dog."
I no longer had any capacity to rebel. Without a word, I got rid of all my clothes, which I put on a nearby armchair and found myself naked, instinctively taking the same pose as the secretary. François approached again and followed with his fingertips the traces left by Claire's nails, because I had
understood now that it was She who accompanied him when he came to torment me at the castle. He smiled...
- "I see that Claire, my dear wife, has left some nice traces... She loves it, I think you'll be useful to her again next time. She told me that she really enjoyed having fun with you after our... evening at the castle. But I think that next time, she'll be more enterprising. Last time she was as lenient as one can grant to a novice. When we meet again, I think you'll have made progress, you'll be available for new games. Ah ah ah!"
Without another word, he grabbed his secretary by the hair and forced her to lie down on the desk.
She was leaning over, jutting out her large but beautiful rump. François grabbed a flat metal ruler that was nearby and began to strike her violent blows on the buttocks. The blows were strong, sharp, regular. They fell one by one, relentlessly, the sound of each blow resonated clearly in my ears and marks began to mark the offered buttocks, gradually covering the traces of the old flagellation...
She endured the ordeal in silence, remaining motionless and without letting out the slightest moan.
However, the blows fell hard and her ass reddened and marked itself impressively. While hitting, François looked at me smiling...
The blows fell with cold regularity and I saw the secretary's rump turning red and blue relentlessly.
She must have been suffering, yet she remained motionless and did not let out a groan. Only a contraction of the muscles in her back and thighs hinted at the tension that was gradually gaining on her...
Suddenly Francis put an end to the punishment:
- "You see how well trained she is. Not a single complaint (he patted the young woman's bruised buttocks) that's a good female dog." He approached me and fixed his gaze on mine...
- "That's what you're going to become, a good female dog... a docile whore who will satisfy all our most perverse demands. Your mouth will be used for sucking and your ass for getting fucked.
- "Look up, look at me!" A slap landed sharply on my cheek. I fearfully looked up and saw a pitiless glint in his gaze. He continued:
- "You're going to repeat after me: your mouth is made for sucking and your ass is made for getting fucked.
You will fulfill all the desires of your Master and of all those to whom He chooses to offer you. You will never balk and you will accept everything." Obediently I repeated:
- "I am a whore, my mouth is made for sucking and my ass for being fucked. I will fulfill all the desires of my Master and of All Those to whom He will offer me. I will never refuse and I will accept everything"... François patted my cheek...
- "Good female dog! Good little whore, once trained I really believe you're going to give us a lot of pleasure."
He turned to his secretary, whose hair he pulled roughly to make her stand up. Then with a simple gesture of his hand he dismissed her. Quickly, she took a few steps and put on her strict work clothes before leaving the room. I didn't dare imagine the ordeal she was going to endure sitting there all day with the blows her ass had suffered. François guessed my thoughts...
- "She was formatted for this... And anyway she has no choice. This is what is good for you, slaves. You no longer have to ask yourself questions, only to obey and to suffer, it is so much easier. You will get used to it very quickly, anyway, it is obvious that this is your true nature, so no need to delude yourself. Be rather grateful to Those who allow you to live what you really are" He burst out laughing "Come on, get dressed!" I obeyed silently, then waited...
Francis spoke again
- "So, I announced that you were taking two weeks of vacation. As soon as you leave here, you take your car and return to the village. You go to the square that you know well and you wait. We will come and take care of you... In two weeks I think you will learn a lot, you will never be the same again. You will finally be yourself... the female dog that you are deep down. Do not consider any other alternative than to go immediately where you have to. You have no other choice, you know that in any case you depend on me, totally. Oh and no need to take luggage... Come on, get lost!"
I left the office and didn't even dare to glance at the secretary who was sitting upright in the anteroom to François' office.
It took me only a few hours to get back to the village and park my car in the small square. I went out to walk a little, but I could already hear an engine. It was the 4X4 that had come to pick me up the first day. It stopped a few meters from me and two of the thugs got out and came towards me. They were very close and I remained motionless. One of them came very close and grabbed my chin in his thick, callused hand...
- "But who is this? It's our little whore who is coming back home... (his hand pressed my cheeks painfully) This time the fun is over my chick, you're going to be trained for good.
You're going to suffer, but the funniest thing is that you'll ask for more! Yes, all whores are the same, as soon as you've trained them well, they always want more" and he let out a hearty laugh, imitated by his companion.
He grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me towards the SUV, while his sidekick went to my car where I had left the keys in the ignition. I was thrown onto the back seat of the SUV and a hood was put over my head... I heard the engines of the two vehicles starting up and the procession set off. About ten minutes later, I could tell from the jolting motion of the vehicle that we had entered a dirt road. After a few more minutes, the driver stopped and I was roughly pulled out to find myself standing on the road. My hood had been removed and the three men surrounded me. One of them threw a black plastic garbage bag at my feet...
- "You get naked and put all your stuff in this bag. Hurry up!"
Without waiting I obeyed, I stuffed all my things in the bag and found myself completely naked.
I had rarely felt as fragile as in that moment, naked in the middle of a forest path, in the hands of these three brutes whose perversity I had already suffered during my stay at the castle.
They said nothing and looked at me... I didn't know how to stand... I remained with my arms dangling, aware at least that in no case should I try to hide my sex which was already beginning to harden despite the ambient coolness...
- "Look at this naughty girl! (said one of the three men laughing) She's already all excited!"
He approached me with a determined step and slapped me on the fly... Then without a word, he forced me to kneel and opened his fly with a determined gesture. His already hard and swollen cock sprang out of my pants and I only had time to start opening my lips that he was already forcing me... and that his excited cock was sinking into my mouth and all the way to the back of my throat. His glans rubbed against the back of my palate and he began to file me with great thrusts, pushing his engorged cock deep into my mouth. His two big hands held my head and pressed on the back of my neck to force me to take it all and receive it as deeply as possible... I was suffocating, but I could not do anything, I had to swallow this enormous cock that was hurting my throat and fucking my mouth violently...
The other two men had approached, each on one side, and they grabbed my wrists to force my hands to take their cocks to jerk them off...
So while one was fucking my mouth, I jerked off the other two... I heard them moaning and sometimes the humiliating quips they threw at me to tell me to jerk them off better if I didn't want to be punished... Now they swapped places, the one in my mouth placed his sticky cock in my hand, while one of the two I was jerking off came to stick his cock in my mouth... and the broom went on like this; I despaired that they would finally cum... but I don't know how they could hold back and keep their cocks so hard while each in turn came to get sucked while I jerked off the other two.
Finally, I heard a louder moan, and with perfect harmony, the one I was sucking spurted a thick and abundant stream into my mouth, while the other two unloaded on my face... A real shower of sperm that spurted on my face and began to flow slowly on me... while I swallowed with application all the juice of the one who had just emptied himself in my throat and whose glans I cleaned with my lips and tongue. I had to clean all three of them like this...
Then they forcibly lifted me up and my wrists were imprisoned in handcuffs.
I was pushed forward and had to walk naked on the stony path, while the two cars followed me slowly. That's how I reached the perimeter wall of the property.
I knew that behind this one was Sir Evans' castle, the castle where I had already been humiliated and where I was to spend two whole weeks... I was afraid and ashamed. Yet I knew that deep down I wanted to be here. I knew that I would belong here and that while I had much to learn, there was nowhere else where I could discover what my true nature was... I knew that I was going to be born into a new life. My life... ...