Explanation of slave numbers: E46MSE (for example) E = Slave, 46 the number assigned by the Master and MSE= Master Sir Evans)
A week later, at nightfall, Master Sir Evans arrived at the appointed time at an old castle at the home of his old friend the Earl of Beusgley in order to respond punctually to the invitation for the great social evening occasioned to celebrate the Earl's birthday.
Walter, the driver, once he had opened the door of the marquis and the latter got out of the Rolls-Royce, went to open the large trunk and pulled on a leash. He made 2 of Sir Evans' naked slaves get out. There was thus the female slave E46MSE and the male slave E69EMS. Both immediately got on all fours under Walter's whip and moved around grimacing because of the gravel that hurt their knees. But since Walter was pulling on the 2 leashes, they could not do otherwise.
Firmin, the butler of Beusgley, went to meet the newcomers and said in a linear voice:
- If Monsieur le Marquis would be so kind as to follow me, Monsieur le Comte is waiting for him among the many guests who have already arrived.
- Thank you Firmin. I entrust these two dogs to you. Go lock them up wherever you want. We'll go get them in the evening, to have a bit of fun! But don't tell the Count, I want to surprise him. And I'll even give him either the female or the male as a birthday present. Because that's what we're invited to, isn't it, on his birthday!! ...
Firmin grabbed the two leashes and, letting the Marquis of Evans climb the large stone staircase that led to the hall of honor of the castle, he led the two slaves aside. Leaving the gravel path that hurt their knees, he made them go around the corner of the noble residence. The butler imposed a steady pace on the two dogs that waddled behind him, trying not to cause any jolts. Far from the lights that illuminated the entrance of the distinguished guests, they now sank into the darkness that enveloped a vast lawn. On all fours, they advanced on the soft mossy carpet, like two dogs being led for a walk.
Firmin led them further away, away from the castle... The female E46MSE and the male E69MSE had been chosen by Their Master, they knew the honor that was thus granted to them and they also knew that nothing would be spared them if they did not prove themselves worthy of it. They were ignorant of what awaited them. But they had been informed of their "mission". The Earl of Beusgley was a close friend of the Marquis of Evans and they shared a strong taste for the Status of Masters. They were proud of their harems and a friendly rivalry opposed them. To the One who would best educate and shape His livestock, in order to have the best slaves.
If they had been chosen, it was because they would have to defend the Image of Their Master by submitting to all the tests that would be imposed on them. They would have to accept everything, endure everything, never balk whatever the situations they would have to face. In case of failure, they knew that the worst would await them...
Their worst fear, the most terrible sanction that haunted them was to risk being "repudiated" and definitively chased away by Master Sir Evans. To find themselves thus stripped of their dearest reason for living, of the One who had known how to give a true meaning to their insignificant existence.
Firmin led them to a corner of the park. He had said nothing, contenting himself with making them advance at a good pace, which they followed like two good well-trained dogs. There, a space had been cleared, the lawn was shorter than the surrounding area and several stakes had been planted, equidistant from each other, about two meters. At each stake was fixed a large iron ring from which hung a short chain. Firmin stopped in front of the first stake. He grabbed the chain and with a carabiner, attached it to the ring of the female slave E46MSE's collar. He left her like that, on all fours near her stake, then led the male E69MSE and attached him in the same way to the next stake. Then he moved away...
The two slaves remained motionless. They had learned to speak only when authorized and no instructions had been given to them. Speaking without authorization was always severely punished. Even if no presence was detectable nearby, they remained silent. They had only one desire, that of showing themselves irreproachable, in order to prove themselves worthy of their Master's choice. They did not have to wait long. Two silhouettes were approaching, coming from the castle whose powerful silhouette they could see beyond the curtain of trees that they had crossed earlier to this waiting area. The silhouettes were gradually becoming clearer. A man and a woman, naked... carrying a bucket. They wore a thick metal collar around their necks and, above their completely shaved pubis, they were marked with the seal of the Count of Beusgley. Slaves of the Count... The female went to E46MSE, while the male stopped near E69MSE. They put down their bucket with perfect symmetry, plunged their hand into it to remove a dripping sponge. Then, they set about scrubbing the bodies of the two chained slaves, neglecting no part. The buckets were filled with water that had been enhanced with a light perfume that gradually impregnated the bodies of Sir Evans' slaves.
E69MSE had the feeling that the one who was taking care of him was lingering insistently on his most intimate parts... He had no doubt that E46MSE was undergoing the same kind of touching. The slaves of Sir Evans' host were taking advantage of the situation to impose a little additional ordeal on them... But it didn't last. Firmin was already coming back...
At a gesture from Him, the two slaves, heads down in a servile attitude, picked up their buckets and walked away quickly. Firmin approached E46MSE... He was carrying a small case that he put on the ground and opened. He took out a tube and spread some of the contents on his fingers, before fingering the submissive's anus and anointing it with this fluid and fresh cream... Then he took a plug and pushed it into the female's ass. He then came towards E69MSE and repeated the same maneuver before walking away again. So E46MSE and E69MSE were on all fours, chained to a post, their ass plugged...
The body still wet and perfumed... they waited. ... This position following the touches of the slave of the count put the male slave in erection encouraged by the situation to which he was exposed.
After ten minutes, on this hot summer night, they heard voices coming from a grove about ten meters away from them and they distinguished a couple of young people visibly in love who kissed each other full on the mouth with all the appearance of excitement to mate. The man, barely thirty years old, had already undone the girl's neckline and was groping her breast with a vicious hand. The slaves quickly understood that they were 2 lovers who had decided to have a good time in the gardens of the castle.
The young woman of about 20 years old saw the 2 tied up dogs and approached them with irony, without readjusting her neckline, quite the contrary, she let guess a beautiful generous chest:
- But look Gerald, look who's here!
- But? They are not my father's slaves, I don't know them!
- So who could they belong to?
- I can only see one owner who could come here with his slaves, my father's great friend, the famous Marquis of Evans.
- Yes, but why are they there? … The young woman was thinking and suddenly continued
- Listen, it looks like we put them there for a good time, what if we had a little fun!
I would like to dominate this male dog... Look, he's already hard...
- Yeah... okay, replied the count's son, looking around to see if anyone was coming. But then quickly because if we touch the Marquis' slaves without him knowing, dad will give me a telling-off.
- Oh thank you Gerald! If you want, you can take care of this female…
The young woman then quickly returned to the bushes and came back with a perverse and sadistic air, and held in her hand her handkerchief which contained a branch of nettle. She approached E69MSE and without preamble whipped his balls, and his erect penis, with blows of nettle.
He could not suppress a cry of sudden pain and instinctively closed his thighs.
- Spread your legs, you dirty dog, the young woman ordered him in an authoritarian tone, brandishing the nettle. The male, who was already covered in red spots due to the urtication, then spread his thighs again with undisguised fear. His genitals were inflamed and paradoxically the dog's cock had not deflated, quite the contrary.
- But that makes him even harder, exclaimed the woman! Wait, I'm going to punish you for that! Then she took a huge dildo out of her bag, saying very viciously and straight into the slave's frightened eyes:
- I love it when Gerald fucks me and I'm used to fucking myself at the same time, so I have everything I need in my bag! ha! ha! ha!
And she positioned herself behind him and removed the plug from the slave's anus, then she put on the dildo in one go without any consideration, which sank deep without difficulty, the passage already made by the plug. The disproportionate dildo deeply filled E69MSE's ass, whose anus had never undergone such caliber... But the pain caused was nothing compared to the terrible irritation caused by the nettles on his private parts. The slave would never have believed that such a young woman could be so perverse, nor so cruel. However, having tasted what She was capable of, he remained as still as possible, his thighs wide open, while The Young Woman turned around him, her eyes fixed on this martyred body whose suffering was expressed only by the slight trembling that gently agitated it...
Two meters away, Gerald had leaned over the female E46MSE... Pulling on her hair, the Young Man had forced her to raise her head towards Him. Still holding her like that, he had parted his lips with his other hand and was running his finger over the perfectly smooth enamel of the female's teeth:
- "Mmhhh Sir Evans is always so demanding about the hygiene of his slaves... Your teeth are perfect and your hair has been well washed and smoothed. You are a pretty female dog" saying this, he released the hair and straightening up came to position himself behind the submissive. While his young companion dildoed E69MSE's ass, Gerald knelt behind the female. He pushed his thumb into E46MSE's ass, while he pushed his already hard cock between the thighs of the female whom he began to fuck brutally.
While fucking her, he removed the plug that was obstructing her ass and pushed the fingers of his left hand into her ass which was spreading wider and wider while with his other hand, he began to spank her violently. Docile, E46MSE kept her thighs wide open, offered like the female dog she had learned to be in all circumstances. And her already widely open ass was undergoing the assault of several fingers which were spreading it and searching it... Gerald quickly withdrew from the slave, but he continued the relentless work of her ass... The fingers were sinking, two... three... the anus was gradually widening....
Nearby, the Young Girl stood in front of E69MSE... spreading her legs, she began to piss on the grass, just a few centimeters from the male whose crotch had become burning under the stinging action of the nettles. The burning was such that he almost forgot the dildo that was tearing his anus... The trickle of golden liquor finally dried up, leaving a large puddle in the fresh grass. The Young Girl then leaned over:
- "You see, slave... I also know how to be gentle. I imagine you must be thirsty, so I offer you something to quench your thirst" and she burst out laughing.
No need to add anything. E69MSE had understood, he tilted his head and began to lap up the puddle in front of him. Without daring to move his head, he heard a moan coming from E46MSE's side... Gerald had just pushed his entire hand into the submissive's anus and was fisting her roughly.
- "Are you having fun, my dear?" asked the slightly nauseous voice of the Young Girl.
- "Mmhh this whore has a hole already well formed, we can feel that she has been well formatted! We are never disappointed with Sir Evans' slaves, my father always says it, even if he is always in competition with his friend"
- "you know (said the Young Girl) I think we should go, they'll end up wondering where we've been"... Gerald abruptly withdrew his fist, but this time, E46MSE managed to hold back any protest.
- "Yes, you're right... Let's go back to the party. Anyway, we'll still have a chance to have fun, the night is just beginning."
The two young men fixed their outfits and Gerald, taking a spotless handkerchief out of his pocket, wiped the female's crotch and ass, before using it to wipe the male's mouth. At the same time, the Young Girl removed the dildo from E69MSE's ass and replaced the plug, then doing the same for E46MSE.
- "Stay good, whores... We'll see each other again very soon."
And they walked away laughing towards the dwelling, leaving the two slaves exhausted by this unexpected introduction...
The time seemed long before they were picked up. An hour perhaps passed when Firmin and Walter arrived with great strides. Without saying a word, they untied the 2 slave dogs and pulled them by the leash towards the castle.
The female was shivering a little from the cold and the shivers from the cool night filled the male, despite a summer night at 24 degrees. Once they arrived in the immense reception room, they were surprised by the spectacle that was offered before their eyes. There were indeed placed in the middle of the large room 2 other slaves of Sir Evans.
How had they arrived here? Neither E46MSE nor E69MSE would have been able to know, but they were indeed there, and even that they were in a very uncomfortable position, because these 2 other slaves of the marquis were standing, their arms tied, spread, raised and stretched upwards to large chains firmly connected to an enormous oak beam. The legs, likewise, were spread, tied to metal rings sealed to the ground. They were naked and seemed to have been whipped given the obvious marks on their shoulders and backs. They had no trouble recognizing the 2 male slaves from the Marquis' herd, they were E12MSE and E22MSE. All around them, about fifty guests, all well- groomed given the beautiful dresses and tuxedos. On each side, there were slaves, 1 man standing on a chair so that their open fly was at the level of the mouths of the slaves immobilized standing. Their sex out, they were being sucked. E12MSE and E22MSE were blindfolded and were busy as best they could pumping, for each of them, the stiffened penis that invaded their mouths with great thrusts. Sperm flowed down their mouths and necks. So we had already ejaculated in these "2 sperm tanks". The men paraded in this way in a "chain", in single file to get sucked.
A man went up on each side, one per slave, he got sucked and barely had he unloaded in the mouth of the slut,
that he went back down and another took his place and so on A long queue in front of each chair was pressing. In total there must have been about fifteen guests in each queue waiting their turn while some of them jerking off.
Meanwhile, behind the two sluts who were sucking greedily, there were two women who had positioned themselves, dildo in hand and sodomized the two dogs thus tied up with great strokes of dildo, while the other viciously jerked off the tails of E12MSE and E22MSE
The other female guests were in the huge armchairs and their dresses were lifted up, masturbating in front of this spectacle.
Among the few spectators leaning on the bar were the Earl of Beusgley and the Marquis of Evans, enjoying a good iced whisky. The count turned round and said in a lively voice:
- Ah Firmin, Walter! There you are… But what is it???
- It's for you, replied the Marquis of Evans, I know that for a week, since I lent you the 2 males E12MSE and E22MSE, I know that you appreciate their obedience.
So I said to myself: "- As tonight, it was agreed that I bring back these 2 tied female dogs (he pointed to E12MSE and E22MSE) and if as a birthday present, I offered him one of my slaves! So I brought you this couple, you will test them tonight and at finally, I will let you choose your gift from this beautiful female E46MSE or this beautiful very docile male also E69MSE.
- Hummm! I appreciate my dear Edward, replied the count. Let us approach this female and this male…
Firmin pulling on E46MSE's leash and Walter on E69MSE's leash made the two slaves position themselves. Still on all fours, they had to turn around in order to present their plugged posteriors to the Count of Beusgley and the Marquis of Evans.
The latter savored his whisky while appreciating the perfect ensemble with which the two slaves had positioned themselves with the most absolute docility. The Marquis of Evans wanted his slaves to behave without the slightest fault, that their attitude embodied all the excellence of the training that he lavished daily on his livestock.
The unexpected arrival of the female E46MSE and the male E69MSE did not fail to attract the attention of several of the guests...
They had gathered in a circle, at a respectful distance from the two Masters to whom they wanted to show their deference. All eyes were on the two slaves who were waiting, motionless on all fours, thighs widely spread in order to offer the best view of the plugs that occupied their respective anuses.
The Count simply snapped his fingers and Firmin, perfectly aware of his lord's habits, leaned over and with a sharp jerk removed the plugs... Enlarged for hours by these instruments (and, but this was "secret", well worked by the games of Gerald and his Friend), the asses of the two slaves presented themselves as two beautiful holes perfectly offered.
The Count, in a slow and perfectly studied movement, got down from the stool on which he was enthroned... He leaned over the rump of the female E46MSE and passed his hand between her thighs... He had pushed a thumb into her anus and with his other fingers, was slipping into the already very wet pussy.
- "This whore is wet like a real female dog in heat," he said in a satisfied tone and continued:
- "She's a good bitch, it's true that I've never been disappointed by the cattle presented by my dear friend Sir
Evans" The Marquis greeted him by holding his crystal glass upwards... and replied in the same tone:
- "For you, dear Count, I cannot present anything but the best. I know your taste for the intensive use of slaves... They must therefore be able to fulfill all the perversions that you might like to inflict on them. These two will accept everything, endure everything... use and abuse them... I am curious to discover the way in which you will debase them. You alone, no doubt, still know how to surprise me." The two Masters exchanged a wink and the ranks of the guests quivered with the excitement of what would soon constitute the attraction of the evening...
The Count clapped his hands sharply. Immediately, all the guests came to form a circle around Him. E46MSE and E69MSE were still standing on all fours at the Count's feet and of his friend the Marquis of Evans. As the last guests approached, they failed to notice the small group of muscular servants who entered the vast ballroom through a hidden door. The men, their worked and oiled bodies, wore only a light loincloth.
Quickly and silently, they freed Sir Evans' two male slaves and, supporting E12MSE and E22MSE, put them on all fours to advance towards the crowd.
Breaking the compact ranks of the guests, they had the two slaves lined up with slaves 46 and 69. Thus, Sir Evans' four slaves were grouped together and presented to the curious gaze of all the guests. The two Noble Lords circled around them, observing them:
- "I was really very satisfied with the service of these two male whores my dear Marquis", said the Count, pointing to 12 and 22... "They do not balk and are rather enduring, even if I managed to get a few pleas out of them" he continued with a carnivorous smile...
- "You know that I always appreciate your comments, my dear Count, and I will not fail to reframe their training according to your enlightened comments", replied the Marquis of Evans... "my proposal remains, do you have any idea of the slave that you would like to keep as a birthday present?"
- "Well," replied the Count, "imagine, dear friend, that I have a little idea that should entertain us and allow me to clarify my choice. Come on!" He made a gesture to demand that the press of guests move aside in order to give him more space.... "I have imagined some... games... Jousts, I would say, that will pit these four female dogs against each other. There will be three events, in each of them, one female dog will be eliminated, I will keep the last one that remains in order to enjoy it without limits, since it will be the gift of my very dear friend!
As for the other three, well... They'll keep you entertained all night long, my friends!
But while waiting for the first test, come and feel the goods a little, my friends!"
A round of applause greeted this brief speech, under the satisfied gaze of the Count and the Marquis, both satisfied with the enthusiasm that seemed to animate the guests and promised a very active evening. Already, the guests were crowding around the four slaves who stood motionless, on all fours... it was only fingers that searched and hands that felt, groped... No orifice was neglected, thighs were spread to have better access to the sexes and the comments created a real hubbub. While the guests lingered around the four toys of the evening, the team of muscular servants organized the room.
Three pillories had been set up on one side of the room... the installation on which slaves 12 and 22 had been used had been cleared and in its place were being installed various elements forming a kind of obstacle course, with small hedges of cactus, bars, traffic cones, etc. At one end of the room, at the very back of this course, four chew bones for dogs had been set up... the Count clapped his hands again in order to calm down somewhat the audience who were getting caught up in the game of petting and were beginning to overstep all limits by already abusing everything that these docile slaves could offer them... But the Count's authority quickly restored calm...
- "My friends, my friends... You will have plenty of time to use and abuse these female dogs later. But the time has come to test them." He pointed his arm towards the course that had been installed... "These four slaves will have to complete an obstacle course that will take them to the other end of this room. There, they will have to take their bone in their mouth, then go back the way without letting go of the bone, until the finish line. To make the game more difficult, I will provide you with baskets of damaged fruit that you can throw at them, in order to favor your favorite... the last one to arrive will be eliminated and put in the pillory, while the other three will move on to the next test. At the end, there must be only one left... or one, who will be my birthday present."
A round of applause punctuated these explanations while the guests were already placing themselves along the course and servants came to take the leashes of the four dogs in order to lead them to the starting line.
They were thus placed in the order of their slave numbers of Master Sir Evans: 12, 22, 46 and 69... Installed on all fours, freed from their leash, but still wearing a wide studded black leather collar around their neck, they were each flanked by a servant.
At a gesture from the Count, the latter brandished a somewhat strange instrument... Each leaning towards one of the slaves, they all pushed in a parallel gesture the plug that they had brandished into the slaves' asses. The plug was perfectly inserted into the already well-worked anuses... But in addition they ended with a pretty bundle of straps making each slave a beautiful tail, red for slave12, green for slave22, pink for slave46 and blue for slave69.
Thus, each would be even easier to recognize for the audience who were eyeing with envy at the many baskets filled with rotten or moldy fruits that had been scattered all along the route... The Count and the Marquis of Evans settled themselves on two high armchairs that dominated the room, while the very excited audience filled one side of the room.
The four slaves, their arched backs protruding the tails that lined their asses, were now waiting for the order to leave...