Yuugi woke up not a minute late, as he somewhat had been tossing and turning in his sleep. A strain from the scares he bared, he got out of bed.
Planting his bare feet down at the base of his carpet, he walked over to the bathroom. Then went inside and grabbed a cup and filled it with water.
He was dehydrated due to some of the nightmares he has been having lately. He noticed when he looked over at the time, it was going on 7am.
He thought to himself he wasn't asleep for a long time at all. In fact, he only went to sleep for a good 7 hours. Normally he'd get a perfect 8 hours but he's been having sleep deprived.
Yuugi slurped the cup of water down and rubbed his eyelids from the crust. Sighing from exhaustion, he didn't wish to go anywhere today.
The only thing on his mind was how he hoped that Honō would come to his word. He was afraid, frighten too escape his own apartment.
His job was a living nightmare and for him the only escape was his laptop. Yuugi was on this social media website for young adults.
You could mingle, make friends, and date people as well. Group chats, discussions, and post your self on the media.
It was almost like Instagram, but in a way better due to you could do stories, video and face call people. People can also give you fan love, where they'd tap your profile and you'd go up in the charts.
For Yuugi he only had a decent amount which was around 300 hearts. Of course, it was mostly men whom seemed to be attracted to him.
He had gotten a couple of females whom took an interest, but most of them was interested in being just friends. Yuugi didn't mind it however, he was not interested in women romantically anyhow.
Yuugi eventually left his bathroom and went to his dresser, where he grabbed his laptop. He decided he'd hop on there, and check his messages.
He hadn't gotten to do so, due to working so periodically, but for some reason he needed too check now. He wanted to see whom else was trying to message him. You could also see on the charts who was the top 5 most liked users.
Basically, implicating who was the sexiest on the app and one person in particularly caught his eye. It was the first person whom was on the charts and he had 85.7K hearts.
Yuugi got on the website and signed in, making sure he was sitting comfortably on the bed as well. He then signed in and went straight to the charts section.
It had changed but yet it didn't change for the person whom was in the lead. Yuugi blushed seeing this person and it reminded him of himself.
For some strange odd ball reason, he had the same unique hairstyle as himself. His crimson hues was more narrow and intimating however.
He was muscular and short as well, his hips was puffed and full, but a slim sexual body. Rough, but yet full glossed lips, that withstand the moist. He had a gorgeous body, very beautiful eye color.
The male's eyes were dark purple like Yuugi's and in the similarities he didn't say much either. Yuugi had went to his profile and he had gotten more hearts.
He never actually liked this person's pictures or even gave him any hearts either. He mostly lurked on his account blushing at some of the photos. It was as if he had his own stalking fantasy.
' I feel so wrong doing this, when I don't even like anything. ' he thought strongly. Narrowing down his eyebrows more into a shameful way. He doubted he'd probably get any attention from it anyhow.
The guilt was overtaking him with these emotions. He then clicked on a more opened image that had the person with his shirt and pants off. Almost like a modeling photo.
Yuugi blushed instinctively by this and immediately closed his laptop for a moment. He was glad he was living alone as sometimes his parents thought he was masturbating.
Normally it was their excuse of saying he was in his room too much. Yuugi rolled his eyelids at the thoughts even if he was he felt it wasn't their concern.
The young male reopened his laptop once more and looked back at the photo he was on. Shirtless, boxers and pantsless as well. Along with him on the bed with a blanket winking sexually.
This image alone has gotten over 300K likes on it and over 8927 comments. Yuugi couldn't believe it, he'd assume this person must've been a model. Perhaps, even a porn star by how he posed and his physical appearance.
Although hating to assume he nearly stared long and hard at the photo. Once for a few seconds he refreshed and eyes widened seeing he was online.
Checking his username alone it saying Sekushīna itsadats. His cheeks turning massive red as he felt the sweat drop down from his forehead a-little. He then turned and clicked the icon to see what he was online for.
Sekushīna itsadats Profile
Naughty Daddy / Fang Dip / Sex God / Angel Of Darkness
[•] Online / [] Offline
Online & Lurking
Yuugi blinked for a moment and realizing what it had said. Lurking, meaning probably seeing other peoples photos. Perhaps he could've also been staring at his own and the likes he received.
He also read his nicknames and some of them were quite interesting to read. Yuugi didn't know if they were made up or if he really saw himself as these. Nevertheless, they made him blush either way, as he continued to look at them.
Just then Yuugi clicked on another photo and seeing him in the bathroom with a black tanktop on. Leather pants, that was silk smooth and fitted around his thighs and waistline.
His tanktop wasn't covering his belly button area, as he had piercings along his ears in the normal holes along with on the tops as well. Jewelry on his wrists and rings on his fingers as well.
Yuugi really liked this photo and pressed the like button as he smiled seeing it. ' I—I did it. I liked one of his photos. ' he told his self proudly.
Yuugi sighed and went back to his own account seeing he didn't really get new messages. It wasn't surprising considering everyone was looking for a relationship.
He was about to get up from the bed when he heard a click sound of a notification. His hues rotated to the screen as he leaned down to check it.
His heart was beating faster once he saw whom it was, and his cheeks turned hot. Sekushīna itsudats had liked a photo, in return and liked another one.
He was unexpected by this as he wasn't aware he'd show some love back. It made Yuugi feel great but then clicked on it seeing her was liking a lot of them. As well as he left a comment too, as his mouth parted slightly.
' Damn , your so sexy. I hope we can talk some time. ' the comment said, as it made Yuugi more and more redder. Yuugi at this point didn't know what to say, and for a moment he felt he shouldn't say anything.
After his manager and how he treated him and all the rest of them. It made him scared, as he removed his hands from the keyboard. He decided he wouldn't reply after all.
Liking the comment either would create a problem as he wasn't found of that either. However, in a weird way it was different when seeing that person making such a bold move.
Yuugi then decided he'd turn off his laptop, as he sighed out of the website as well. Breathing slowly, he tried to recollect himself, before he went to work today.
His eyes then closed softly, as he wanted to think about something else. It was a lot for him and overwhelming because of what was to come.
Leaning over from his bed he grabbed his phone and decided to sign into the website through his phone. He couldn't stop thinking about the comment and weirdly enough he wanted to see more of it.
translation: Sekushīna itsadats : Sexy Deviant