Chapter 17

" Master Yaami I am so glad the suit fits you perfectly. " Ramsely said as he bowed gently towards Yaami. He walked all the way down the steps, and stood at the edge of it.

Looking at Ramsely " yes— thank you, Ram. It fits just wonderfully. " Yaami responded. Ramsely saw that Yuugi was shook he felt frozen once again.

He could see he was sweating and couldn't even part his lips to say one word. Trembling between his heels, and feeling his knees weakening just by standing there.

" Perhaps— I made this an awkward encounter sir? " Ramsely asked Yaami. Yaami smirked as he continued to stare at Yuugi. Softly blinking and glancing his crimson hues over at Ramsely.

" of course not— we just have some ' history ' with one another. No harm done. " Yaami retorted — looking back at Yuugi. Yuugi still unable to process it all, but hearing that made him look away.

" Well, in that case, Master Sennen I shall go and tend to my duties, if you need me, please ask. " Ramsely said finally and bowed walking off.

Yaami responded with no comment towards that, as his left hand rested on the railing of the stairs. Yuugi was making a more serious, facial expression at Yaami.

He finally chuckled as his right hand slid within his pants pocket smoothly. " what?... " Yaami said softly as he still had his seductive tone. " What the hell do you mean— what. " Yuugi stated towards him harshly.

" Mmm~ I don't know, Afterall— you came did you not. " Yaami said making Yuugi look down once again. Yaami started to walk closer as Yuugi this time backed up some.

Yaami made a grin form against his visage, keeping his composer. Putting both hands inside his pants pockets this time. " I can see you're still— uptight from our previous encounter. " Yaami remarked.

Yuugi closed his hues for a moment, and tried to breathe. Now allowing himself to attack or cry in any manner. He didn't know why he was here, but to some extent he wished for some answers.

" Uptight? Isn't the word I would use only in itself. " Yuugi replied back with a somewhat smart remark tone. Yaami bit his lip down gently and took his hands out his pockets.

" You're probably wondering why you're here. Why I gave you my address, and so many other questions, yes? " Yaami said lively as he kept his smirk.

Yuugi didn't know what to say, then he kept his face expression serious and in a way just awaited for the next moment. He couldn't find things to say because he didn't have anything else in mind.

Yuugi was simply overwhelmed with hate for Yaami but at the same time he didn't like that feeling. He never in his life hated someone, due to their terrible personality.

Although, with Yaami it was different when they had their moment together. He couldn't believe that they did it so easily. It was like they were both enjoying the seductive feeling of one another.

When it ended so abruptly Yuugi gotten furious and wanted answers, and he wouldn't get them. Now, that's his here, will he finally receive what he's been looking for? It didn't make any damn sense to Yuugi in the slightest.

" Come with me. " Yaami motioned with his hand as he started to turn around, walking back up the stairwell. However, he didn't hear any footsteps following suit as his orbs glanced back towards Yuugi.

" Aren't you coming. " Yaami asked him.

Yuugi balled his fist up, and for the first time he couldn't help but not move or want to be helpful. " No. I'm done with your games, tell me why I'm here. Why did you do all of this to me? Why are you torturing me?! " Yuugi exclaimed.

Yuugi felt a ripple between his mind and heart, he looked down, but went straight back upright towards Yaami. He wanted Yaami to see that his actions caused Yuugi pain.

Yaami kept a stern appeal for awhile, his eyes looked soulless and completely unfazed by Yuugi's words. Nevertheless, the more Yuugi stared the less and less Yaami could do the same facial expression.

He closed his eyes down more gently and then turned back around towards Yuugi. He sighed as he walked back down the steps, and went towards Yuugi.

He took Yuugi's hand slowly as Yuugi this time didn't snatch away. He just wanted Yaami to answer him truly this time.

" I promise, I shall explain this time. " Yaami went on yo say. Yuugi hues opened a little bit wider, hearing Yaami's promise to him. It was still a seductive tone, but a calm and reassuring feeling.

Unlike the usual times, where Yaami was being an ass, he didn't do it this time. He slowly grabbed his hand tightly and walked him towards the steps.

This time Yuugi walked and moved his feet following Yaami to wherever they were going. Yuugi couldn't take anymore puzzles, or anything else.

If this was how it ends, he'd wouldn't fight it anymore, because he was tired of fighting. He was tired of being let down every time he tried to fight against it.

It became an exhausting game when they reached the middle hallways. Yaami walked over towards his elevator in the house and called it down.

The two of them walked inside it and it took them to the fourth floor of the house. They both got off, as Yuugi looked around his environment. The walls being pained Egyptian themed, with artwork on them too.

Yaami opened up his door, as he motioned Yuugi to come inside. Yuugi wasn't hesitant this time, and walked straight in, seeing a ballroom.

Although, it had a balcony, a piano area, and some beautiful sky paints with the chandelier in the center. It was extraordinarily memorizing, as Yaami went to the balcony and leaned on it.

" ... My name is Yaami, Yaami Sennen. " Yaami started to speak, as his hues looked back at Yuugi. Yuugi stood in the background, as he simply would start to listen in.

He wanted to just listen to Yaami this time, and he wanted the truth of what this was all about. He didn't understand why Yaami would hide his identity, but he wouldn't comprehend most likely.

" Yaami Sennen? " Yuugi said questionably.

" ... yes, it's my family's name. Royal blood family line, only by the Sennen family will. In that bloodline only we rein. " Yaami said turning his orbs back to the garden.

" I didn't live in Tokyo, Japan at first, I lived in Cairo, Egypt. A place that was hotter and as you can imagine more elegant than this house. — My family, they— ended up dying and I had to take a different location. Until I reached a certain age however, I couldn't very well go back to Cairo. " Yaami continued to explain.

" I got lonely, being around maids, and butlers all day long. However, one has to adapt to some new things. I wasn't good with Japanese, and so I had to learn very quickly. Soon after Ramsely took me like his grandson even though he's been in my family for years. " Yaami told him.

Yuugi was speechless, as usual unable to say something at all. He kinda started to feel bad for Yaami, as he allowed him to continue his story.

Yuugi walked over towards the balcony, and leaned on it as well with Yaami. He glanced over at Yaami, feeling the wind between his hair. Yaami with his face, keeping a calm yet serious expression.

He was deep in his thoughts, Yuugi could sense it, so he didn't bother to make a move. " I saw this social media app, that allowed you to interact with other people. I thought it was a great place to meet some fellow people such as myself. I grew popular on it, in less than a week. — hm, I started seeing that some women and men liked me. Of course, with my looks I knew I'd be able to get them. " Yaami said chuckling a little.

" It was so easy, I went on a few outings with several people, then I realized that they had messed up backgrounds— history about them. I decided to well, assist them and make them my clients. They could work for me and we could still be close— pals, and more. Others found the ' more ' to be more liking. I've had sexual activities with numerous of people. You know— giving each other blowjobs, eating them out, fingering them, but I never — ever had sex with any of them. At least— that is until I met you. " Yaami said looking over at Yuugi.

Yuugi was somewhat stunned, he believed this whole time that Yaami was having sex with a lot of people. However, he only had sex with him? It was completely new information.

" what do you mean, you never had sex until you met me? Why me? " Yuugi questioned calmly.

" I don't know— " Yaami said with an arch of a brow for a moment. " I guess, because well— you're different, those conversations we had, and everything. Those times where you told me about your job... I figured someone must've been hurting you and making you unsatisfied. It made me feel some type of pain, and I wanted to give you something better. " Yaami said looking back at the sun setting.

" My personality has always been cold, and nonchalant because I've grown into that. I know people need me and so I use it to my advantage. I'm aware that they will come back for more, I know this. I run multiple clients and those clients work for me at this house. Not because they are forced too— but because they choose too. " Yaami stated closing his eyelids.

Yuugi was fascinated by all of this, as he turned his glance away as well. He didn't know if he should feel bad, or be upset with everything that's been happening.

His emotions was all over the place and for some moments, he wanted to just cry. Yaami opened his eyes again, as he slowly stopped leaning on the edge. 

Placing his hands back into his pockets, he sighed and chuckled. " You're my lil doll because you reminded me of —- just, someone special back in Cairo, Egypt. They were— suppose to be my— ' partner forever ' ... but they... died before we could make us official. " Yaami said getting a little sadden.

Yuugi opened his eyes more, touching his chest with his right hand. The wind continued to blow against them both, as Yuugi eyes got sadder. " I— I'm so- sorry to hear that. " he said towards Yaami.

Yaami however didn't wish to hear that, as he scuffled softly and kept speaking. " Doesn't matter now, I said my last goodbye. Anyways, when I saw you at the club, I knew you were going to be upset to see me. That hurt me, it made me want to make it up to you, so I went to the alleyway with you. " Yaami told him.

" I wanted to give you some affection to say, I was sorry and so that's why I did what I did. Then, I just couldn't help myself after that—your face, lips, how much you are like a woman, but a man makes it that— much... sexier. " Yaami told Yuugi.

Yuugi blushed a little, rubbing his left arm a little and tried to bit his bottom lip from giggling. He felt these must've been compliments, because of how Yaami was blushing somewhat too.

" oh? That's why you said come work with you? too keep me safe, I believe. also satisfied? " Yuugi said remembering that before he left that day. Yuugi continued to blush and didn't know how to feel about that now.

Yaami glanced to him, and turned his body towards Yuugi fully. He gently grabbed his hands as Yuugi looked back at him.

" I apologize Yuugi. If I have hurt you. When you slapped me, it made me laugh and also feel slight pain. Which is why I told you my address, to make it up to you, again. Which I did— make it up to you through sex, and not just words alone. " Yaami said tensely.

" Understand, what I do is in no means to hurt in any way. " Yaami finished explaining. Yuugi looked down once again, trying to process everything that was told.

Feeling Yaami take his hands and kissed them softly, as Yuugi eyes widened. He couldn't help but blush, seeing Yaami's handsome face, and how he looked in that attire.

He was completely sexy, and it started to make Yuugi feel hot. He felt this way, he wanted to be Yaami's now. For some reason, he was tired of being alone and not with someone.

" ... So, I'd be your lil doll? " Yuugi said softly almost sad in a way. Yaami saw his gesture, and soften his eyelids, as he smirked.

" My lil doll means more than you think it means, Yuugi. It means be my partner, my lover, my sex partner. Someone I can come to in bed with, tell my deepest thoughts too. " Yaami proclaimed.

Yuugi hues shimmered, with a gleam in them, as his eyes got bigger, with the explanation. It was astonishing to say the least, as Yuugi closed his orbs for a moment, inhaling deeply.

He let out the inhale, and looked back at Yaami and nodded. " okay... then I wish to become your lil doll. " Yuugi said smiling softly.

Yaami hues opened with shock this time, surprised that Yuugi was willing to be that— without question anymore. He couldn't help but bring Yuugi closer, and pulled him into a deep kiss without thinking.

Yuugi didn't fight against it, nor resist in the slightest, as he simply wrapped his arms around Yaami's neck. Allowing them to kiss on the balcony as the sun started to go down.