Chapter 15

The next day, Yuugi was walking down Tokyo when he had came across tons of designs and bright colors. He never really admired the place he grew up in.

Mostly because he didn't get out that often but never was it so big and bold. He knew a holiday was coming up, and soon everyone would be around.

It was almost Halloween, and it was aided that he liked it so much. The scary colors, and the beautiful costumers people wore as well.

When people got scared it was like when he was a young boy again. The horror movies, and the marathons plus cuddling up to your lover to watch them.

It made Yuugi sigh with relief when he heard the sounds of the train coming. He immediately looked around seeing people getting on and off.

He took out his phone, looking at it and seeing the directions in which he needed to go. This morning was somewhat chilly but it was still a nice bright day.

Yuugi walked across the street hearing men selling newspapers and articles that they wish to show for the new apartments. Many others showcased new businesses that would be opening up soon.

Models and actors were on mostly every magazine as Yuugi bent down to pick one up. He shook his head at the images and couldn't believe models did that to their bodies.

He didn't think he'd look so skinny as he looked down at himself and back at the book. Placing it down, and trying to forget he ever saw that image.

' What's the fastest way there? I wonder... ' he pondered, trying to find the best route. Oak Zara is a fat place and it's the nicest neighborhood in Tokyo, Japan.

If anything it's where the rich people lived and some of them had the stilts for the buildings and multiple platforms for four to five story houses. Yuugi was fascinated and would one day love to live in that location.

He wondered how Yaami could afford to live in a place like that. Did he rent there? Work for someone ? Cared for his grandmother ? So many questions and Yaami never answered them.

Yuugi sometimes continued to question of why he chased Yaami. Why was he so important to him, last night he practically gotten upset with Honō almost.

When he had gotten threaten to be slapped it gave Yuugi this trigger feeling. It was as if he was defending Yaami in that sense and he didn't know why.

That wasn't the only thing on his mind it would seem he was also remembering what happened last night too.

' Ah~ yes, yes- F-Fuck ~ '

' Do you wish for me to keep satisfying you? '

' Y—Yes~ '

' Do you wish to be my Lil baby doll forever? '

' Mmm~ Y—Yes, oh God yes~ '

Yuugi closing his eyes reminiscing about the memories and those echoing words. How they continuously bounce from ear to ear every now and then. He hated that he thought that, because what came next only upset him.

He even slapped Yaami and told him exactly how he felt and even so, he continued to just keep leaving. As if feelings didn't matter at all, but something was puzzling.

Yaami also told him where he could find him, if someone wanted to just hit and quite they wouldn't give an address. ' if you come work for me, I can keep you safe.... and satisfied... ' the remembrance of that came inside his mind as well.

Yuugi tilted his head up at the sky and saw the clear skies, and small clouds that barely made a vision. " come work for me? What does that mean, what work? " Yuugi puzzled to himself aloud.

Yuugi without knowing heard a horn from someone, as they looked at Yuugi like he was nuts. He was standing in the middle of the road, as Yuugi scratched the back of his head.

" Haha— sorry. " he told the man shrugging innocently as he walked off from the road as the man sped off. Yuugi looked down at his phone again and saw that the bus was coming.

All he needed to do now was take the bus for 10 stops and get off by the Oak Zara's gates. Yuugi was extremely nervous he could feel his entire body heating up.

He believed in the back of his mind this was a terrible idea. He didn't know why he was doing all of this for just one person. Nevertheless, Yuugi couldn't sleep or think with how things ended.

To think this all started because of a social media app they were both on. With Yaami being over the top rude and meeting at the club, then being rude again.

Obviously Yuugi assumed he just needed to be taught some manners, which he lacked in. The bus arrived as Yuugi climbed on board, wearing nothing but a thin jacket and some shorts.

He had a long sleeve shirt that was solid black and his shoes to match the shirt. He flashed his trans ticket and walked to the middle of the bus.

The bus road off and Yuugi sat down looking at the bus to see not a lot of people were on it. The male being relieved that this was the case, the last public bus he was on it was overcrowded.

Reaching in his pocket he took out his headphones, and glanced over at a mother and her child. It was an infant, and she kissing him repeatedly as he smiled.

It was something Yuugi found to be innocent and adorable. He missed how affectionate his grandpa was to him, and he sometimes rarely missed his mother.

Being older now you don't get those feelings anymore, and Yuugi felt he never did in his lifetime. Yuugi just wanted to listen to his music and relax until he arrived where he needed to go.

10:40am Yuugi almost fell asleep on the bus when his phone vibrated him out of his trans. He was somewhat startled and looked down at it.

It was Honō he was texting him to see if he was okay, Honō told Yuugi before he had left. That he'd be texting him every so often to see if he needed anything.

Yuugi smiled a little and liked that Honō would be so nice and check up on him. He texted him back in response with yes I'm okay thank you. He looked over out the window, and down at his phone.

His destination was the next stop, as he pulled the string to notify the bus driver. Seeing the sensory of the things around him, he realized he was on the nicer side of Tokyo now.

The houses was much bigger and it was almost like this place was isolated and closed off. A gated community for those that could afford to live in these types of homes.

The bus stopped as Yuugi gotten up and seeing the mother and his son had already gotten off. He sighed and wished the both the best as he got off the bus.

He thanked the driver as he nodded and rode off, leaving Yuugi there. Yuugi watched as it left and rotated his gazing sight towards the Oak Zara sign.

' I guess I'm here. ' Yuugi wondered and saw that this place was extremely peaceful. Some men were walking their dogs, others were now i their lawns, while others were just simply waking.

This clearly was more a safer place to just walk and do normal things. It was almost a place here people lived in three to four story homes.

Yuugi thought about what Yaami told him, he told him the hills side— as Yuugi looked for a hill. He didn't seem to see one around so he walked a few miles.

He started to get lost, confused and wondering where he was. The Mr. Genius failed to even tell him a straight address, because that would've even more helpful. Yuugi rolled his eyes, and saw a man jogging around.

The male saw that Yuugi seemed lost so he jogged over to him. " Hey, there ya, lost ? " he asked Yuugi chuckling with a bright smile. He had no shirt on, and was ripped from his arms to his chest. He was wearing solid white running shoes and shorts.

Yuugi a little blush to his cheeks and sweating a little as well, seeing this make all working out. However, his blush only lasted for a second, because no one was more handsome to him than Yaami.

Yuugi disliked saying it, but Yaami was just someone he couldn't keep his eyes, or mind off of. He smiled and laughed with an embarrassment complexion.

" hahaha — actually yes, I kinda am. Do you know where — if there is a — I don't know. A mansion around here? On a hill top? Someone— didn't really give me an exact address because— "

" Oh you mean 270 Oak Zara Hill? The biggest mansion around with like 80 damn rooms in it? Haha. " the man asked Yuugi.

Yuugi stunned to know that this man knew exactly what he seemed to be looking for. More so, he didn't know that people around here already knew about this house.

" Umm, yes— haha that's the one. " Yuugi explained with another chuckle.

" oh well— you just go down this street here and then you take a right— keep walking until you run smack into the entrance gate. However I have to warn you— it's private property and I've only seen security guards go in and out of that place so. " the male added.

Yuugi didn't say anything, and turned his face for a moment. He would be more frustrated if Yaami made him go no where.

" That's fine— thank you. " Yuugi said nicely and started to head in that direction. The man nodded and continued his work out as Yuugi walked with some more speed.

He wanted to get this over with now, and from the description. Of what the man had said, he didn't want to be wasting time. Nobody was being seen only security guards, that doesn't reassure him.

Yuugi finally reached the main gate, as his eyes bolden open he could feel his heart racing. He managed to see the gigantic gate standing in front of him.

' Wow— he — he lives.. here? ' Yuugi thought and hearing the sounds of a car going though. Yuugi thought it was going down the street more, but instead turned right into where Yuugi was.

The younger male shook and almost hit as he moved out the way as far as possible, seeing tinted windows. The man rolled them down, as he had black shades on bald headed and had a beard.

" Who are you? " the mysterious male asked Yuugi a sharp tone came from the man as he made no expressions at all.

Yuugi somewhat unsettled as he felt he was in the wrong location. Perhaps, this wasn't Yaami's home after all and once again he got played.

" I—I'm terribly sorry— if this is your home, My name is Yuugi— Yuugi Mutou. I was just— someone gave me these directions and I thought they lived here. " Yuugi explained nicely.

The man confused, his eyebrows knitted into a frown and his head turned into his car as he had a GPS on. The surveillance on as well, turning his gaze back towards Yuugi and shrugged.

" I don't ' live here. ' I work here. Also that depends on who exactly you looking for. What's their name? " he said towards Yuugi as he placed his car in park.

" I — I'm looking for a man by the name of— Yaami? " Yuugi said somewhat hesitantly. He raised an eyebrow his phone still out on the directions that he was suppose to go in.

The male inside the car lowered his eyebrows, and his tone in a way. Once he heard the name. He got more curious in a sense and continued to question Yuugi.

" what do you want with Yaami? " the man replied.

At this point Yuugi knew he had to be in the right location, the way he was coming off. The man almost sounded like he was his father. Which only made this more awkward and wanting him to run away.

Yuugi felt his hands getting sweaty once again and felt his heart pounding through his chest. The hot Sun wasn't there this time, and the wind was making it more colder.

" He— he told me to come here. Something about— me working for him? " Yuugi commented back as that's the only thing he could really assume why.

The male in the car turned his eyes around back inside his vehicle and this time picked up a device. He used his headset to speak to someone, as he looked back at Yuugi.

" Yeah— I'm out here. I got a boy— here who said he's suppose to basically be expected. The boy's name is Yuugi— Yuugi Mut— oh? really, okay— right away then sir. " the man said over the device.

Once he finished he unlocked his car door and turned back to Yuugi. " Get in. I'll take you inside. " he told him. Yuugi got fragile and he was quick to move before things for more weird.

He opened the door and got inside the man's vehicle. Closing it behind him, the man opened the gates by pressing a button in his car.

He drove up the hill through the long driveway, and went straight towards the entrance of the mansion. Continuing pass the waterfalls, that was within the nicely cut grass.