" Unfortunately master, Yaami Sennen isn't home right now. So I shall be showing you, your quarters, and what you shall be doing and need. " Ramsely has explained as he walked Yuugi down the hallway.
Yuugi in the back of his mind, hope that some way this was the right thing to do. He didn't want to leave Yaami for some weird reason.
Nevertheless, he would miss Honō greatly, but he wish to at least tell him, he'd be moving somewhere else. Although, with Honō not answering his phone it didn't look like that would be happening.
Yuugi continued to listen, as he then asked Ramsely questions related to such topics. " will I be able to get my stuff from home? " he asked.
" Master Yaami, will send someone to your home to bring you your belongings. Anything of value shall be locked away in your personal bedroom. " Ramsely told him.
" other matters, such as dressers, utilities, things that aren't nearly as important shall remain there. However, your clothes and shoes more personal belongings shall be coming here. " he told him.
They continued to walk the hall as he then press the eve Katie awaiting on it. Yuugi stood behind him, and asked another question.
" You said Monday through Friday I'd be here. What do you mean by that? " he asked confusingly.
" Monday through Friday you have things to do around the house. Whether if that's cleaning, pleasuring, walking the dogs, in the garden, etc.. " Ramsely said.
The elevator came down, as they both walk into it, and the golden doors close shut. They were headed to the fourth floor, as they were on the second floor.
" Saturday and Sunday's you shall then be out with master Sennen. Whether than be on a date, helping him with his shopping, or tending to his needs when he trains. "
" we do all of this work just for him? " Yuugi asked however it was more so a whisper.
Although Ramsely still heard it glancing down at Yuugi as he felt stupid. " sorry, I didn't mean too—"
" no. Just you. " he said giving Yuugi another serious tone expression.
Yuugi eyes widened, and couldn't believe what he just heard. What did Ramsely mean ' just you ' Yuugi said repeatedly in his mind.
They soon arrived to another room, with double white doors, as he opened it up. " This is your room. " he told Yuugi. The shorter male walked inside admiring the things he saw.
Everything seemed so expensive and had multiple dressers, drapes, bookshelves and two flat screen gigantic TVs. " This—this is my room? " Yuugi asked softly to himself.
He touched the items he saw, where there was jewelers on the shelves, and along inside the dressers the same. He also had a walk inside closet, with multiple outfits to choose from.
Yuugi turned back at Ramsely as he then grab the remote to press a button. They automatically opened the curtains, as well as flip on the blinds, and the air conditioner.
Yuugi thought he must've been in a hotel, this place felt like it was ten stars! He couldn't feel, or grasp this all at once as he just looked around in amazement.
" Use this to open up the air and curtains. The other remotes are for the TVs and your hot tub that's in the bathroom. " he added to him. Yuugi looked at us bathroom, as they were mirror walls, and floors as well as a tell plated railings for the showers.
He looked down at his own floor and saw the marble plated tiles that matched with the wall designs. He sighed with relief about how he could stay in his room for every minute.
" A mini kitchen, and small fridge for any snacks you wish to eat. The kitchen is full accessible to use for you. You do not need to ask to eat, bath, or change clothes. However, sometimes master Sennen shall wish for you to wear something he wants so your maids shall come and clean you. "
Yuugi nodded to Ramsely's rules and things, as he was understanding more about being his partner. It seemed that he gotten better treatment than the rest, for as it looked that way for now.
" Thank you so much Ramsely, for showing me everything. " Yuugi said as he smiled Ramsely, bowed and then walked towards the door. " I shall leave you to yourself for an hour. Get settled in and everything. "
" I than shall be back, as master Sennen will be home by then. I will send someone to come and get you. Would you like the men to go and retrieve your items from the house tomorrow? " he asked Yuugi.
" yes please. " Yuugi said looking at him as he stood by his window with the remote in hand. Ramsely nodded and then gently closed his door back as Yuugi stood and exhaled.
He tried to calm down as his entire heart was pounding loudly and through his chest. Yuugi was fighting with himself, one way and the other. He felt he was naive for making this decision.
On the other hand he believed that he didn't wish to leave his side. He however wanted to know the reason of why he felt this way.
Whenever Yaami spoke it was so seductively and charming. It could melt a woman's clothing off, if he gave you a delicious look.
Although when his personality of control freak an meanness came out it turned him off. It made you go cold, and sent chills up your spine by looking at him.
It was as if he was trying to close off any feelings he had for anybody. As if he was trying not to allow someone to know the real him. It was driving Yuugi insane all these questions.
He fell down on his bed, and immediately took out his phone again. He went through contacts and looked to see Honō's name.
He pressed it and allowed the phone to continue to ring, he wished that Honō would pick up by now. It was already going on 9pm.
While he laid there he thought about the conversation both him and Yaami had. ' understand Yuugi that, what I do is never to try and hurt you. ' Yuugi closed his eyelids and sighed.
He felt he couldn't believe that because, he didn't see it. If he didn't wish to hurt him, then why was he acting this way. He started to think of the other things he told him.
' I was lonely, I was tired of being around maids and butlers. When you're alone, one must adapt to new things. ' perhaps this was Yaami's hobby his ideal way of showing some interest in new things.
' You are different, when you told me about your job and your life. I felt you were unsatisfied so I wanted to help. '
' You remind me of ... someone... special to me. Someone who use to be my partner, but than died before it was official between us. '
' My personality has always been cold , nonchalant and distant. I've grown into that. '
Yuugi placed the phone back down on his chest and looked up at the ceiling. Watching the ceiling fan rotate again and again. All this remembering was making him dizzy.
Yaami's way of speaking how he handle things it was all to bizarre. It was completely crazy and it just made Yuugi annoyed more.
He wondered how long he's been this way, was it after he lost his partner? Was it at birth? Did something happen to him at a young age?
He felt the more he was knowing, the more lost he gotten. The more questions, and feelings continued to be confusing. He slowly sat back up and heard his phone ringing.
He check to see it was Honō and immediately answered it. " Honō! Honō! Oh my gosh I've been trying to reach for you all day! Are you okay!? " he asked in a panic state.
It was silence for a moment, and then more noises in the background. Just then a small toned Honō responded as he didn't seem to be stressed.
" Huh? You have? Sorry, I've been busy today, after you left, I had got worried and I needed to try and get my mind off of you. So I decided to head back home. " Honō explained.
" What—- you—you are back home.... ? " Yuugi questioned softly.
" Well, yeah I wanted to see my girlfriend. I missed her. Besides, I figured you'd be gone all day, I mean it's obvious you like that Yaami guy. " he said chuckling.
Yuugi blushes and got upset at the same time.
" I do not! — he's— a mean person.. "
" okay..."
" okay? So that means I don't wanna date someone who's an ass to someone. I mean I've learned some things about him, but he's still overall a crappy personality bot. " Yuugi said chuckling.
" Maybe you can change him, you always have that ' touch ' on people. " Honō said smiling.
" I—I guess so but he's so stuck up, he's stubborn. I think he might be a control freak... " Yuugi whispered softly.
" eh, all the more mere to be his sexy baby... " Honō said laughing. Yuugi blushing again, and yelled at Honō as he continued to laugh.
The two continued to converse when a knock on Yuugi's door happened. Yuugi sat up from the bed as he was laying upside down on it. He turned over and shouted. " yes? "
" it's your lover... " Honō spoke laughing a little.
" shut up. " he said as he told him to hold on as he walked towards the doors.
He opened one up and saw it was Ramsely, as Yuugi was surprised for a moment. " Did I wake you? " Ramsely asked.
" Huh? Oh! N—no, I was—just on the phone. " Yuugi told him. " The master is awaiting you now. Please go see him. " he told yuugi.
Yuugi nodded and then turned towards his phone. " Look Honō I have to go now. But imma miss you, thank you for everything you've done for me. I'll try and call you when I can. He told Honō.
Honō said a few things as they two hung up with their conversation. Yuugi then took a deep breathe and nodded to Ramsely.
" Alright let's go. " he said towards him, and the two started to walk towards Yaami's work office.