Chapter 26

Yuugi laid in the bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing back and forth between what Yaami had said towards him.

Never seeing the male look with such mean and deadly aggression. That moment replaying again and again in his mind.

The most important remark however, that stuck out towards Yuugi was Yaami mentioning that he didn't know him. It almost was like it hurt Yuugi hearing that.

Not only for himself, but also for Yaami as well. He felt like a fool, and wondering why he even was here. This was that same feeling when he first arrived.

It was just something about Yaami, that made Yuugi continually want to be around him. Regardless, of what he said or did, that attraction was still there.

Yuugi closed his eyelids, briefly almost like a long extended blink. He thought about his best friend Honō and how he wish he were here.

He could use some friendship advice, something that was comforting. However, he hadn't spoken towards him in so long, and truthfully he didn't know what he should say.

Yuugi had cried mainly out of fear, and fear for his life, and all the things that most likely happened around here. Yaami was to calm about the ordeal, at least Yuugi thought so.

Although these were based off assumptions, and that was it. He didn't like assuming things about people, and what's more— no one here was against their will.

They all seemed okay with whatever happened, as if it wasn't the biggest issue. The real issue was the outside world, and the world around them.

Although they all lived in Japan, Japan wasn't the most friendliest and safest. So many crimes happened in the last couple of months, along with many riots around the cities.

It seemed as though that Yuugi felt no safer out there than in here, so what was the difference. The male would gradually sit up, holding his hands together.

He didn't wish to make trouble for anyone, and it was true he didn't know Daisy. However, Yuugi didn't care about that— because he was always trying to look out for others.

At least, he believed so, he didn't realize how fast he turned on Rebecca as well. It seemed as much as Yuugi wanted to believe he was a peacemaker all the time.

In reality, he was similar towards a lot of others than he thought. He just felt he was better than most people in the ' kindness ' aspect about individuals.

Besides where else would Yuugi go? He lost his apartment most likely by now, and the last time he tried to be out on his own, it felt as though he was eye candy to the world.

It was no wonder why he wanted to kill himself those many months ago. He assumed no one would care anyways, and perhaps that's why he felt badly for Daisy.

It was relatable, when knowing how it feels to be trapped. To feel like you have no way out, other than taking yourself out first. Though one thing was for certain.

Yuugi couldn't shake the feeling of what Daisy had said before she died. About how serious Yaami could become, and why was she so afraid of being punished? What were the punishments ?

Is that what she meant about his seriousness? The fact that he can become scary when he's angry at someone ? That he doesn't like being told what to do?

It sounded almost too simple, but also sounded like that might be right. He must've been someone who doesn't like being told how and what he should do.

Based off what he said towards Yuugi he seemed accurate. After a few seconds of silence, the male would lean over and check the clock.

It was now Saturday, and after a very long, tiring and death defiant Friday, Yuugi could use some peace and quiet. He didn't know where everyone else was and didn't care.

He wanted to be alone, and isolated, the usual typical feelings. Although, that wasn't going to last, as he heard a knock on the door.

With a heavy heart, the male told the individual to go away, as the other person at the door insisted they come inside and speak. It sounded like a female, so Yuugi was relived a bit.

" .... Come in.. " Yuugi reluctantly answered.

The door swung open, as a maid entered his room with what seemed like dry cleaning clothings.

Yuugi having laid on the bed spread, as his head was dangling off the edge of the bed. He was watching the maid upside down.

" Hello, Mr. Mutou, I am lady C. " she calmly explained with a small bow.

Yuugi sighed, seeing her do so.

" .... Oh yeah.... And let me guess... I have duties now.. to clean .. " Yuugi remarked a bit out of it with his own thoughts.

Lady C arched a brow.

" ... Hm? " she would ask of him.

Yuugi closed his orbs briefly before flipping around on his stomach and slowly leaning back up to sit. " I'm saying that Master Yaami told you to come in and give me chores to do. "

" No. " she would reply.

" ... O.. oh? ... Well ... then what's— "

" Master Yaami has told me to tell you— you shall be having dinner with him tonight at 6pm. He said these are the clothes you will be wearing— and I am to assist you. " she proclaimed.

Yuugi orbs widened a bit.

" ... Wh.. what... dinner... ? " Yuugi asked softly, almost confused as well. Lady C continuing to look at the male as she walked in all the way.

" ... I .. I don't — "

" It's Saturday, I'm sure you've read your contract about having dinners with Master Yaami on Saturday's and Sunday's. "

" Well yes! But — but I thought— " Yuugi was fumbling around to say as his orbs was darting between himself and the sheets.

" Good. Then you will pick out one of these outfits to wear tonight. I would advise against being late to the dinner— so I would make sure you are ready two hours in advance. " C told him.

After she told him this the woman would sit down the items and head for the door, as Yuugi would leap up from the bed.

" Hey! W— wait ! " he motioned with his hand as Lady C would slowly turn around and blink.

" I — sorry, it's just that— is that it? There's — nothing else.... " Yuugi would ask.

" ... H.. Huh? Nothing else? " she would puzzlingly reply.

" It's just that— well— dinner is just such a long way from now, what am I supposed to do today? " Yuugi said taking his fingers and poking them together.

Lady C would turn all the way around, keeping her hands placed directly in front of her. She would smile and shrug towards him a bit.

" As you wish, Mr. Mutou. " Lady C replied.

" .. Hm? "

" Your Saturday's and Sunday's are what you want them to be, unless Master Yaami gives orders to you directly to do. Otherwise, much like the rest of the workers— you may go and do what you like. "

" However, I would advise you to not to go on dates. That is the only rule Master Yaami has specifically for you. " Lady C finished explaining her tone a bit more mild.

' ..... Figures... ' Yuugi would think in a ponder, as his facial features show that a bit on the outside.

" So... I can leave the mansion and .. go in town and things like that? " Yuugi asked.

" Correct. " Lady C replied.

" I see. " Yuugi also replied.

" Although, I would also strongly recommend that you do not stay out past 10pm, if you have a weekend where you and Master Yaami don't meet and do anything. " C would also tell him.

This sparked Yuugi's interest a bit as he tilted his head a bit.

" Oh? Is that also a rule. "

" Correct. " Lady C told him.

" Master Yaami makes the mansion lock down after 10pm. Meaning anyone whom is not in the mansion after said time is prohibited from entering. "

" In addition, you may be penalized for being out after 10pm, and will not be able to come back until Monday morning, at 9am. "

" This rule is in place — because in the past Master Yaami has allowed the workers the leniency to come back at any time, and that turned bad very quickly. " C finished telling Yuugi.

Yuugi nodding and listening to her as the two spoke in his room. Standing away from one another, as Yuugi looked at the outfits on the chair.

" I guess that makes sense.... it's unfortunate others ruined that opportunity for others. " Yuugi would say lost in his own mind.

" Agreed. " C would tell him as she turned around once more and headed for the door.

" If that shall be all. I have duties I need to attend to, Mr. Mutou. "

Yuugi blinking as his hair swayed with his head, realizing she needed to leave.

" I — ah, yes— sorry— mm that will be all, thank you, and thank you for explaining these things to me. I won't disappoint Master Sennen. " Yuugi told her.

Without another word Lady C walked out the room, her long blonde hair being the last thing Yuugi saw before the doors closed behind her.

Immediately Yuugi looked back at the clothes on the chair and closed his orbs briefly lost in his trans once again.

' Well.... I won't be able to stay out very long anyhow—- I have a dinner date with Yaami.... So I'll only be able to stay out until 4pm... mmm maybe not even that. ' he pondered.

' Welp... I guess it's better than staying in this messed up place for much longer. But— I shouldn't be too harsh... after all— Yaami's right about one thing. I don't know him very well.. '

' So I shouldn't judge as quickly as I'm being.... What's worse is that I haven't spoken to him since that time.... Ooo man... this dinner is going to be awkward... ' Yuugi continued to think.

Yuugi sighed and eventually decided he'd head out for the day and grab some time alone. It was better than doing nothing and wondering about the what if's.

After showering, and getting himself together completely, Yuugi headed for the front doors of the mansion and out the door completely.

Taking in the fresh air, breeze and calm trees around him. He felt like he hadn't been outside and forever.

He was wearing his casual clothes, and also looked like a male. He didn't like his work attire, so it was nice to slap on some long pants this time around.

Yuugi had approached one of the guards and stated that he'd be heading into town today. The guard nodded and helped him get out the gate along with taking him in one of the vehicles.

Since he was Yaami's special servant, the guards would help Yuugi get to the places he wanted to go. What's more— there wasn't any bus routes that went into their neighborhood.

Yuugi nodded and allowed the guard to take him into town, wondering about all the things he'd plan to do when he arrived there.