Overkut Saga the king of the beginning

Chapter 1.

I am one of the chosen ones.

"If I had known all this was going to happen... I would have never played that game from the beginning"

In a war field there was a soldier hiding inside a house in ruins, the soldier was reloading his weapon, a Desert Eagle, the soldier checked how many bullets and how many rounds of ammunition he had left.

-Shit (said the soldier angrily) I only have three rounds of ammunition for this weapon and I almost don't have any of the other one, and time isn't up yet.

Footsteps are heard inside the house, the soldier reloaded the weapon and went to the door, put his back to the wall and carefully checked how many people had entered and counted three soldiers in the kitchen, four in the living room and two at the front door.

The soldier pulled out a gas grenade from his bag and threw it. The other soldiers got scared and shot towards where the smoke screen was coming from, but they were unable to hit anything. They were on alert for any attack with their weapons in hand. One of the soldiers heard someone's body fall to his right. He aimed to his right and walked slowly until he stepped on the body of one of his companions who was face up and had his neck cut.

-What the hell... happened? (said the terrified soldier, pointing around)

Shots could be heard in the kitchen, and screams of pain. The scared soldier ran towards the exit door, which was the one in front, but when he went out, he relaxed and felt his nose bleeding and then, he couldn't see well, he dropped the gun he had, knelt down and half of his head came off.

-Well, time is almost up and the boss hasn't come out yet, how bad (said the first soldier who had been cornered, who was outside the house reloading his weapon)

I shouldn't have put so many traps in the house.

-That's cheating, play well. How do you want to face the boss if you already killed him at the beginning of the game? A simple PVP. Why don't you play another game? (those words rang in the soldier's head)

-Please be quiet... Because I think the boss is there (said the soldier while looking at a two-meter tall giant who was holding a "mini gun").

The giant pointed the "mini gun" at the soldier who was on the roof of the house and fired, the soldier moved to his right and shot the giant but the bullets didn't hurt him. The soldier hid behind the rubble of a destroyed church.

-As I see, the "Boss" is holding a "mini gun", that weapon has two hundred bullets and has fifty in the magazine, it takes a long time to reload and cool down... (the soldier stuck his head out a little to look at the giant) What does bother me is his armor, I didn't make a single scratch with my "M4A1", if this continues as I imagine, this is going to take more than another two hours...

The giant pointed at the soldier and pulled the trigger, the soldier heard the "mini gun" as it was loading and reacted, he ran to his left, the giant shot and followed him with the gun firing a burst of bullets.

The soldier threw a grenade at the giant, when the grenade exploded the giant was blinded for a few seconds, the soldier continued running around the giant trying to dodge the bullets from the gun and when the gun ran out of bullets.

The soldier stopped with his left foot and pointed at the giant with his "M4A1" and fired a burst of bullets as he approached the giant when he ran out of bullets he threw the gun and took his "Desert Eagle" out of his pocket and continued shooting.

When the giant regained his sight, he grabbed the "mini gun" tightly and slammed it against the ground, the soldier jumped, but the giant dropped the gun and spun around with his serrated fist to hit the soldier.

The soldier dropped his gun and put his hand on the giant's fist to push himself up and stood on top of him. In the giant's hand he grabbed a knife he had in his pants and ran towards the giant's head and stabbed it into the giant's right eye. The giant screamed in pain. The soldier, holding the knife that was still stuck in the giant's right eye, stood on his back and with all his strength pushed the knife towards him, causing it to cut half of the giant's face. The soldier let go and stepped back. The angry and pained giant grabs the "mini gun" and pulls the trigger, but it doesn't release a single bullet.

- Ha... You never reload it you idiot (said the soldier smiling)

- SHUT UP BASTARD! (The giant shouted angrily while reloading the "mini gun")

- So you can talk? Who would have thought... (the soldier grabbed his "Desert Eagle" and reloaded it) well what does it matter if I'm already down, time's up... So we're done with this quickly. (said the soldier with a dark smile and with the knife in front of him)

The giant pulled the trigger and a burst of bullets began to come out, the soldier ran forward of the giant while the bullets passed around him until one of them hit him in the right arm, but he didn't care and kept running towards the giant the bullets kept hitting around him, the soldier threw the knife in front of the giant hitting him in the center of the "mini gun" this making the "mini gun" not be able to spin and preventing me from shooting. The giant threw the weapon in front of him, the soldier grabbed momentum in his right leg and launched himself forward with more speed, dodging the mini gun and grabbed the knife and threw it in the other eye of the giant, the giant screamed in agony and when he tried to hit the front he felt a gun in his mouth.

- Goodbye trash... (said the soldier while he was holding the giant's neck with a leg lock and with the "Desert Eagle" in the giant's mouth).

The soldier fired a burst of bullets into the giant's mouth, this making the giant's body fall on its back and the soldier continued shooting.

- Die, Die, Die, this is what you get for killing me more than fifty-nine times you fucking SHIT Boss! (said the soldier while smiling)

-Congratulations winner number thirtieth of "Bullet war for death" (said a voice in the soldier's head).

The soldier drops the weapon and puts his left hand on his head, closes his eyes and raises his hand up.

- Buah (said the soldier with his eyes closed)

He opens his eyes and sees a white ceiling and he was lying on a bed, he sits in a corner of the bed and goes to a desk that was in front of the bed, he sat on a gamer chair and put on some headphones, turned on the computer and said.

-You saw that, I finished it in just three days ... and you saying that I couldn't finish it in three days ... what do you think I am?

Some messages came on the computer that said.

-It's not fair how you play it's very simple you let yourself be killed like thirteen times just to learn the enemies' movements.

-Yes, that's cheating, play fair.

-I never thought you'd be able to finish it.

- Yes, yes, whatever you say, I play like this because it's my strategy to know how they think and how they're going to act. What do you think? I'm going to win even if a boss doesn't know how he's going to attack me, I need to learn his combinations. (said the teenager who was playing the war game)

The teenager on the computer is Kobaru Vallecillo, he is 17 years old and is the soldier who was playing "Bullet war for death" which is a virtual reality war game, this game is banned in several countries for its excess of reality and its bloody scenes and its perception of the reality of pain, meaning that everything you feel in the game you will feel in real life, it is more for this reason that it was cancelled in several countries.

But well Kobaru is a Streamer but almost no one knows him for his desire to die in all the games just to learn the movement pattern of the enemies, and this makes those who follow him just a group of weirdos with an obsession with masochism.

-Well I think that's it for today's Stream, see you until the day after tomorrow since I think that tomorrow I will not record because I do not have a single game to play at the moment. (Kobaru said while drinking water from a bottle)

-So, you weren't one of the chosen ones to try out the new game. (A person wrote).

-What message are they talking about? (Kobaru replied)

-The new game that a company created that just came out, not much is known about that company but the only thing that is known is about their game. You can search more about it on the internet. (One person wrote)

Kobaru took out his phone and went to a search page and asked the chat.

-What is the name of the game?

-It's called "The Tower of Agony" (The chat replied).

-Don't tell me it's a scary game, you know I'm scared of those games (Kobaru replied smiling while writing the name of the game on his phone)

-"Tower of Agony" let's see, it says:

"The Tower of Agony is a game of total investment where you can test your skills that you have in real life, this game is open world and with a variety of characters, weapons and skills do not think twice and be one of the chosen to begin this journey." It sounds interesting let's see what the scoop says: "When the demon king and his vassals were annihilated by a single person, the inhabitants of that world created a tower called "Tower of Agony" in that tower are all the demons and other races just so that the people who are chosen can conquer these towers and defeat the one who killed the demon king."

Kobaru turned off his phone and looked at the computer and said:

-Yes I'm being honest... I didn't understand a shit of what the game is about because it contradicts itself.

First it says that "The demon king was killed and all his vassals were killed by just one person" and then that the other people, that is, that the other races joined together to finish off the one who killed the demon king, and that is why they created a tower where the souls of those who died live just so that we the chosen ones can kill them, and after killing them, we must kill the one who killed the demon king.

What is that stupidity if the demon king is dead why am I going to kill the one who killed him.

 (Kobaru scratched his head and said) what does it matter just to please them if I am one of the chosen ones I will play it in Streaming so they suffer with me.

 Kobaru turned off all the Stream and went to take a shower, when he left the bathroom he went to the living room and on the table that was in the living room he saw a plate with food covered with plastic and a note that was next to it, which said.

"Heat it in the microwave before eating it because it has been out for two days and if you eat like that it might get heavy on you, and please stop playing for several days in a row because it can hurt you. Signed: Mom."

-Ha, I told this lady not to worry too much that it will hurt her. (Kobaru said smiling and grabbing the plate of food)

Kobaru went to the dining room and shouted loudly.


- I'M COMING! (Answered a young woman who was upstairs)

-I'M COMING! (Answered a young woman who was on the top floor)

The young woman came down the stairs wearing short light blue shorts and a large white shirt and had messy hair, she went to the dining room and sat on a chair.

 Kobaru gave her the plate of food that his mother had left on the table in the living room and he served himself another plate of food and sat down.

- Bon appetit (they both said).

-I didn't think you had already finished the game, that war game, especially since you put it on extreme difficulty just on your first time.

-Yes, I didn't think I would finish it so soon either, but don't be rude and eat in silence.

The two were eating until the young woman said.

-Brother, a package arrived yesterday.

-That's great and who sent it.

-It didn't have an address, it only had a name that said "Tower of Agony." (The young girl said as she took her first bite of her food)

-Wha... where's the package!? (Kobaru said surprised and putting his hands on the table)

-Don't yell at me, it's on the table in my room.

-Thanks, you can finish my food if you want Fergie. (Kobaru said as he went to his sister's room).

-What bug got into you now? (Fergie looked at her food and took another bite)

Why does it taste like the rice is bad and the beans are white? What does it matter if I don't eat it later, he'll get mad at me.

Kobaru was in his sister's room and grabbed the package that his sister had on her desk and took it to his room. He sat in his chair and opened the package and inside he had a disk, a total reversal helmet and a notebook that contained all the content about the monsters and bosses of the game, and about the skills and jobs of the characters that could be customized.

Kobaru took out his phone and took a picture of it and posted it in his "Discord" group saying that.

(Today at 10 pm, we will play the "Tower of Agony" game. I invite you to see our suffering) and sent it.

He continued to check the introduction notebook and on the last pages it said.

"Anyone who chooses a job will not be able to choose it for another person"

"There are still some errors in the game and it is possible that you will be erased from history and everything due to a system error but don't worry it will be fixed soon"

- How strange, I think this penalty means? that they will hack me and erase all my documents, leaving me as if I had never existed, this sounds like a terrorist game.

Well, what does it matter, it's six in the morning, I have to get ready to go to high school.

Kobaru put everything inside the box and put it on his desk and got ready to go to high school, he closed the door of his house and left with his sister but before going to high school he went to the elementary school to drop off his sister.

-Well, see you later brother (said Fergie while waving her hand up saying goodbye to her brother)

-What's strange? He hasn't arrived yet, he told me to meet him at the entrance.

-Kobaru, I'm sorry I'm late, I fell asleep! (said a teenager with long black hair with purple tips and her name was: Seremía Rodríguez.

-Don't worry, we'll go in, we're already late. (I said while smiling and heading inside the high school).

We were talking while we entered room six, three, we sat in our respective chairs, in front of me always sits my only friend from elementary school, he looked at me and said.

-Bro, these are the subjects we were studying these days that you didn't come. (She took some notebooks out of her bag and handed them to me.

-Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience. (I told her that, while I put the notebooks in my bag).

-One question Bro, were you chosen to play "The Tower of Agony" because I was chosen.

-Well yes, and I am thinking about playing it because of the errors it still has if only because of the problem it has in the system that is what worries me.

-Don't worry maybe it's just a glitch or a bug in the game so don't worry and we'll do it together.

-It's okay. (I told her while the school bell rang and the teacher came in).

As time went by, the first two hours we studied at nine we went out to the dining room, Seremía, me and Dixon who is my only friend, at nine forty we went into the classrooms and until three in the afternoon we left, I said goodbye to Dixon and Seremía went with me to my house.

When we arrived, my sister was already in the living room and greeted us. I went to my room and went to take a shower. Then, Seremía went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. When I finished, my mother had arrived, greeted us, and sat down in the living room. We started eating while we talked about what we had been through all day.

When we finished eating, I started washing the dishes and then I went to drop Seremía off at her house. After dropping her off at her house, I went to a supermarket and bought a six-pack of energy drinks and some bags of chiberias for the night.

I got home and prepared everything for the Stream. I closed the door to my room but before that I put a sign that said "Do not open." I waited for it to be ten to start the Stream and when it was already ten I started and made my usual greeting.

-Welcome everyone, my greatest subjects! Today we are here to start the game of "The Tower of Agony" and to start it we are going to wait a little longer so that the others arrive and they are not asking what I am doing while I am playing because afterwards it will distract me.

I stayed chatting with my chat until it was eleven, and I decided to play the game so I turned off my camera and connected the virtual reality headset that came in the game package since it said that it could be connected to the PC to record.

When I entered the game I was in a white room and in front of me there was a mirror and next to the mirror there was a character customization window.

 I spent some time deciding on the appearance of the character while I discussed with the chat about the weapon I was going to use and the character's specialty and in the end I decided to use a snake sword and specialize in vagabond.

-Well that will be all. The bad thing is that I couldn't choose a better specialty since it seems that the other people connected before...

I lowered the sale of specialties until I got to the ones that were already chosen

-He asked me who... He chose his "Demon King" I wanted to use it (I said with a sad voice) but well, what are you going to do to start it.

I pressed the "Play" button and it asked me to name the character and I decided to name him "Kobaru" and I clicked accept.

My whole vision became blurry, when my vision was composing I was perplexed and started laughing and my chat was just sending messages like flies one after another.




What I was witnessing was a tower or that was what I was seeing in front of me, what I did see was a door with a demon skull carved into the door and blood was coming out of the demon's eyes, the door was about four or five meters high, I tried to look up but I couldn't see the abyss, I relaxed and said.

-Well... Let's start the game...

In front of me a welcome window appeared that said.

-Welcome to the "Tower of Agony" from now on everything that happens in the game will be recorded for future improvements, that is: for future updates, in any case here we remind you that this game specializes in analyzing your physical and mental state to create your character's statistics so do you want to activate the statistics menu?

-Well yes (I said and the window changed to one where my character appeared and at the same time my statistics) Strength: ten, Agility: three, Intelligence: twelve, Weapon Edge: twelve, Dexterity: eight...

How bad I thought my strength would be more, but my level is: Thirty... That does surprise me I didn't think it would be so high, well let's continue.

I put my hands in front of the gate I pushed it in, I can say that it was hard to open because it was too heavy but I could when I opened it I entered a dark room, when I went inside, the door closed and some torches lit around the room and in the center of the room was a three meter beast its torso looked like a hippopotamus but it had hair on its back like a lion's mane, its legs were too big but they were fat, the head was that of a rhinoceros but it didn't have horns or eyes.

-W-What the hell is that? (I said with a trembling voice)

A window appeared from the game system that said.


You have met the boss "Hirnol" on the first floor of the "Tower of Agony" enemy level "ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN" difficulty "SUPER EASY" we wish you luck. And remember that everything you feel you will feel as if it were real, so be careful.

-Ha, but what stupidity... Who could kill such a boss just at the beginning of the game.

I was paralyzed by the fear that ran through my entire body and the chat only told me "Why didn't I do anything?" What they didn't know was that I was not only afraid of the beast's form but also, why I felt a thirst for blood in that room and I didn't know what to do.

But I relaxed and prepared for the fight.

-Let's get to it, evil beast!

I grabbed my snake sword preparing to attack but when I realized, I was already at the door of the tower, meaning I was at the beginning of the game.

When I reacted I felt an electric current around my body.

-B-But... W-What... Happened?

I dropped the weapon and tried to analyze what happened but the only thing I had concluded was.

-Maybe it happened... That the beast attacked me as soon as I unsheathed my sword.

But I don't understand or rather I don't know how it attacked me and at that speed it was surprising.


An emergency window appeared saying

"Level up"

This will happen every time the player dies on the first floors of this tower but on the fifth floor the tower will deny this permission and you can only play normally and you will level up every time you get experience killing each enemy, and you will have new skills with each level you go up these same skills will level up every time you use it"

-It was about time they told me how to level up but I think it's a little weird that I level up every time I die it will be a bag of the game so I will have to take advantage of it, I inhaled and exhaled and headed towards the door.

-Well this time I will die for a good lesson beast "Hirnol"!

I said while pointing at him with the sword.